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Humanize Anything

Convert any value to a short, human-readable string

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  • Safely show user input values in messages and logs

  • Differentiates between null, undefined, and NaN

  • Includes the contents of small objects and arrays

  • Returns names of functions and classes — even async functions, generators, etc.

  • Keeps humanized value within your specified length limit


You can install Humanize Anything via npm.

npm install @jsdevtools/humanize-anything


humanize(value, [options])

Convert any value to a short, human-readable string. It will try to humanize the actual value, if it's short enough; otherwise, it will humanize the type name.

import humanize from "@jsdevtools/humanize-anything";

humanize(123);                       // '123'
humanize(NaN);                       // 'NaN'
humanize(null);                      // 'null'
humanize("Hello");                   // '"Hello"'  (with quotes)
humanize(/^regex$/);                 // '/^regex$/'
humanize({ x: 1, y: 2 });            // '{x, y}'
humanize([1, 2, 3, 4]);              // '[1,2,3,4]'
humanize(new RangeError());          // 'RangeError'

humanize.values(values, [options])

Returns a list of values as an oxford-comma separated string. Can be configured to use "and", "or", or a custom conjuction.

  • values - An array of values to humanize
  • options - Optional options object
import humanize from "@jsdevtools/humanize-anything";

humanize.values([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);          // '1, 2, 3, 4, and 5'
humanize.values([NaN, null, undefined]);   // 'NaN, null, and undefined'
humanize.values([true, false]);            // 'true and false'
humanize.values(["Fred", "Wilma"]);        // '"Fred" and "Wilma"'  (with quotes)

humanize.list(strings, [options])

This is similar to humanize.values() above, but expects the values to already be strings. It doesn't do any humanization logic. It just concatenates the strings into an oxford-comma separated list

  • strings - An array of strings to be joined into a list
  • options - Optional options object
import humanize from "@jsdevtools/humanize-anything";

humanize.list(["Fred", "Wilma"]);          // 'Fred and Wilma'
humanize.list(["one", "two", "three"]);    // 'one, two, and three'


Returns the type name of the given value. This may be a primitive type or a class name.

import humanize from "@jsdevtools/humanize-anything";

humanize.type(123);                       // 'number'
humanize.type(NaN);                       // 'NaN'
humanize.type(null);                      // 'null'
humanize.type("Hello");                   // 'string'
humanize.type(/^regex$/);                 // 'RegExp'
humanize.type({ x: 1, y: 2 });            // 'Object'
humanize.type([1, 2, 3, 4]);              // 'Array'
humanize.type(new RangeError());          // 'RangeError'


Returns the class name of the given value.

import humanize from "@jsdevtools/humanize-anything";

humanize.class(123);                       // 'Number'
humanize.class(NaN);                       // 'Number'
humanize.class(null);                      // 'Null'
humanize.class("Hello");                   // 'String'
humanize.class(/^regex$/);                 // 'RegExp'
humanize.class({ x: 1, y: 2 });            // 'Object'
humanize.class([1, 2, 3, 4]);              // 'Array'
humanize.class(new RangeError());          // 'RangeError'


Returns the name of the given function. This works with any type of function, including async, generators, classes, etc. If the function doesn't have a name, then an empty string is returned.

import humanize from "@jsdevtools/humanize-anything";

humanize.function(function myFunction() {});                 // 'myFunction'
humanize.function(async function myAsyncFunction() {});      // 'myAsyncFunction'
humanize.function(function* myGenerator() {});               // 'myGenerator'
humanize.function(async function* myAsyncGenerator() {});    // 'myAsyncGenerator'
humanize.function(() => true);                               // ''
humanize.function(async () => true);                         // ''
humanize.function(class Foo {});                             // 'Foo'
humanize.function(Object);                                   // 'Object'
humanize.function(Object.toString);                          // 'toString'


The humanize(), humanize.values(), and humanize.list() functions accept an optional options object. The object can have any of these properties:

Option Type Default Description
maxLength number 25 The maximum length of a humanized value before it is shortened or truncated
capitalize boolean false Indicates whether the value string should be capitalized if applicable (e.g. "Number" instead of "number").
article boolean false Indicates whether the value string should be prefixed with an article if applicable (e.g. "an object" instead of "object").
conjunction string or false "and" The string used to join a list of values when calling humanize.values() or humanize.list(). This is usually either "and" or "or". Setting it to false will omit the conjunction.


Contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes are welcome! Open an issue on GitHub and submit a pull request.


To build the project locally on your computer:

  1. Clone this repo
    git clone

  2. Install dependencies
    npm install

  3. Build the code
    npm run build

  4. Run the tests
    npm test


Humanize Anything is 100% free and open-source, under the MIT license. Use it however you want.

This package is Treeware. If you use it in production, then we ask that you buy the world a tree to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.

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