Hello! I'm Ignacy, a DevOps enthusiast with a passion for automation, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices. My repositories mainly focus on practical implementations of these concepts, showcasing my skills and learning journey.
This project (when finished) will demonstrate a fully automated CI/CD pipeline for a Python Flask application. It highlights my skills in:
- Linux Administration
- Ansible for Configuration Management
- Terraform for Infrastructure as Code
- Jenkins for CI/CD Orchestration
- Docker for Containerization
- AWS for Cloud Deployment
This personal project involves using Docker and Docker Compose to self-host applications, including a private Nextcloud instance. It showcases my ability to set up and configure tools like Traefik for reverse proxying and Portainer for container management. This project demonstrates my skills in:
- Containerized Application Deployment
- Reverse Proxy Configuration with Traefik
- Docker Compose Management
- Cloud Deployment and Configuration
The repository includes various stages of deployment, from local setup to cloud-based configurations.
I’m Ignacy, a passionate learner and practitioner of Linux Administration, Linux Support, DevOps, and Cloud Operations. I am currently seeking a trainee or junior position to further develop my skills and contribute to innovative projects.
If you are a recruiter looking for a dedicated and enthusiastic candidate, please feel free to reach out!