This project started as a hobby but ended being used for building a demo scene for the course Real-Time Rendering @ TU Wien. Classified as the best project of the class in the 2016 Winter Semester and part of the Hall of Fame of the course.
The following video demonstrastes the demo scene:
The demo scene can be run by downloading the Real-time Rendering Demo release and opening Application.exe.
- assimp - Library used to import 3D models
- DirectX 11 - The graphics API used on the main project
- DirectX 12 - The graphics API used for an alternative branch aimed at porting the original code
- DirectSound 8 - The audio API
- DirectXTex - Set of helper functions for DirectX
- nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++
- rapidxml - Used to parse XML files
- João Maia - JPMMaia
- João Neto - JoaoFranciscoNeto
- Raster Tek - For providing the tutorials that made me start this project as a hobby. Many features presented on the tutorials were implemented on this project.
- The books Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11 and Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 by Frank D. Luna helped greatly on the development of this project.
- Professor Michael Wimmer - For giving us classes with imprescindible content