Device files for the Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 USA
The files in this folder are the product of the aries-common folder from and the vibrantmtd folder from merged into one, and modified to run on the US Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 aka venturi_usa.
In order to build CM-10.1 for this device, sync the entire CyanogenMod repo (instsructions here: but do up to where you run "repo sync" and it downloads the source. After the source is all downloaded, create a file under (source-tree-root)/.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml and copy the following into that and save:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="JackpotClavin/android_device_samsung_venturi_usa" path="device/samsung/venturi_usa" remote="github" />
<project name="JackpotClavin/android_vendor_samsung_venturi_usa" path="vendor/samsung/venturi_usa" remote="github" />
<project name="JackpotClavin/android_kernel_samsung_venturi" path="kernel/samsung/venturi" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" />
Then, run "repo sync" one more time. After it gets the device, vendor, kernel, and Samsung hardware files you will be able to build.
The after syncing the entire CyanogenMod source tree and the Venturi files, type:
. build/
and then the build command is:
brunch venturi_usa
Modification and improving the aforementioned source tree is strongly encouraged! Happy building!
A tip: If you're just making a kernel, you don't have to make an entire .zip file. Instead, type:
. build/
Then, type:
lunch cm_venturi_usa-userdebug
And to direct your build environment to make just a bootimage, type:
mka bootimage
This will build the kernel and ramdisk and recovery and package it into a nice boot.img that you can install (should be around 5.6MB)