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doc(Frobenius): add docs; tidy up a bit
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kbuzzard committed Jun 19, 2024
1 parent 7387fc3 commit 6fa83cb
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 42 deletions.
123 changes: 81 additions & 42 deletions FLT/for_mathlib/Frobenius2.lean
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Expand Up @@ -12,27 +12,58 @@ import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Cardinality
# Frobenius elements
Definition of Frob_Q ∈ Gal(L/K) where L/K is a finite Galois extension of number fields
and Q is a maximal ideal of the integers of L. In fact we work in sufficient generality
that the definition will also work in the function field over a finite field setting.
Frobenius elements in Galois groups.
## The proof
## Statement of the theorem
Say `L/K` is a finite Galois extension of number fields, with integer rings `B/A`,
and say `Q` is a maximal ideal of `B` dividing `P` of `A`. This file contains the
construction of an element `Frob Q` in `Gal(L/K)`, and a proof that
modulo `Q` it raises elements to the power `q := |A/P|`.
More generally, our theory works in the "ABKL" setting, with `B/A` a finite extension of
Dedekind domains, and the corresponding extension `L/K` of fields of fractions is
assumed finite and Galois. Given `Q/P` a compatible pair of maximal ideals, under the
assumption that `A/P` is a finite field of size `q`, we construct an element `Frob_Q`
in `Gal(L/K)` and prove:
1) `Frob_Q • Q = Q`;
2) `x ^ q ≡ Frob_Q x (mod Q)`.
Examples where these hypotheses hold are:
We follow a proof by Milne. Let B be the integers of L. The Galois orbit of Q consists of Q and
possibly various other maximal ideals Q'. We know (B/Q)ˣ is finite hence cyclic; choose a
generator g. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem we may choose y ∈ B which reduces to g mod Q and
to 0 modulo all other primes Q' in the Galois orbit of Q. The polynomial F = ∏ (X - σ y), the
product running over σ in the Galois group, is in B[X] and is Galois-stable so is in fact in A[X]
where A is the integers of K. If q denotes the size of A / (A ∩ Q) and if Fbar is F mod Q
then Fbar has coefficients in 𝔽_q and thus Fbar(y^q)=Fbar(y)^q=0, meaning that y^q is a root
of Fbar and thus congruent to σ y mod Q for some σ. This σ can be checked to have the following
1) Finite Galois extensions of number fields and their integers or `S`-integers;
2) Finite Galois extensions of function fields over finite fields, and their `S`-integers for
`S` a nonempty set of places;
3) Finite Galois extensions of finite fields L/K where B/A=L/K and Q/P=0/0 (recovering the
classical theory of Frobenius elements)
1) σ Q = Q
2) σ g = g^q mod Q
Note that if `Q` is ramified, there is more than one choice of `Frob_Q` which works;
for example if `L=ℚ(i)` and `K=ℚ` then both the identity and complex conjugation
work for `Frob Q` if `Q=(1+i)`, and `Frob` returns a random one (i.e. it's opaque; all we know
is that it satisfies the two properties).
and because g is a generator this means that σ is in fact the q'th power map mod Q, which
is what we want.
## The construction
We follow a proof in a footnote of a book by Milne. **TODO** which book
The Galois orbit of `Q` consists of `Q` and possibly some other primes `Q'`. The unit group
`(B/Q)ˣ` is finite and hence cyclic; so by the Chinese Remainder Theorem we may choose y ∈ B
which reduces to a generator mod Q and to 0 modulo all other Q' in the Galois orbit of Q.
The polynomial `F = ∏ (X - σ y)`, the product running over `σ` in the Galois group, is in `B[X]`
and is Galois-stable so is in fact in `A[X]`. Hence if `Fbar` is `F mod Q`
then `Fbar` has coefficients in `A/P=𝔽_q` and thus `Fbar(y^q)=Fbar(y)^q=0`, meaning that `y^q`
is a root of `F` mod `Q` and thus congruent to `σ y mod Q` for some `σ`. We define `Frob Q` to
be this `σ`.
## The proof
We know `σ y ≡ y ^ q ≠ 0 mod Q`. Hence `σ y ∉ Q`, and thus `y ∉ σ⁻¹ Q`. But `y ∈ Q'` for all nontrivial
conjugates `Q'` of `Q`, hence `σ⁻¹ Q = Q` and thus `Q` is `σ`-stable.
Hence `σ` induces a field automorphism of `B/Q` and we know it's `x ↦ x^q` on a generator,
so it's `x ↦ x^q` on everything.
## Note
Expand All @@ -41,6 +72,7 @@ This was Jou Glasheen's final project for Kevin Buzzard's Formalising Mathematic
variable (A : Type*) [CommRing A] {B : Type*} [CommRing B] [Algebra A B]

-- was Eric going to put this somewhere?
instance : MulDistribMulAction (B ≃ₐ[A] B) (Ideal B) where
smul σ I := Ideal.comap σ.symm I
one_smul I := I.comap_id
Expand All @@ -56,31 +88,31 @@ instance : MulDistribMulAction (B ≃ₐ[A] B) (Ideal B) where
exact Ideal.mul_mem_mul (Ideal.mem_comap.2 (by simp [hr])) (Ideal.mem_comap.2 <| by simp [hs])

Auxiliary lemma: if `Q` is a maximal ideal of a non-field Dedekind Domain `B` with a Galois action
and if `b ∈ B` then there's an element of `B` which is `b` mod `Q` and `0` modulo all the other
Galois conjugates of `Q`.
lemma DedekindDomain.exists_y [IsDedekindDomain B] (hB : ¬IsField B) [Fintype (B ≃ₐ[A] B)]
[DecidableEq (Ideal B)] (Q : Ideal B) [Q.IsMaximal] (b : B) : ∃ y : B,
y - b ∈ Q ∧ ∀ Q' : Ideal B, Q' ∈ MulAction.orbit (B ≃ₐ[A] B) Q → Q' ≠ Q → y ∈ Q' := by
let O : Set (Ideal B) := MulAction.orbit (B ≃ₐ[A] B) Q
have hO : O.Finite := Set.finite_range _
have hPrime : ∀ Q' ∈ hO.toFinset, Prime Q' := by
intro Q' hQ'
rw [Set.Finite.mem_toFinset] at hQ'
obtain ⟨σ, rfl⟩ := hQ'
apply (MulEquiv.prime_iff <| MulDistribMulAction.toMulEquiv (Ideal B) σ).mp
refine Q.prime_of_isPrime (Q.bot_lt_of_maximal hB).ne' ?_
apply Ideal.IsMaximal.isPrime inferInstance
obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := IsDedekindDomain.exists_forall_sub_mem_ideal (s := hO.toFinset) id (fun _ ↦ 1)
hPrime (fun _ _ _ _ ↦ id) (fun Q' ↦ if Q' = Q then b else 0)
simp only [Set.Finite.mem_toFinset, id_eq, pow_one] at hy
refine ⟨y, ?_, ?_⟩
· specialize hy Q ⟨1, by simp⟩
simpa only using hy
· rintro Q' ⟨σ, rfl⟩ hQ'
specialize hy (σ • Q) ⟨σ, by simp⟩
-- Auxiliary lemma: if `Q` is a maximal ideal of a non-field Dedekind Domain `B` with a Galois action
-- and if `b ∈ B` then there's an element of `B` which is `b` mod `Q` and `0` modulo all the other
-- Galois conjugates of `Q`.
-- -/
-- lemma DedekindDomain.exists_y [IsDedekindDomain B] [Fintype (B ≃ₐ[A] B)]
-- [DecidableEq (Ideal B)] (Q : Ideal B) [Q.IsMaximal] (b : B) : ∃ y : B,
-- y - b ∈ Q ∧ ∀ Q' : Ideal B, Q' ∈ MulAction.orbit (B ≃ₐ[A] B) Q → Q' ≠ Q → y ∈ Q' := by
-- let O : Set (Ideal B) := MulAction.orbit (B ≃ₐ[A] B) Q
-- have hO : O.Finite := Set.finite_range _
-- have hPrime : ∀ Q' ∈ hO.toFinset, Prime Q' := by
-- intro Q' hQ'
-- rw [Set.Finite.mem_toFinset] at hQ'
-- obtain ⟨σ, rfl⟩ := hQ'
-- apply (MulEquiv.prime_iff <| MulDistribMulAction.toMulEquiv (Ideal B) σ).mp
-- refine Q.prime_of_isPrime (Q.bot_lt_of_maximal hB).ne' ?_
-- apply Ideal.IsMaximal.isPrime inferInstance
-- obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := IsDedekindDomain.exists_forall_sub_mem_ideal (s := hO.toFinset) id (fun _ ↦ 1)
-- hPrime (fun _ _ _ _ ↦ id) (fun Q' ↦ if Q' = Q then b else 0)
-- simp only [Set.Finite.mem_toFinset, id_eq, pow_one] at hy
-- refine ⟨y, ?_, ?_
-- · specialize hy Q ⟨1, by simp⟩
-- simpa only using hy
-- · rintro Q' ⟨σ, rfl⟩ hQ'
-- specialize hy (σ • Q) ⟨σ, by simp⟩
-- simp_all

lemma exists_y [Fintype (B ≃ₐ[A] B)] [DecidableEq (Ideal B)] (Q : Ideal B) [Q.IsMaximal] (b : B) :
∃ y : B, y - b ∈ Q ∧ ∀ Q' : Ideal B, Q' ∈ MulAction.orbit (B ≃ₐ[A] B) Q → Q' ≠ Q → y ∈ Q' := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +236,13 @@ noncomputable abbrev mmodP := (m A Q isGalois).map (algebraMap A (A⧸P))

open scoped Polynomial

-- example (K : Type*) [Field K] [Fintype K] : ∃ p n : ℕ, p.Prime ∧ Fintype.card K = p ^ n ∧ CharP K p := by
-- obtain ⟨p, n, h₁, h₂⟩ := FiniteField.card' K
-- refine ⟨p, n.val, h₁, h₂, ?_⟩
-- have : (p ^ n.val : K) = 0 := mod_cast h₂ ▸ Nat.cast_card_eq_zero K
-- rw [CharP.charP_iff_prime_eq_zero h₁]
-- simpa only [ne_eq, PNat.ne_zero, not_false_eq_true, pow_eq_zero_iff] using this

-- mathlib
lemma bar (k : Type*) [Field k] [Fintype k] : ∃ n : ℕ, ringExpChar k ^ n = Fintype.card k := by
Expand Down

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