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Iterable SDK for interacting with the Iterable API to implement inside JavaScript and Node projects


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Iterable's Web SDK

Iterable is a growth-marketing platform that helps you to create better experiences for—and deeper relationships with—your customers. Use it to send customized email, SMS, push notification, in-app message, embedded message, and web push notification campaigns to your customers.

This SDK helps you integrate your web apps with Iterable.

Table of contents

Other documentation

This document contains reference information about the Web SDK. For other information, please see:

Using the SDK

In general, to use the SDK, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. In Iterable, create a JWT-enabled, web API key. The SDK can use this key to authenticate with Iterable's API endpoints. This will ensure the SDK has access to all the necessary. Save the API key and its associated JWT secret, since you'll need them both.

  2. Work with your Engineering team to create a web service the SDK can call to fetch a valid JWT token for the signed-in user. To learn more about how to do this, read JWT-Enabled API Keys.

  3. Install the SDK in your web app.

  4. Use the API key to initialize the SDK, as described in initialize and initializeWithConfig. When you initialize the SDK, pass in a method that can call the web service (created in step 2) to fetch a valid JWT token for the signed-in user.

  5. To identify the user to the SDK, call setEmail or setUserID (returned by initialize or initializeWithConfig). The SDK uses the user's email or userId to fetch a valid JWT token from your server.

  6. After the SDK successfully sets the user's email or userId and the SDK fetches a JWT token, you can make API requests to Iterable. For example, you can call track to track events, or getInAppMessages to fetch in-app messages, etc. Other methods are described below.


To install the SDK, use Yarn, npm, or a script tag:

  • npm

    npm install @iterable/web-sdk
  • Yarn

    yarn add @iterable/web-sdk
  • script tag

    <script src=""></script>


Iterable's Web SDK exposes the following functions, which you can use in your website code.

For information about the data the SDK sends and receives when making calls to Iterable's API, see the API Overview.

Method Name Description
filterHiddenInAppMessages From an array of passed-in in-app messages, filters out messages that have already been read, messages that should not be displayed, and messages that only contain JSON data.
filterOnlyReadAndNeverTriggerMessages From an array of passed-in in-app messages, filters out messages that have already been read and messages that should not be displayed.
getInAppMessages Fetches in-app messages by calling GET /api/inApp/getMessages.
initialize Initializes the SDK with an API key and a JWT refresh method. Returns methods you can use to identify the current user, work with JWT tokens, and log the user out (see WithJWT).
initializeWithConfig Similar to initialize, but also takes a set of configuration options as a parameter. Returns methods you can use to identify the current user, work with JWT tokens, and log the user out (see WithJWT).
IterableEmbeddedCard Returns a string of the HTML for an out-of-the-box card view for an embedded message.
IterableEmbeddedBanner Returns a string of the HTML for an out-of-the-box banner view for an embedded message.
IterableEmbeddedNotification Returns a string of the HTML for an out-of-the-box notification view for an embedded message.
sortInAppMessages Sorts an array of in-app messages by priority, and then creation date.
track Tracks a custom event by calling POST /api/events/track.
trackEmbeddedClick Tracks an embeddedClick event by calling POST /api/embedded-messaging/events/click.
trackEmbeddedReceived Tracks an embeddedReceived event by calling POST /api/embedded-messaging/events/received.
trackEmbeddedSession Tracks an embeddedSession event and related embeddedImpression events by calling POST /api/embedded-messaging/events/session.
trackInAppClick Tracks an inAppClick event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppClick.
trackInAppClose Tracks an inAppClose event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppClose.
trackInAppConsume Deletes an in-app message from the server by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppConsume.
trackInAppDelivery Tracks an inAppDelivery event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppDelivery.
trackInAppOpen Tracks an inAppOpen event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppOpen.
trackPurchase Tracks a purchase event by calling POST /api/commerce/trackPurchase.
updateCart Updates the shopping cart items on the user's Iterable profile by calling POST /api/commerce/updateCart.
updateSubscriptions Updates the user's subscriptions by calling POST /api/users/updateSubscriptions.
updateUser Updates the data on a user's Iterable profile by calling POST /api/users/updateUser.
updateUserEmail Updates the current user's email by calling POST /api/users/updateEmail. Causes the SDK to fetch a JWT for the new email address.


  • The SDK does not track inAppDelete events.

  • 🚨 Due to a limitation in WebKit (which affects iOS web browsers, like Safari), in-app messages displayed in an iOS web browser browser can't automatically track inAppClick events or handle custom CTAs. This will impact analytics for all Safari and mobile iOS users.


From an array of passed-in in-app messages, filters out messages that have already been read, messages that should not be displayed, and messages that only contain JSON data.

const filterHiddenInAppMessages = (
  messages: Partial<InAppMessage>[] = []
): Partial<InAppMessage>[]

See also:


From an array of passed-in in-app messages, filters out messages that have already been read and messages that should not be displayed.

const filterOnlyReadAndNeverTriggerMessages = (
  messages: Partial<InAppMessage>[] = []
): Partial<InAppMessage>[]

See also:


Fetches in-app messages by calling GET /api/inApp/getMessages.

// Returns a promise that resolves to an InAppMessageResponse, which has an
// array of fetched in-app messages.
function getInAppMessages(
  payload: InAppMessagesRequestParams
): IterablePromise<InAppMessageResponse>;

// Returns methods to request messages from the server, pause message display, 
// restart message display, and trigger the display of a message.
function getInAppMessages(
  payload: InAppMessagesRequestParams,
  options: {
    display: DisplayOptions;
): GetInAppMessagesResponse

payload options (see InAppMessagesRequestParams):

Property Name Description Value Default
animationDuration How long (in ms) it should take messages to animate in and out number 400
bottomOffset How much space (px or %) to create between the bottom of the screen and a message. Not applicable for center, top, or full-screen messages. string undefined
closeButton Properties that define a custom close button to display on a message. CloseButtonOptions (see below) undefined
displayInterval How long (in ms) to wait before showing the next in-app message after closing the currently open one number 30000
handleLinks How to open links. If undefined, use browser-default behavior. open-all-new-tab opens all in new tab, open-all-same-tab opens all in same tab, external-new-tab opens only off-site links in new tab, otherwise same tab. Overrides the target attribute defined on link elements. 'open-all-new-tab' | 'open-all-same-tab' | 'external-new-tab' undefined
onOpenNodeToTakeFocus The DOM element that should receive keyboard focus when the in-app message opens. Any query selector is valid. If not specified, the first interactive element receives focus. string undefined
onOpenScreenReaderMessage The text a screen reader should read when opening the message. string undefined
rightOffset The amount of space (px or %) to create between the right of the screen and the message. Not applicable for center or full-screen messages. string undefined
topOffset How much space (px or %) to create between the top of the screen and a message. Not applicable for center, bottom, or full-screen messages. string undefined

closeButton options (see CloseButton):

Property Name Description Value Default
color The button's color (does not affect custom icons) string undefined
iconPath Custom pathname to an image or SVG to use (instead of the default "X") string undefined
isRequiredToDismissMessage If true, users cannot dismiss in-app messages by clicking outside of them. boolean undefined
position Where the button should display on an in-app message 'top-right' | 'top-left' 'top-right'
sideOffset How much space to leave between the button and side of the container string '4%'
size How large to set the width, height, and font-size string | number 24
topOffset How much space to leave between the button and the top of the container string '4%'


import { getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

getInAppMessages({ count: 20, packageName: 'mySite1' })
  .then((resp) => {
    // This is an iframe element that can be attached to the DOM 
    const messageIframe =[0].content.html;
    // Additional styling logic can be done here to render the message in a 
    // custom way

This code, which doesn't include the options parameter, fetches in-app messages from Iterable and places the first one on the page. However, it won't be visible. To render it, modify the page's CSS to display the message as necessary. You'll also need to set up click handlers to handle click events, close the message, etc.

Here's some example code that shows messages automatically:

import { getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const { request, pauseMessageStream, resumeMessageStream } = getInAppMessages(
    count: 20,
    packageName: 'my-website',
    displayInterval: 5000,
      'The screen reader will read this',
    onOpenNodeToTakeFocus: 'input',
    closeButton: {
      color: 'red',
      size: '16px',
      topOffset: '20px'
  { display: 'immediate' }


This example uses custom sorting and filtering, and displays messages at the app's discretion:

import {
} from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const {
} = getInAppMessages(
    count: 20,
    packageName: 'my-website',
    displayInterval: 5000,
    onOpenScreenReaderMessage: 'The screen reader will read this',
    onOpenNodeToTakeFocus: 'input',
    closeButton: {
      color: 'red',
      size: '16px',
      topOffset: '20px'
  { display: 'deferred' }

  .then((response) => {
    // Do your own manipulation here 
    const filteredMessages = yourOwnSortingAndFiltering(;

    // Or, feel free to take advantage of the sorting/filtering methods used 
    // internally
    const furtherManipulatedMessages = sortInAppMessages(
    ) as InAppMessage[];

    // Then display them whenever you want

🚨 With the deferred option, the SDK does not filter or sort the messages. The messages come back exactly as retrieved from the API, without modification. This means that you may (for example) show in-app messages marked as read, or show messages in the default order (based on priority), rather than a custom order that you control.

In this case, to apply the SDK's default sorting and filtering, use the sortInAppMessages and filterHiddenInAppMessages methods. Also, see filterOnlyReadAndNeverTriggerMessages, which is similar to filterHiddenInAppMessages but does not filter out JSON-only messages.


  • 🚨 v1.0.0 of this SDK removes support for showMessagesAutomatically?: boolean. If needed, please update your getInAppMessages requests to use options: { display: 'deferred' | 'immediate' }.

See also:


Initializes the SDK with an API key and a JWT refresh method. Returns methods you can use to identify the current user, work with JWT tokens, and log the user out (see WithJWT).

function initialize(
  authToken: string,
  generateJWT: (payload: GenerateJWTPayload) => Promise<string>
): WithJWT;

generateJWT should be a function that takes a userId or email and uses it to fetch, from your server, a valid JWT token for that user. The function should return the token as a string.


import { initialize } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const { clearRefresh, setEmail, setUserID, logout } = initialize(
  // email will be defined if you call setEmail 
  // userID_ will be defined if you call setUserID
  ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

See also:


Similar to initialize, but also takes a set of configuration options as a parameter. Returns methods you can use to identify the current user, work with JWT tokens, and log the user out (see WithJWT).

The configuration options you can pass to this function are useful if you need to point the SDK to Iterable's EU API endpoints or allow JavaScript execution in Safari tabs.

function initializeWithConfig(initializeParams: WithJWTParams): WithJWT;


import { initializeWithConfig } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const { clearRefresh, setEmail, setUserID, logout } = initializeWithConfig({
  authToken: '<YOUR_API_KEY>',
  configOptions: {
    isEuIterableService: false,
    dangerouslyAllowJsPopups: true,
  // email will be defined if you call setEmail
  // userID will be defined if you call setUserID
  generateJWT: ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

generateJWT should be a function that takes a userId or email and uses it to fetch, from your server, a valid JWT token for that user. The function should return the token as a string.

See also:


Returns a string of the HTML for an out-of-the-box card view for an embedded message.

const emptyElement = {
  id: '',
  styles: ''

function IterableEmbeddedCard({
  htmlElements = {
    parent: emptyElement,
    img: emptyElement,
    title: emptyElement,
    primaryButton: emptyElement,
    secondaryButton: emptyElement,
    body: emptyElement,
    buttonsDiv: emptyElement,
    textTitle: emptyElement
}: OOTB): string


  • appPackageName – The package name you use to identify your website to Iterable's Web SDK.
  • message – The IterableEmbeddedMessage object that represents the message you want to display.
  • htmlElements – Custom styles (type Elements) for the SDK to use when displaying the embedded message. For details, see Custom Styles.
  • errorCallback – A callback that the SDK calls if it encounters an error when tracking embeddedClick events.
import { IterableEmbeddedCard } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const card = IterableEmbeddedCard({
  errorCallback: (error) => console.log('handleError: ', error)

To display the message, set the innerHTML of an HTML element to the string returned by IterableEmbeddedCard.

For more info, see:

Also see:


Returns a string of the HTML for an out-of-the-box banner view for an embedded message.

function IterableEmbeddedBanner({
  htmlElements = {
    parent: emptyElement,
    img: emptyElement,
    title: emptyElement,
    primaryButton: emptyElement,
    secondaryButton: emptyElement,
    body: emptyElement,
    buttonsDiv: emptyElement,
    textTitle: emptyElement,
    textTitleImg: emptyElement
}: OOTB): string 


  • appPackageName – The package name you use to identify your website to Iterable's Web SDK.
  • message – The IterableEmbeddedMessage object that represents the message you want to display.
  • htmlElements – Custom styles (type Elements) for the SDK to use when displaying the embedded message. For details, see Custom Styles.
  • errorCallback – A callback that the SDK calls if it encounters an error when tracking embeddedClick events.

For example:

import { IterableEmbeddedBanner } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const banner = IterableEmbeddedBanner({
  errorCallback: (error) => console.log('handleError: ', error)

To display the message, set the innerHTML of an HTML element to the string returned by IterableEmbeddedBanner.

For more info, see:

Also see:


Returns a string of the HTML for an out-of-the-box notification view for an embedded message.

function IterableEmbeddedNotification({
  htmlElements = {
    parent: emptyElement,
    title: emptyElement,
    primaryButton: emptyElement,
    secondaryButton: emptyElement,
    body: emptyElement,
    buttonsDiv: emptyElement,
    textTitle: emptyElement
}: OOTB): string


  • appPackageName – The package name you use to identify your website to Iterable's Web SDK.
  • message – The IterableEmbeddedMessage object that represents the message you want to display.
  • htmlElements – Custom styles (type Elements) for the SDK to use when displaying the embedded message. For details, see Custom Styles.
  • errorCallback – A callback that the SDK calls if it encounters an error when tracking embeddedClick events.
import { IterableEmbeddedNotification } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const notification = IterableEmbeddedNotification({
  errorCallback: (error) => console.log('handleError: ', error)

To display the message, set the innerHTML of an HTML element to the string returned by IterableEmbeddedNotification.

For more info, see:

Also see:


Sorts an array of in-app messages by priority, and then creation date.

const sortInAppMessages = (messages: Partial<InAppMessage>[] = []) => {
  return messages.sort(by(['priorityLevel', 'asc'], ['createdAt', 'asc']));

In-app messages can have these priority values:

  • Low - priorityLevel of 400.5
  • Medium - priorityLevel of 300.5
  • High - priorityLevel of 200.5
  • Critical - priorityLevel of 100.5
  • Proof - priorityLevel of 100.0

Also see:


Tracks a custom event by calling POST /api/events/track.

track: (payload: InAppTrackRequestParams): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { track } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

track({ eventName: 'my-event' }).then().catch();

See also:


Tracks an embeddedClick event by calling POST /api/embedded-messaging/events/click.

const trackEmbeddedClick = (
  payload: IterableEmbeddedClickRequestPayload
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackEmbeddedReceived } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  messageId: message.metadata.messageId, 
  clickedUrl: defaultUrl,
  appPackageName: packageName
}).then((response) => {
  if (response.status != 200) {
    console.log("Failure tracking embedded click")
}).catch((error) => {
  console.log("Error tracking embedded click: ", error);

See also:


Tracks an embeddedReceived event by calling POST /api/embedded-messaging/events/received.

Generally, there's no need to call this method, since the SDK automatically tracks an embeddedReceived event for each message it fetches from the server.

const trackEmbeddedReceived = (
  messageId: string,
  appPackageName: string
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackEmbeddedReceived } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

trackEmbeddedReceived(messageId, packageName)
  .then((response: any) => {
  .catch((error: any) => {

See also:


Tracks an embeddedSession event and related embeddedImpression events by calling POST /api/embedded-messaging/events/session.

Generally, rather than calling this method, you'll track sessions and impresions using the SDK's IterableEmbeddedSessionManager.

const trackEmbeddedSession = (
  payload: IterableEmbeddedSessionRequestPayload
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackEmbeddedSession } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  .then((response: any) => {
  .catch((error: any) => {

See also:


Tracks an inAppClick event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppClick.

const trackInAppClick = (
  payload: Omit<InAppEventRequestParams, 'inboxSessionId' | 'closeAction'>,
  sendBeacon = false
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackInAppClick } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  messageId: '123',
  deviceInfo: { appPackageName: 'my-website' }

See also:


Tracks an inAppClose event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppClose.

const trackInAppClose = (payload: InAppEventRequestParams): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackInAppClose } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  messageId: '123',
  deviceInfo: { appPackageName: 'my-website' }

See also:


Deletes an in-app message from the server by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppConsume.

const trackInAppConsume = (
  payload: Omit<
    'clickedUrl' | 'closeAction' | 'inboxSessionId'
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackInAppConsume } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  messageId: '123',
  deviceInfo: { appPackageName: 'my-website' }

See also:


Tracks an inAppDelivery event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppDelivery.

const trackInAppDelivery = (
  payload: Omit<
    'clickedUrl' | 'closeAction' | 'inboxSessionId'
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackInAppDelivery } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  messageId: '123',
  deviceInfo: { appPackageName: 'my-website' }

See also:


Tracks an inAppOpen event by calling POST /api/events/trackInAppOpen.

const trackInAppOpen = (
  payload: Omit<
    'clickedUrl' | 'inboxSessionId' | 'closeAction'
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackInAppOpen } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  messageId: '123',
  deviceInfo: { appPackageName: 'my-website' }

See also:


Tracks a purchase event by calling POST /api/commerce/trackPurchase.

const trackPurchase = (payload: TrackPurchaseRequestParams): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { trackPurchase } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  items: [{ id: '123', name: 'keyboard', price: 100, quantity: 2 }],
  total: 200

See also:


Updates the shopping cart items on the user's Iterable profile by calling POST /api/commerce/updateCart.

const updateCart = (payload: UpdateCartRequestParams): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { updateCart } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  items: [{ id: '123', price: 100, name: 'keyboard', quantity: 1 }]

See also:


Updates the user's subscriptions by calling POST /api/users/updateSubscriptions.

const updateSubscriptions = (
  payload: Partial<UpdateSubscriptionParams> = {}
): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { updateSubscriptions } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

updateSubscriptions({ emailListIds: [1, 2, 3] })

See also:


Updates the data on a user's Iterable profile by calling POST /api/users/updateUser.

const updateUser = (payload: UpdateUserParams = {}): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { updateUser } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

updateUser({ dataFields: {} }).then().catch();

See also:


Updates the current user's email by calling POST /api/users/updateEmail. Causes the SDK to fetch a JWT for the new email address.

updateUserEmail: (newEmail: string): IterablePromise<IterableResponse>


import { updateUserEmail } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

updateUserEmail('[email protected]').then().catch();

See also:

Classes, interfaces, types, and enums

This section describes classes, interfaces, and enums to be aware of when working with Embedded Messaging in Iterable's Web SDK.

Type Description
CloseButton Specifies how the SDK should display a close button on the associated in-app message. Passed as part of InAppMessagesRequestParams.
CloseButtonPosition Specifies the position of the close button on the associated in-app message.
CommerceItem An item being purchased or added to a shopping cart. Include when calling trackPurchase or updateCart.
CommerceUser Information about the user associated with a purchase or cart update. Include when calling trackPurchase or updateCart.
DisplayOptions Display options to pass to getInAppMessages to indicate whether messages should be displayed immediately or later.
DisplayPosition Describes where an in-app message should be displayed. Part of WebInAppDisplaySettings.
Elements Custom styles to apply to IterableEmbeddedCard, IterableEmbeddedBanner, and IterableEmbeddedNotification views for embedded messages.
GenerateJWTPayload The payload to pass to the generateJWT function when calling initialize or initializeWithConfig.
ErrorHandler An error-handling function. Passed as a parameter to IterableEmbeddedCard, IterableEmbeddedBanner, and IterableEmbeddedNotification, which use the method to handle errors when tracking embeddedClick events.
GetInAppMessagesResponse Return value for getInAppMessages, when it's called without the options parameter.
HandleLinks Describes where in-app links should be opened. Part of InAppMessagesRequestParams.
InAppMessage A single in-app message.
InAppDisplaySetting Display settings for an in-app message, including padding percentages.
InAppEventRequestParams Data to pass to trackInAppClick, trackInAppClose, trackInAppConsume, trackInAppDelivery, and trackInAppOpen.
InAppMessagesRequestParams Data to pass to getInAppMessages.
InAppMessageResponse Return value for getInAppMessages, when it's called with the options parameter.
InAppTrackRequestParams Data to pass to track.
IterableAction An action associated with a click. The type of the action, and its associated URL.
IterableActionContext Information about the context of an IterableAction. For example, the associated message type. Only used with embedded messages.
IterableActionSource An enum of possible message types to which an IterableAction can be associated. Currently, only EMBEDDED is supported.
IterableConfig A class that can hold configuration information for the SDK. Currently, only urlHandler and customActionHandler are supported (static properties), and these are only invoked for URLs and custom actions coming from embedded messages.
IterableCustomActionHandler An interface that defines handleIterableCustomAction, which the SDK can call to handle custom action URLs (action://) URLs that result from from clicks on embedded messages.
IterableEmbeddedButton Payload for a button associated with an embedded message.
IterableEmbeddedButtonAction Payload for the action associated with an embedded message button.
IterableEmbeddedClickRequestPayload Data to pass to trackEmbeddedClick.
IterableEmbeddedDefaultAction The default action associated with an embedded message. Invoked when a user clicks on an embedded message, but outside of its buttons.
IterableEmbeddedElements Content associated with an embedded message — title, body, media URL, buttons, default action, and extra text fields.
IterableEmbeddedImpression The number of times a given embedded message appeared during a specific session, and the total duration of all those appearances. Also includes other metadata about the impression.
IterableEmbeddedManager Used to fetch embedded messages from Iterable, and pass them to application code as necessary.
IterableEmbeddedMessage A single embedded message to display, including title text, body text, buttons, an image URL, click actions, text fields, and JSON data.
IterableEmbeddedMessageUpdateHandler An object that defines onMessagesUpdated and onEmbeddedMessagingDisabled methods. If this object is registered as an update listener for embedded messages (you can do this by calling addUpdateListener on IterableEmbeddedManager), the SDK calls these methods as necessary after fetching embedded messages from the server.
IterableEmbeddedMetadata Identifying information about an embedded message.
IterableEmbeddedSession Represents a period of time during which a user was on a page where they could potentially view embedded messages. Contains an ID, a start time, and an end time.
IterableEmbeddedSessionManager Used to track sessions and impressions, and to save them back to Iterable.
IterableEmbeddedSessionRequestPayload Data to pass to trackEmbeddedSession. You won't usually interact manually with this interface, since the IterableEmbeddedSessionManager handles the tracking of sessions and impressions for you.
IterableEmbeddedText Extra text fields sent along with an embedded message. Like custom JSON, these text fields can be used to pass data as part of an embedded message.
IterableErrorStatus Errors that can come back with an IterableResponse.
IterablePromise A promise.
IterableResponse A response from Iterable's API.
IterableUrlHandler An interface that defines handleIterableURL, which the SDK can call to handle standard URLs (https://, custom://, but not action://) that result from from clicks on embedded messages.
OOTB A type that defines the parameters to provide when calling IterableEmbeddedCard, IterableEmbeddedBanner, and IterableEmbeddedNotification.
Options Configuration options to pass to initializeWithConfig.
OutOfTheBoxButton Custom styles to apply to buttons in an embedded message. The same as OutOfTheBoxElement, but with an extra disabledStyles string.
OutOfTheBoxElement The custom styles to apply to a single element of an embedded message.
SDKInAppMessagesParams Parent interface for InAppMessagesRequestParams.
TrackPurchaseRequestParams Parameters to pass to trackPurchase.
UpdateCartRequestParams Data to pass to updateCart.
UpdateSubscriptionParams Data to pass to updateSubscriptions.
UpdateUserParams Data to pass to updateUser.
WebInAppDisplaySettings An object that contains information about how to display the associated in-app message.
WithJWT Return value from initialize and initializeWithConfig.
WithJWTParams Parameters to pass to initializeWithConfig.


Specifies how the SDK should display a close button on the associated in-app message. Passed as part of InAppMessagesRequestParams.

type CloseButton = {
    color?: string;
    iconPath?: string;
    // If true, prevent user from dismissing in-app message by clicking outside 
    // of message
    isRequiredToDismissMessage?: boolean;
    position?: CloseButtonPosition;
    sideOffset?: string;
    size?: string | number;
    topOffset?: string;

See also:


Specifies the position of the close button on the associated in-app message.

declare enum CloseButtonPosition {
    TopLeft = "top-left",
    TopRight = "top-right"


An item being purchased or added to a shopping cart. Include when calling trackPurchase or updateCart.

interface CommerceItem {
  id: string;
  sku?: string;
  name: string;
  description?: string;
  categories?: string[];
  price: number;
  quantity: number;
  imageUrl?: string;
  url?: string;
  dataFields?: Record<string, any>;


Information about the user associated with a purchase or cart update. Include when calling trackPurchase or updateCart.

interface CommerceUser {
  dataFields?: Record<string, any>;
  preferUserId?: boolean;
  mergeNestedObjects?: boolean;


Display options to pass to getInAppMessages to indicate whether messages should be displayed immediately or later.

declare enum DisplayOptions {
    Immediate = "immediate",
    Deferred = "deferred"


Describes where an in-app message should be displayed. Part of WebInAppDisplaySettings.

declare enum DisplayPosition {
    Center = "Center",
    TopRight = "TopRight",
    BottomRight = "BottomRight",
    Full = "Full"

See also:


Custom styles to apply to IterableEmbeddedCard, IterableEmbeddedBanner, and IterableEmbeddedNotification views for embedded messages.

type Elements = {
  // img div
  img?: OutOfTheBoxElement;
  // title div
  title?: OutOfTheBoxElement;
  // primary button div
  primaryButton?: OutOfTheBoxButton;
  // secondary button div
  secondaryButton?: OutOfTheBoxButton;
  // body button div
  body?: OutOfTheBoxElement;
  // root OOTB div
  parent?: OutOfTheBoxElement;
  // button wrapper div
  buttonsDiv?: OutOfTheBoxElement;
  // title and parent wrapper div
  textTitle?: OutOfTheBoxElement;
  // textTitleImg div
  textTitleImg?: OutOfTheBoxElement;

See also:


The payload to pass to the generateJWT function when calling initialize or initializeWithConfig.

interface GenerateJWTPayload {
  email?: string;
  userID?: string;


An error-handling function. Passed as a parameter to IterableEmbeddedCard, IterableEmbeddedBanner, and IterableEmbeddedNotification, which use the method to handle errors when tracking embeddedClick events.

interface ErrorHandler {
  (error: any): void;


Return value for getInAppMessages, when it's called without the options parameter.

interface GetInAppMessagesResponse {
  pauseMessageStream: () => void;
  resumeMessageStream: () => Promise<HTMLIFrameElement | ''>;
  request: () => IterablePromise<InAppMessageResponse>;
  triggerDisplayMessages: (
    messages: Partial<InAppMessage>[]
  ) => Promise<HTMLIFrameElement | ''>;


Describes where in-app links should be opened. Part of InAppMessagesRequestParams.

declare enum HandleLinks {
    OpenAllNewTab = "open-all-new-tab",
    OpenAllSameTab = "open-all-same-tab",
    ExternalNewTab = "external-new-tab"


A single in-app message.

interface InAppMessage {
  messageId: string;
  campaignId: number;
  createdAt: number;
  expiresAt: number;
  content: {
    payload?: Record<string, any>;
    html: string | HTMLIFrameElement;
    inAppDisplaySettings: {
      top: InAppDisplaySetting;
      right: InAppDisplaySetting;
      left: InAppDisplaySetting;
      bottom: InAppDisplaySetting;
      bgColor?: {
        alpha: number;
        hex: string;
      shouldAnimate?: boolean;
    webInAppDisplaySettings: WebInAppDisplaySettings;
  customPayload: Record<string, any>;
  trigger: {
    type: string;
  saveToInbox: boolean;
  inboxMetadata: {
    title: string;
    subtitle: string;
    icon: string;
  priorityLevel: number;
  read: boolean;

See also:


Display settings for an in-app message, including padding percentages.

interface InAppDisplaySetting {
  percentage?: number;
  displayOption?: string;


Data to pass to trackInAppClick, trackInAppClose, trackInAppConsume, trackInAppDelivery, and trackInAppOpen.

interface InAppEventRequestParams {
  messageId: string;
  clickedUrl?: string;
  messageContext?: {
    saveToInbox?: boolean;
    silentInbox?: boolean;
    location?: string;
  closeAction?: string;
  deviceInfo: {
    appPackageName: string; 
  inboxSessionId?: string;
  createdAt?: number;


Data to pass to getInAppMessages.

interface InAppMessagesRequestParams extends SDKInAppMessagesParams {
    count: number;
    SDKVersion?: string;
    packageName: string;

See also:


Return value for getInAppMessages, when it's called with the options parameter.

interface InAppMessageResponse {
  inAppMessages: Partial<InAppMessage>[];

See also:


Data to pass to track.

interface InAppTrackRequestParams {
  eventName: string;
  id?: string;
  createdAt?: number;
  dataFields?: Record<string, any>;
  campaignId?: number;
  templateId?: number;


An action associated with a click. The type of the action, and its associated URL. Only used with embedded messages.

interface IterableAction {
  type: string;
  data: string;

The values for type and data depend on the type of action assigned to the campaign in Iterable:

  • For Open URL actions, type is openUrl and data contains the URL.
  • For Custom action actions, type is the URL, and data is empty.


Information about the context of an IterableAction. For example, the associated message type. Only used with embedded messages.

interface IterableActionContext {
  action: IterableAction;
  source: IterableActionSource;

See also:


An enum of possible message types to which an IterableAction can be associated. Currently, only EMBEDDED is supported.

enum IterableActionSource {


A class that can hold configuration information for the SDK. Currently, only urlHandler and customActionHandler are supported (static properties), and these are only invoked for URLs and custom actions coming from embedded messages.

class IterableConfig {
  public static urlHandler: IterableUrlHandler | null = null;
  public static customActionHandler: IterableCustomActionHandler | null = null;

See also:


An interface that defines handleIterableCustomAction, which the SDK can call to handle custom action URLs (action://) URLs that result from from clicks on embedded messages.

interface IterableCustomActionHandler {
    action: IterableAction,
    actionContext: IterableActionContext
  ): boolean;

See also:


Payload for a button associated with an embedded message.

interface IterableEmbeddedButton {
  id: string;
  title?: string;
  action?: IterableEmbeddedButtonAction;

See also:


Payload for the action associated with an embedded message button.

interface IterableEmbeddedButtonAction {
  type: string;
  data?: string;

The values for type and data depend on the type of action assigned to the campaign in Iterable:

  • For Open URL actions, type is openUrl and data contains the URL.
  • For Custom action actions, type is the URL, and data is empty.


Data to pass to trackEmbeddedClick.

interface IterableEmbeddedClickRequestPayload {
  messageId: string;
  buttonIdentifier: string;
  targetUrl: string;
  appPackageName: string;


The default action associated with an embedded message. Invoked when a user clicks on an embedded message, but outside of its buttons.

interface IterableEmbeddedDefaultAction {
  type: string;
  data?: string;

The values for type and data depend on the type of action assigned to the campaign in Iterable:

  • For Open URL actions, type is openUrl and data contains the URL.
  • For Custom action actions, type is the URL, and data is empty.


Content associated with an embedded message — title, body, media URL, buttons, default action, and extra text fields.

interface IterableEmbeddedElements {
  title?: string;
  body?: string;
  mediaUrl?: string;
  buttons?: IterableEmbeddedButton[];
  text?: IterableEmbeddedText[];
  defaultAction?: IterableEmbeddedDefaultAction;

See also:


The number of times a given embedded message appeared during a specific session, and the total duration of all those appearances. Also includes other metadata about the impression.

interface IterableEmbeddedImpression {
  messageId: string;
  displayCount: number;
  displayDuration: number;
  placementId?: number;


Used to fetch embedded messages from Iterable, and pass them to application code as necessary.

class IterableEmbeddedManager {
    appPackageName: string;
    constructor(appPackageName: string);
    syncMessages(packageName: string, callback: () => void, placementIds?: number[]): Promise<void>;
    getMessages(): IterableEmbeddedMessage[];
    getMessagesForPlacement(placementId: number): IterableEmbeddedMessage[];
    addUpdateListener(updateListener: IterableEmbeddedMessageUpdateHandler): void;
    getUpdateHandlers(): IterableEmbeddedMessageUpdateHandler[];
    click(clickedUrl: string | null): void;


  • appPackageName – The package name you use to identify your website. Set this value by passing it to the constructror.

  • syncMessages – Fetches embedded messages for which the signed-in user is eligible. If placementIds is provided, fetches only messages for those placements. Calls callback after fetching messages.

  • getMessages – Returns all embedded messages that the SDK has already fetched. Does not fetch messages from the server.

  • getMessagesForPlacement – Returns all embedded messages for a given placement ID. Does not fetch messages from the server.

  • addUpdateListener – Registers an object that implements the IterableEmbeddedMessageUpdateHandler interface. The SDK calls the object's onMessagesUpdated and onEmbeddedMessagingDisabled methods as necessary after fetching embedded messages from the server.

  • getUpdateHandlers – Returns all objects that have been registered as update listeners.

  • click – Passes the provided URL (depending on its type) to the URL handler or custom action handler defined on IterableConfig. action:// URLs are passed to the custom action handler, and other URLs are passed to the URL handler. The SDK does not currently support iterable:// URLs for embedded messages.

See also:


A single embedded message to display, including title text, body text, buttons, an image URL, click actions, text fields, and JSON data.

interface IterableEmbeddedMessage {
  metadata: IterableEmbeddedMetadata;
  elements?: IterableEmbeddedElements;
  payload?: Record<string, any>;

See also:


An object that defines onMessagesUpdated and onEmbeddedMessagingDisabled methods. If this object is registered as an update listener for embedded messages (you can do this by calling addUpdateListener on IterableEmbeddedManager), the SDK calls these methods as necessary after fetching embedded messages from the server.

interface IterableEmbeddedMessageUpdateHandler {
    onMessagesUpdated: () => void;
    onEmbeddedMessagingDisabled: () => void;


  • onMessagesUpdated – Called by the SDK after it fetches embedded messages from Iterable. Use this method to display messages.

  • onEmbeddedMessagingDisabled – Called by the SDK if there are errors fetching embedded messages from Iterable. Use this method to display an empty state or hide the placement.


Identifying information about an embedded message.

interface IterableEmbeddedMetadata {
  messageId: string;
  campaignId?: number;
  isProof?: boolean;
  placementId?: number;


Represents a period of time during which a user was on a page where they could potentially view embedded messages. Contains an ID, a start time, and an end time.

interface IterableEmbeddedSession {
  id: string;
  start?: number;
  end?: number;


Used to track sessions and impressions, and to save them back to Iterable.

class IterableEmbeddedSessionManager {
    appPackageName: string;
    session: EmbeddedSession;
    constructor(appPackageName: string);
    startSession(): void;
    endSession(): Promise<void>;
    startImpression(messageId: string, placementId: number): void;
    pauseImpression(messageId: string): void;


  • appPackageName – The package name you use to identify your website. Set this value by passing it to the constructor.

  • session – The current session. Set by calling startSession and endSession.

  • startSession – Starts a new session. A session is a period of time when a user is on a page where embedded messages can be displayed.

  • endSession – Ends the active session, and saves data about the session and its associated impressions back to Iterable.

  • startImpression – Starts a new impression for a given message ID and placement ID. An impression captures the number of times a given messages is visible during a given session, and the total duration of all those appearances.

  • pauseImpression – Pauses the impression for a given message ID. Call this method when a message is no longer visible. If the message becomes visible again, call startImpression to resume the impression.


Data to pass to trackEmbeddedSession. You won't usually interact manually with this interface, since the IterableEmbeddedSessionManager handles the tracking of sessions and impressions for you.

interface IterableEmbeddedSessionRequestPayload {
  session: IterableEmbeddedSession;
  impressions?: IterableEmbeddedImpression[];
  appPackageName: string;

See also:


Extra text fields sent along with an embedded message. Like custom JSON, these text fields can be used to pass data as part of an embedded message.

interface IterableEmbeddedText {
  id: string;
  text?: string;


Errors that can come back with an IterableResponse.

type IterableErrorStatus =
  | 'Success'
  | 'BadApiKey'
  | 'BadParams'
  | 'BadJsonBody'
  | 'QueueEmailError'
  | 'GenericError'
  | 'InvalidEmailAddressError'
  | 'DatabaseError'
  | 'EmailAlreadyExists'
  | 'Forbidden'
  | 'JwtUserIdentifiersMismatched'
  | 'InvalidJwtPayload';


A promise.

IterablePromise<T = any> = AxiosPromise<T>;


A response from Iterable's API.

interface IterableResponse {
  code: IterableErrorStatus;
  msg: string;
  params?: null | Record<string, any>;


An interface that defines handleIterableURL, which the SDK can call to handle standard URLs (https://, custom://, but not action://) that result from from clicks on embedded messages.

interface IterableUrlHandler {
  handleIterableURL(uri: string, actionContext: IterableActionContext): boolean;

See also:


A type that defines the parameters to provide when calling IterableEmbeddedCard, IterableEmbeddedBanner, and IterableEmbeddedNotification.

type OOTB = {
  appPackageName: string;
  message: IterableEmbeddedMessage;
  htmlElements?: Elements;
  // Callback method to handle button or element click errors
  errorCallback?: ErrorHandler;

See also:


Configuration options to pass to initializeWithConfig.

type Options = {
  logLevel: 'none' | 'verbose';
  baseURL: string;
  isEuIterableService: boolean;
  dangerouslyAllowJsPopups: boolean;


Custom styles to apply to buttons in an embedded message. The same as OutOfTheBoxElement, but with an extra disabledStyles string.

type OutOfTheBoxButton = OutOfTheBoxElement & {
  // Stringified CSS to be passed to element "style" tag. The presence of this 
  // value determines whether or not the button is in disabled.
  disabledStyles?: string;


The custom styles to apply to a single element of an embedded message.

type OutOfTheBoxElement = {
  // id of the element 
  id?: string;
  // Stringified CSS to be passed to element "style" tag
  styles?: string;


Parent interface for InAppMessagesRequestParams.

interface SDKInAppMessagesParams {
    displayInterval?: number;
    onOpenScreenReaderMessage?: string;
    onOpenNodeToTakeFocus?: string;
    topOffset?: string;
    bottomOffset?: string;
    rightOffset?: string;
    animationDuration?: number;
    handleLinks?: HandleLinks;
    closeButton?: CloseButton;
    // messageId of the latest (i.e., most recent) message in the device's 
    // local cache 
    latestCachedMessageId?: string;

See also:

See also:


Parameters to pass to trackPurchase.

interface TrackPurchaseRequestParams {
  id?: string;
  user?: CommerceUser;
  items: CommerceItem[];
  campaignId?: string;
  templateId?: string;
  total: number;
  createdAt?: number;
  dataFields?: Record<string, any>;

See also:


Data to pass to updateCart.

interface UpdateCartRequestParams {
  user?: CommerceUser;
  items: CommerceItem[];

See also:


Data to pass to updateSubscriptions.

interface UpdateSubscriptionParams {
  emailListIds: number[];
  unsubscribedChannelIds: number[];
  unsubscribedMessageTypeIds: number[];
  subscribedMessageTypeIds: number[];
  campaignId: number;
  templateId: number;


Data to pass to updateUser.

interface UpdateUserParams {
  dataFields?: Record<string, any>;
  preferUserId?: boolean;
  mergeNestedObjects?: boolean;


An object that contains information about how to display the associated in-app message.

interface WebInAppDisplaySettings {
  position: DisplayPosition;

See also:


Return value from initialize and initializeWithConfig.

interface WithJWT {
  clearRefresh: () => void;
  setEmail: (email: string) => Promise<string>;
  setUserID: (userId: string) => Promise<string>;
  logout: () => void;
  refreshJwtToken: (authTypes: string) => Promise<string>;


  • clearRefresh – Clears the JWT refresh timer.
  • setEmail – Identifies the current user by email, and fetches a valid JWT token by calling the generateJWT function passed to initialize or initializeWithConfig.
  • setUserID - Identifies the current user by userId, and fetches a valid JWT token by calling the generateJWT function passed to initialize or initializeWithConfig.
  • refreshJwtToken – Manually refreshes the JWT token for the signed-in user.
  • logout – Signs the current user out of the SDK.


Parameters to pass to initializeWithConfig.

interface WithJWTParams {
  authToken: string;
  configOptions: Partial<Options>;
  generateJWT: (payload: GenerateJWTPayload) => Promise<string>;

generateJWT should be a function that takes a userId or email and uses it to fetch, from your server, a valid JWT token for that user. The function should return the token as a string.

See also:


How do I use Iterable's Web SDK to fetch and display embedded messages?

For detailed instructions about how to use Iterable's Web SDK SDK to fetch and display embedded messages, see Embedded Messages with Iterable's Web SDK.

For more information about Embedded Messaging, read the Embedded Messaging Oveview.

How does SDK add the user's email or userId to the requests it makes to Iterable?

The SDK uses a library called Axios. To add user information to outgoing requests, the SDK uses Axios interceptors.

How can I manipulate the API requests the SDK makes to Iterable?

Iterable's Web SDK SDK exposes the base Axios request instance, which you can modify as necessary. For example:

import { baseAxiosRequest } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

For example, if you want to set an email query param on every outgoing request, you could do somethign like this:

import { baseAxiosRequest } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

(() => {
  baseAxiosRequest.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
    return {
      params: {
        email: '[email protected]'

🚨 You probably won't need to do anything with the underlying Axios request. This is only for advanced use cases.

How do I add a delay between the display of multiple in-app messages?

To add a delay between the display of multiple in-app messages:

  1. In the object you pass as the first parameter to getInAppMessages, set displayInterval to the number of milliseconds you want to wait between messages.

  2. In the object you pass as the second parameter to getInAppMessages, set display to deferred.

Then, to show messages, pause the display of messages, and resume the display of messages, use the methods returned by getInAppMessages.

For example, this code fetches in-app messages from Iterable but doesn't display them:

import { initialize, getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

(() => {
  const { setUserID } = initialize('<YOUR_API_KEY>', ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

  yourAsyncLoginMethod().then((response) => {
    setUserID(response.user_id).then(() => {
        count: 20,
        packageName: 'my-website'

This code fetches in-app messages and displays them automatically:

import { initialize, getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

(() => {
  const { setUserID } = initialize('<YOUR_API_KEY>', ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

  yourAsyncLoginMethod().then((response) => {
    setUserID(response.user_id).then(() => {
      const { request } = getInAppMessages(
          count: 20,
          packageName: 'my-website'
        { display: 'immediate' }

      // Trigger the start of message presentation

This code manipulates the display of in-app messages by setting more fields in the object passed as the first parameter to getInAppmessages:

import { initialize, getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

(() => {
  const { setUserID } = initialize('<YOUR_API_KEY>', ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

  yourAsyncLoginMethod().then((response) => {
    setUserID(response.user_id).then(() => {
      const { request } = getInAppMessages(
          count: 20,
          packageName: 'my-website',
          displayInterval: 5000,
            'hey screen reader here telling you something just popped up on your screen!',
          onOpenNodeToTakeFocus: 'input',
          topOffset: '20px',
          bottomOffset: '20px',
          rightOffset: '20px',
          animationDuration: 400,
          handleLinks: 'external-new-tab'
        { display: 'immediate' }

      // Trigger the start of message presentation

This code pauses the display of messages, and then resumes:

import { initialize, getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

(() => {
  const { setUserID } = initialize('<API_KEY_HERE>', ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

  yourAsyncLoginMethod().then((response) => {
    setUserID(response.user_id).then(() => {
      const { request, pauseMessageStream, resumeMessageStream } =
            count: 20,
            packageName: 'my-website'
          { display: 'immediate' }

      // Trigger the start of message presentation 

      // Prevent any more in-app messages from appearing for a little while

      // Pick up where you left off — show the next message in the queue, and 
      // start the timer again.

This code manipulates the list of in-app messages before displaying them:

import {
} from '@iterable/web-sdk';

(() => {
  const { setUserID } = initialize('<YOUR_API_KEY>', ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

  yourAsyncLoginMethod().then((response) => {
    setUserID(response.user_id).then(() => {
      const { request, pauseMessageStream, resumeMessageStream } =
            count: 20,
            packageName: 'my-website'
          { display: 'deferred' }

      // Trigger the start of message presentation
        .then((response) => {
          // Do your own manipulation here 
          const filteredMessages = doStuffToMessages(

          // Also, feel free to take advantage of the sorting/filtering 
          // methods used internally 
          const furtherManipulatedMessages = sortInAppMessages(
          ) as InAppMessage[];

          // Display them whenever you want

How can I make sure that in-app messages are displayed responsively?

The SDK handles this for you. In-app message presentation varies based on the display type (center, full, top-right, bottom-right) you select when sending the campaign:

Message Position →

Browser Size ↓
Center Full Top-Right Bottom-Right
0px - 850px 100% 100% 100% 100%
851px - 975px 50% 100% 45% 45%
976px - 1300px 50% 100% 33% 33%
1300px+ 50% 100% 25% 25%

For example:

  • If your in-app message is positioned at the top-right of the screen and your browser window is at 1000px, your in-app message will take up 33% of the screen.
  • If your in-app is positioned in the center and your browser if at 700px, your in-app message will grow to take up 100% of the screen.

This chart also implies that yout in-app message is taking 100% of its container. Your results may vary if you add, for example, a max-width: 200px CSS rule to your message HTML.

Regardless of how you write your CSS, these rules take effect. So, when creating an in-app message, it is best to stick with percentage-based CSS widths.

How do I add custom callbacks to handle link clicks on in-app and embedded messages?

See Link handling.

What if the user's JWT expires?

The SDK automatically handles JWT expiration and refresh. It fetches a new JWT token for the signed-in user at four different times:

  • When you sign a user in by calling setEmail or setUserID.
  • When the JWT is within 1 minute of expiration.
  • When a request to Iterable's API request fails with a 401 response.
  • When your application code calls updateUserEmail.

To fetch a new JWT, the SDK calls the generateJWT function passed to initialize or initializeWithConfig.

If there's a failure when requesting a new JWT, the SDK does not try again. At that point, further requests to Iterable's API will fail.

To perform a manual JWT token refresh, call refreshJwtToken.

Iterable's European data center (EDC)

If your Iterable project is hosted on Iterable's European data center (EDC), you'll need to configure Iterable's Web SDK to interact with Iterable's EU-based API endpoints.

To do this:

  • Use initializeWithConfig to initialize the SDK (rather then initialize).

  • Set the isEuIterableService configuration option to true. For example:

    import { initializeWithConfig } from '@iterable/web-sdk';
    const { clearRefresh, setEmail, logout } = initializeWithConfig({
      authToken: 'my-API-key',
        configOptions: {
        isEuIterableService: true,
      generateJWT: ({ email }) =>
        yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email }).then(
          ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

Link handling

The SDK allows you to write your own callbacks to implement custom link-handling behavior. However, you'll do this in different ways for embedded messages and in-app messages.

Embedded messaging

To learn how to handle clicks on links found in embedded messages, read Embedded Messages with Iterable's Web SDK.

In-app messages

In-app messages render in an iframe element. If you choose to have the SDK render messages automatically, the event handler responsible for handling link clicks gets hijacked by internal SDK code. To the user, this doesn't change the experience — links open the link in the same browser tab unless given the target="_blank" property.

However, the handleLinks option that you can provide to getInAppMessages allows you to specify how the SDK opens in-app message links: in the current tab, in a new tab, or a combination (external links in a new tab, internal links in the current tab). For example, consider this code:

import { getInAppMessages } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

  count: 5,
  packageName: 'my-website',
  handleLinks: 'external-new-tab'

This example code ensures the following links open in the same tab if your domain is


And that these will open in a new tab:

Reserved URL schemes

For in-app messages, the SDK reserves the iterable:// and action:// URL schemes for custom purposes.

  1. iterable://dismiss - Removes an in-app message from the screen, grabs the next one to display, and invokes both trackInAppClose and trackInAppClick. Not applicable to embedded messages.

  2. action://<CUSTOM_URL> - Makes a Window.prototype.postMessage call with payload { type: 'iterable-action-link', data: '{anything}' }, to be consumed by the parent website as needed. These links also dismiss the message and invoke trackInAppClose and trackInAppClick.

The SDK may reserve more keywords in the future.

🚨 iterable:// and action:// links are not supported with WebKit (which affects iOS web browsers, Safari included). In these browsers, users can close an in-app message by clicking away from the message.

Routing in single-page apps

You can add custom routing or callback functions for link clicks on in-app messages.

For example, if you want to intercept a link click and use a client-side routing solution to send the user to your /about page, you could so something like this (this example assumes that you're using React Router):

// This example assumes a click on this link: 
// <a href="action://about">Go to the about page</a>
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';

const SomeComponent = () => {
  const history = useHistory();
  React.useEffect(() => {
    global.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
      if ( && === 'iterable-action-link') {
        // Route us to the content that comes after "action://" 
  }, []);

  return <></>;

Safari: Allowing JavaScript execution in tabs opened by in-app message link clicks

To display an in-app message, Iterable's Web SDK uses an iframe on which the sandbox attribute is set to allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-top-navigation. On Safari, this configuration blocks JavaScript execution in tabs that open because of link clicks in the iframe.

To allow JavaScript to run in these new tabs, use initializeWithConfig , pass in the configuration options, and set dangerouslyAllowJsPopups to true.

For example:

import { initializeWithConfig } from '@iterable/web-sdk';

const { clearRefresh, setEmail, setUserID, logout } = initializeWithConfig({
  authToken: '<<YOUR_API_KEY>>',
  configOptions: {
    isEuIterableService: false,
    dangerouslyAllowJsPopups: true,
  // email will be defined if you call setEmail
  // userID will be defined if you call setUserID
  generateJWT: ({ email, userID }) =>
    yourAsyncJWTGeneratorMethod({ email, userID }).then(
      ({ jwt_token }) => jwt_token

However, use caution. Allowing JavaScript to run in new tabs opens the door to the possibility of malicious code execution.

SDK version support:

  • Versions 1.0.11+ of Iterable's Web SDK support the DANGEROUSLY_ALLOW_JS_POPUP_EXECUTION environment variable.

For more information, see:


Iterable's Web SDK includes TypeScript definitions. All SDK methods should be typed for you, but if you need to import specific typings, you can parse through each types.d.ts file inside of the ./dist directory to find what you need. Request and response payloads should all be available.

If something is missing, please let us know.


Looking to contribute? Please see the contributing instructions here for more details.


This SDK is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.