This project targets the tracking of a human motion to trigger an action on an
AVM Smart Home actor. When a motion is detected, a light sensor can be checked
for the current ambient light level and if a configured threshold is passed,
the configured actor will be turn on for example. The avm-motion-triggerd
daemon can be configured to send user defined actions, like turn an actor on,
off or just toggle it.
The project runs productive on a Raspberry Pi Model B rev2 with Arch Linux ARM as distribution. For detecting human motions the PIR Motion Sensor from Seeed Studio was used. The Light Sensor Brick from ITead Studio was used to detect the ambient light level. This sensor was attached to an MCP3008, 10 Bit / 8 Channel ADC which is connected via the SPI bus to the Raspberry Pi. For further details consider the Platform and Wiring wiki page.
The project targets the AVM Smart Home Solutions. The productive setup uses a AVM FRITZ!Powerline 546E power adapter as actor and a AVM FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL as router. It should also be possible to use the power adapter standalone.
The project needs the following libraries to build:
- glibc (>=2.20)
- openssl (>=1.0.1.l)
- libxml2 (>=2.9.2)
- libcurl (>=7.40.0)
- libconfig (>=1.5)
- libbcm2835 (>=1.46)
The versions behind the libraries are describing the lowest tested versions. Is it possible that lower and/or higher versions will run fine, too.
The project was successfully compiled with the GCC (>=4.9.2).
For all non-Arch Linux systems you can install the software the old way by
building it from source (make build
) and fire a make install
. The project
is not configured by autotools, but the makefiles makes use of the standard
directory variables. Forthermore you can specify a DESTDIR
variable for
packaging. (make DESTDIR=/tmp/xyz install
) If you are interessested in
changing the default directory variables consider the Makefile.shared
file. They are change able the same way as DESTDIR
. The
target takes care of the same variables and will cleanup your
system if you don't want the software to be installed.
If you are interessested in building an Arch Linux package, all you have to do
is to clone this repository, install/build all the dependencies of the project
and run makepkg
inside the dist/archlinux
directory. Afterwards you will
find a fresh package (avm-motion-trigger-*-*.pkg.tar.xz
) in the same
directory. This process underlies the same cross compiling restrictions as the
From Source installation.
The avm-motion-triggerd daemon can be configured with a configuration file
which follows the format which is described by the avm-motion-trigger.conf
man page. On Arch Linux the system wide configuration can be found at
The avm-motion-triggerd daemon can be started in different flavors. It is
able to run in foreground by adding the -f|--foreground
parameters or in
background (without additional parameters). While the daemon is running in
foreground, all logging outputs will be printed to stdout
and/or stderr
The foreground logging is prefixed with the current date/time and the log level
for the message. While the daemon runs in background, all logging outputs will
be redirected to syslog
. For Arch Linux there is a systemd unit file shipped
for the daemon. The service can be enabled with:
sudo systemctl enable avm-motion-triggerd.service
The project is written in C and comes with a bulk of predefined GNU Make
targets to speed up common development tasks. To get in touch just fork and
clone the project, install/build the required dependencies and fire a make build
The most adorable targets are clean build test
(in this order :)). While
editing the man pages you can easily review the latest state with the docs-*
targets. (currently there are:
docs-avmctl.1 docs-avm-motion-trigger.conf.5 docs-avm-motion-triggerd.1
The project comes with a whole bunch of simple test binaries which covers
single aspects of the project en bloc. All test cases can be easily accessed
with their corresponding test-*
and test-mem-*
targets. The test-mem-*
variants will be checked for memory leaks by valgrind. Here is a list of the
currently available GNU Make targets:
test-ambient-light-level test-build-url test-config test-list-switches
test-logger test-login test-mem-ambient-light-level test-mem-build-url
test-mem-config test-mem-list-switches test-mem-logger test-mem-login
test-mem-password-challenge test-mem-password-response test-mem-pidfile
test-mem-pir-motion-detection test-mem-switch-off test-mem-switch-on
test-mem-switch-toggle test-password-challenge test-password-response
test-pidfile test-pir-motion-detection test-switch-off test-switch-on
Please mind the Contribution Guide and the given .editorconfig file if you plan to work on the project.