Ansible roles to deploy Informatics Matters infrastructure components (a database, keycloak and AWX) to Kubernetes.
You'll find documentation written using Sphinx in the doc
Refer to the Sphinx primer for a quick cheat sheet of Sphinx formatting style
Most of this material relates to configuring Kubernetes clusters that
have been provisioned. For documentation relating to (some) cluster
provisioning refer to the provisioning/
The cinder provisioner is a 'work in progress' formed from Helm templates taken from the cloud-provider-openstack repository. The release used as a basis of the templates was openstack-cinder-csi-1.1.2.
The NFS provisioner is formed from Helm templates taken from the nfs-subdir-external-provisioner repository.
The source of the documentation can be found in the project's
directory. To build the HTML version of the documentation install
the build requirements and then move to the doc
directory and execute
: -
sphinx-build -b html doc doc/build
The resultant index page will be called doc/build/index.html
The build directory is currently excluded by the project's