Java Version Manager inspired by nvm (Node.js). Written in Go.
The goal is to provide unified pain-free experience of installing (and switching between different versions of) JDK regardless of the OS (macOS, Linux x86/x86_64/ARMv7+, Windows x86_64).
This is a community fork of the original project and is currently a work in progress. There may be some out of date instructions in the README, please bear with us while we get things going.
jabba install
The JDK index is powered by DiscoAPI as such some of the JDK's may be named slightly differently from the old index The index will give you the list of jdks for your OS and architecture
- Oracle JDK (latest-version only)
- Oracle Server JRE (latest-version only),
- Adopt OpenJDK (jabba >=0.8.0 is required)
- Hotspot
- Eclipse OpenJ9
- Zulu OpenJDK (jabba >=0.3.0 is required)
- IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition (jabba >=0.6.0 is required)
- GraalVM CE
- OpenJDK
- OpenJDK Reference Implementation
- OpenJDK with Shenandoah GC (jabba >=0.10.0 is required)
- Liberica JDK
- Amazon Corretto
... and from custom URLs.
See jabba-wrapper
brew install jabba
Add the following to your .zshrc
[ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/jabba/" ] && . "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/jabba/"
isn't already defined for you run:
brew --prefix
to get the value
(in bash/zsh/...)
export JABBA_VERSION=...
curl -sL | bash && . ~/.jabba/
Use the same command to upgrade, you can also upgrade from shyiko's 0.11.2 by running this command
The script modifies common shell rc files by default. To skip these provide the --skip-rc
flag to
like so:
export JABBA_VERSION=...
curl -sL | bash -s -- --skip-rc && . ~/.jabba/
Make sure to source
in your environment if you skip it:
export JABBA_VERSION=...
[ -s "$JABBA_HOME/" ] && source "$JABBA_HOME/"
In fish command looks a little bit different - export JABBA_VERSION=...
curl -sL | bash; and . ~/.jabba/
If you don't have
installed - replacecurl -sL
withwget -qO-
If you are behind a proxy see - curl / wget manpage. Usually simple
http_proxy=http://proxy-server:port https_proxy=http://proxy-server:port curl -sL ...
is enough.
While you can use the same snippet as above, chances are you don't want jabba binary & shell
integration script(s) to be included in the final Docker image, all you want is a JDK. Here is the Dockerfile
showing how this can be done:
FROM buildpack-deps:jessie-curl
RUN curl -sL | \
JABBA_COMMAND="install 1.15.0 -o /jdk" bash
env variable is
binary, executes specified command and then deletes the binary)
$ docker build -t <image_name>:<image_tag> .
$ docker run -it --rm <image_name>:<image_tag> java -version
java version "1.15.0....
(in powershell)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-Expression (
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing
Use the same command to upgrade, you can also upgrade from shyiko's 0.11.2 by running this command
Whilst jabba is listed in the Scoop package manager, scoop only install the binary, it doesn't add the shell integration, it is recommended you install from the script above or try adding the shell integration manually while we investigate the proper fix, see the (issue here)[#48] for details.
# list available JDK's
jabba ls-remote
# you can use any valid semver range to narrow down the list
jabba ls-remote zulu@~1.8.60
jabba ls-remote "*@>=1.6.45 <1.9" --latest=minor
# install Oracle JDK
jabba install 1.15.0
# install Oracle Server JRE
jabba install [email protected]
# install Eclipse Temurin / Adoptium (Hotspot)
jabba install [email protected]
# install Adopt OpenJDK (Hotspot)
jabba install [email protected]
# install Adopt OpenJDK (Eclipse OpenJ9)
jabba install [email protected]
# install Zulu OpenJDK
jabba install [email protected]
jabba install zulu@~1.8.144 # same as "zulu@>=1.8.144 <1.9"
# install IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition
jabba install [email protected]
# install GraalVM CE
jabba install [email protected]
# install Oracle OpenJDK
jabba install [email protected]
# install Microsoft OpenJDK
jabba install [email protected]
# install OpenJDK with Shenandoah GC
jabba install [email protected]
# install from custom URL
# (supported qualifiers: zip (since 0.3.0), tgz, tgx (since 0.10.0), dmg, bin, exe)
jabba install 1.8.0-custom=tgz+
jabba install 1.8.0-custom=tgx+
jabba install 1.8.0-custom=zip+file:///opt/
# uninstall JDK
jabba uninstall [email protected]
# link system JDK
jabba link [email protected] /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_72.jdk
# list all installed JDK's
jabba ls
# switch to a different version of JDK (it must be already `install`ed)
jabba use [email protected]
jabba use zulu@~1.6.97
echo "1.8" > .jabbarc
# switch to the JDK specified in .jabbarc (since 0.5.0)
jabba use
# set default java version on shell (since 0.2.0)
# this version will automatically be "jabba use"d every time you open up a new terminal
jabba alias default 1.8
has to be a valid YAML file. JDK version can be specified asjdk: 1.8
or simply as1.8
(same as~1.8
">=1.8.0 <1.9.0"
(mind the quotes)).
jsyk: jabba keeps everything under
(on Linux/Mac OS X) /%USERPROFILE%/.jabba
(on Windows). If at any point of time you decide to uninstall jabba - just remove this directory.
For more information see jabba --help
git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
make fetch
go run jabba.go
# to test a change
make test # or "test-coverage" if you want to get a coverage breakdown
# to make a build
make build # or "build-release" (latter is cross-compiling jabba to different OSs/ARCHs)
Q: What if I already have java
A: It's fine. You can switch between system JDK and jabba
-provided one whenever you feel like it (jabba use ...
/ jabba deactivate
They are not gonna conflict with each other.
Q: How do I switch java
A: jabba doesn't have this functionality built-in because the exact way varies greatly between the operation systems and usually involves elevated permissions. But. Here are the snippets that should work:
- Windows
(in powershell as administrator)
# select jdk
jabba use ...
# modify global PATH & JAVA_HOME
$envRegKey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine.OpenSubKey('SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment', $true)
$envPath=$envRegKey.GetValue('Path', $null, "DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames").replace('%JAVA_HOME%\bin;', '')
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('JAVA_HOME', "$(jabba which $(jabba current))", 'Machine')
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;$envPath", 'Machine')
- Linux
(tested on Debian/Ubuntu)
# select jdk
jabba use ...
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/java 20000
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/javac 20000
To switch between multiple GLOBAL alternatives use
sudo update-alternatives --config java
By using this software you agree to
- Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX
- Oracle Technology Network Early Adopter Development License Agreement in case of EA releases
- Apple's Software License Agreement in case of "Java for OS X"
- International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs in case of IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition.
This software is for educational purposes only.
Use it at your own risk.