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The open-source RChain project is building a decentralized, economic, censorship-resistant, public compute infrastructure and blockchain. It will host and execute programs popularly referred to as “smart contracts”. It will be trustworthy, scalable, concurrent, with proof-of-stake consensus and content delivery.

RChain Developer features project-related tutorials and documentation, project planning information, events calendar, and information for how to engage with this project.

Building and running

Pre-release versions of the RChain software are now available. We plan to launch the full platform in Q4 of 2018.

Note Successfully building from source requires attending to all of the prerequisites shown below. When users experience errors, it is typically related to failure to assure all prerequisites are met. Work is in progress to improve this experience.

Running from Docker

Assuming you have Docker running on your system, use the following pull command to run the latest version of RNode in Docker 'docker pull rchain/rnode:latest`

Building and running from source


  • Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8. We recommend using the OpenJDK
  • sbt
  • For crypto, the Sodium crypto library
  • For Rholang
    • CUP 0.11b-2014-06-11 or later. See Rholang README for notes on installation requirements.
    • jflex
    • Build BNFC from the following commit or later: BNFC/bnfc@7c9e859. Use the installation command cabal install bnfc --global.

Building and running

Building some of the subprojects is just a matter of sbt compile, however some (like rholang or crypto) require extra steps to build. See of each subproject for details.

Once you can build each subproject individually, run sbt node/assembly to build an executable. The assembled jar will be available under ./node/target/scala-2.12/rnode-assembly-x.y.z.jar


sbt:rchain> node/assembly
[info] Including: JLex.jar
[info] Including: log4s_2.12-1.4.0.jar
[info] Including: java-cup-11b-runtime.jar


[info] SHA-1: bd4471642bb340c8b1fc0571fc614902c5bafbb2
[info] Packaging /Users/rabbit/projects/rchain/node/target/scala-2.12/rnode-assembly-0.1.3.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 25 s, completed Mar 26, 2018 3:36:09 PM

Information for developers

Assure prerequisites shown above are met.

If cross-developing for Linux (e.g. Ubuntu) on a Mac

You will need a virtual machine running the appropriate version of Linux.

  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install the Linux distribution you need (e.g. Ubuntu)
  3. Start VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine in the manager
  4. Boot your virtual machine using the Linux distribution ISO installed in step 2.
  5. Configure your Linux VM as desired. You may need to install additional tools sucah as g++, g++-multilib, make, git, etc.

For a more convenient experience, you can share a folder on your Mac with the virtual machine. To do this you will need to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions. Unfortunately there are some gotchas with this. You may need to utilize one of these solutions.

Developer Quick-Start

When working in a single project, scope all sbt commands to that project. The most effective way is to maintain a running sbt instance, invoked from the project root:

$ sbt
[info] Loading settings from plugins.sbt ...
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/kirkwood/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] Loading settings from plugins.sbt,protoc.sbt ...
[info] Loading project definition from /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/project
[info] Loading settings from build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to rchain (in build file:/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/)
[info] sbt server started at local:///home/kirkwood/.sbt/1.0/server/e6a65c30ec6e52272d3a/sock
sbt:rchain> project rspace
[info] Set current project to rspace (in build file:/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/)
sbt:rspace> compile
[... compiling rspace ...]

but single-line commands work, too:

$ sbt "project rspace" clean compile test


$ sbt rspace/clean rspace/compile rspace/test


The build is organized into several, mostly autonomous projects. These projects may be built (and used!) on their own, or they may be combined together to form the full node package. The build process in any case is contained in and controlled by a single, top-level build.sbt file. This process is able to produce several different kinds of artifacts, including JAR files (for Scala) and Docker images.

The most up-to-date code is found in the dev branch. This brilliant, cutting-edge source is periodically merged into master, which branch should represent a more stable, tested version.


The available subprojects may be listed by sbt:

sbt:rchain> projects
[info] In file:/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/
[info] 	   comm
[info] 	   node
[info] 	 * rchain
[info] 	   rholang
[info] 	   roscala
[info] 	   roscala_macros
[info] 	   rspace

In most cases, simply building the project you care about is enough:

sbt:rchain> rspace/compile
[info] Updating rspace...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 3 protobuf files to /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] Compiling schema /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Block.proto
[info] Compiling schema /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/SystemContract.proto
[info] Compiling schema /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Contract.proto
protoc-jar: protoc version: 340, detected platform: linux/amd64
protoc-jar: executing: [/tmp/protocjar6602275461596807284/bin/protoc.exe, --plugin=protoc-gen-scala=/tmp/protocbridge191927131554276550, --scala_out=flat_package,grpc:/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main, -I/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf, -I/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/protobuf_external, /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Block.proto, /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/SystemContract.proto, /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Contract.proto]
[info] Compiling protobuf
[info] Protoc target directory: /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] Compiling 18 Scala sources to /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[info] Done compiling.
[success] Total time: 12 s, completed Feb 13, 2018 3:13:28 PM

To work entirely within one of the subprojects, it's easy to keep a running sbt console up, and switch into the project. All subsequent commands are scoped to that subproject:

sbt:rchain> project rspace
[info] Set current project to rspace (in build file:/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/)
sbt:rspace> compile
[info] Updating ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 3 protobuf files to /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] Compiling schema /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Block.proto
[info] Compiling schema /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/SystemContract.proto
[info] Compiling schema /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Contract.proto
protoc-jar: protoc version: 340, detected platform: linux/amd64
protoc-jar: executing: [/tmp/protocjar9042295252462121263/bin/protoc.exe, --plugin=protoc-gen-scala=/tmp/protocbridge4033649966837455863, --scala_out=flat_package,grpc:/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main, -I/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf, -I/home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/protobuf_external, /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Block.proto, /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/SystemContract.proto, /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/src/main/protobuf/Contract.proto]
[info] Compiling protobuf
[info] Protoc target directory: /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] Compiling 18 Scala sources to /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[info] Done compiling.
[success] Total time: 9 s, completed Feb 13, 2018 4:35:05 PM
sbt:rspace> test
[info] Packaging /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/rspace_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Compiling 6 Scala sources to /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/test-classes ...
[info] Done compiling.
[info] Packaging /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rspace/target/scala-2.12/rspace_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] MultiplierUnitTests:
[info] Multiplier tryParse
[info] - should work
[... eyerollingly thorough test output snipped...]
[success] Total time: 7 s, completed Feb 13, 2018 4:35:13 PM

Whole-project Build

Everything that can be stitched together can be done so with the node project. sbt will even make a Docker image you can run. A single-line build command that does the trick is

<computer:~/src/rchain (dev)> sbt clean bnfc:clean bnfc:generate compile docker
[... tons of output snipped ...]
[info] Step 5/5 : ENTRYPOINT ["\/bin\/"]
[info]  ---> Running in 015ae98a7ea7
[info] Removing intermediate container 015ae98a7ea7
[info]  ---> 33341b27ac61
[info] Successfully built 33341b27ac61
[info] Tagging image 33341b27ac61 with name: coop.rchain/coop.rchain-node:latest
[info] Tagging image 33341b27ac61 with name: coop.rchain/coop.rchain-node:v0.1
[success] Total time: 9 s, completed Feb 14, 2018 7:47:59 AM


Invoking the above Docker image is simple enough:

<computer:~/src/rchain (dev)> docker run -ti coop.rchain/coop.rchain-node:latest
15:49:21.363 [main] INFO main - uPnP: Some(/ -> Some(
15:49:21.497 [main] INFO main - Listening for traffic on #{Network rnode://[email protected]:30304}.
15:49:21.500 [main] INFO main - Bootstrapping from #{PeerNode 0f365f1016a54747b384b386b8e85352}.
15:49:21.500 [main] DEBUG p2p - connect(): Connecting to #{PeerNode 0f365f1016a54747b384b386b8e85352}
15:49:21.826 [main] DEBUG p2p - connect(): Received encryption handshake response from #{PeerNode 0f365f1016a54747b384b386b8e85352}.
15:49:21.868 [main] DEBUG p2p - connect(): Received protocol handshake response from #{PeerNode 0f365f1016a54747b384b386b8e85352}.
15:49:25.715 [Thread-2] INFO p2p - Responded to encryption handshake request from #{PeerNode bfa3c0b9d9ce4f30adc2e17979f93285}.
15:49:25.882 [Thread-2] INFO p2p - Responded to protocol handshake request from #{PeerNode bfa3c0b9d9ce4f30adc2e17979f93285}.
15:49:26.974 [main] INFO main - Possibly new peer: #{PeerNode c12882b563fa47c9af297ce952ef7d94}.
15:49:26.974 [main] DEBUG p2p - connect(): Connecting to #{PeerNode c12882b563fa47c9af297ce952ef7d94}

In order to use both the peer-to-peer network and REPL cabailities of the node, you must run more than one Docker Rnode on the same host, the containers need to be connected to one user-defined network bridge:

> docker network create rnode-net

> docker run -dit --name rnode0 --network rnode-net coop.rchain/rnode:latest -s

> docker run -it --name rnode-repl --network rnode-net coop.rchain/rnode:latest --grpc-host rnode0 -r

Each scoped build is as similar to the original, per-project build process as possible, so assemblies should be produced in the same way as before:

<computer:~/src/rchain (dev)> sbt "project rholang" assembly
[info] Loading settings from plugins.sbt ...
[... compiling, testing, jarring ...]
[info] Packaging /home/kirkwood/src/rchain/rholang/target/scala-2.12/rholang-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
<computer:~/src/rchain (dev)> rholang/rho2rbl rholang/examples/hello_world_again.rho 
compiled rholang/examples/hello_world_again.rho to rholang/examples/hello_world_again.rbl
<computer:~/src/rchain (dev)> cat rholang/examples/hello_world_again.rbl; echo
(let [[helloworld (generateFresh "helloworld")]] (block ( (proc [] (run (compile (let [[[[Rholanga4716fe347be]] (consume t [helloworld] [['world]] #t)]] ( (proc [[world]] (let [[[Rholang5401f0efc120] (consume t [world] ['msg] #f)]] ( (proc [[[msg]]] ( display msg "
")) [Rholang5401f0efc120]))) [Rholanga4716fe347be])))))) (let [[world (generateFresh "world")] [world2 (generateFresh "world2")]] (block (block (block (produce t helloworld world) (produce t world "Hello World")) (produce t helloworld world2)) (produce t world2 "Hello World again")))))
<computer:~/src/rchain (dev)> 

Description of subprojects


The comm subproject contains code for network related operations for RChain.


The rholang subproject contains compiler related code for the Rholang language.


The roscala subproject contains a Scala translation of the Rosette VM.


The rosette subproject contains code for a low level virtual machine for RChain.


The rspace subproject contains code related to the key-value storage of the RChain blockchain.

Caveats and filing issues


During this pre-release phase of the RChain software, there are some known issues.

Filing Issues

File issues in our Public Jira Instance: File a bug


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published


  • Scala 38.4%
  • C++ 32.6%
  • PostScript 10.9%
  • C 10.7%
  • Makefile 3.8%
  • Shell 1.0%
  • Other 2.6%