This package provides jaguar_serializer based interceptors, utitity methods and utility classes for Jaguar to make encoding and decoding JSON easier.
jaguar_json exposes interceptors to encode and decode Dart objects to and from JSON using two methods:
- Using
- Using
, Decode
and Codec
interceptors are provided to encode and decode json. Both these interceptors
accept an instance of the Serializer<ModelType>
class that it internally uses to serialize and
automatically serializes result returned from the route method. Care must be taken that the
route returns an object of type ModelType
automatically de-serializes JSON body in the request to ModelType
. The de-serialized dart
object can be obtained in the route method using ctx.getInterceptorResult(Decode)
@Api(path: '/api/book')
class BookRoutes {
static json.Decode decoder(_) => new json.Decode(bookSerializer);
static json.Encode<Book> encoder(_) => new json.Encode<Book>(bookSerializer);
@Wrap(const [decoder, encoder])
Book one(Context ctx) {
final Book book = ctx.getInterceptorResult(json.Decode);
return book;
@Post(path: '/many')
@Wrap(const [decoder, encoder])
List<Book> list(Context ctx) => ctx.getInterceptorResult(json.Decode);
Using JsonRepo
simplifies the encoding and decoding. First task is to create a JsonRepo
and add all the required serializers to it.
, DecodeRepo
and CodecRepo
interceptors are provided to encode and decode json using repo. Both these
interceptors accept an instance of JsonRepo
that it internally uses to find the appropriate serializer
to serialize and deserialize. For the decoder to find the right serializer, the incoming JSON body must have a type
field. The type field can be set in the DecodeRepo
using typeKey
final JsonRepo repo = new JsonRepo(
serializers: [personSerializer, bookSerializer], withType: true);
json.CodecRepo codec(_) => new json.CodecRepo(repo);
@Api(path: '/api/book')
class BookRoutes {
Book get(Context ctx) => new Book.fromNum(5);
Book post(Context ctx) {
final book = ctx.getInterceptorResult<Book>(json.CodecRepo);
return book;
s can extend JsonRoutes
class to get access to toJson
and fromJson
methods that using JsonRepo
to make
encoding and decoding JSON easier.
@Api(path: '/api/book')
class BookRoutes extends Object with json.JsonRoutes {
JsonRepo get repo => models.repo;
Response<String> get(Context ctx) => toJson(new Book.fromNum(5));
Future<Response<String>> post(Context ctx) async =>
toJson(await fromJson(ctx));
Global functions serialize
and deserialize
helps in encoding and decoding JSON using Serializer
@Api(path: '/api/book')
class BookRoutes {
Response<String> get(Context ctx) =>
json.serialize(bookSerializer, new Book.fromNum(5));
Future<Response<String>> post(Context ctx) async => json.serialize(
bookSerializer, await json.deserialize(bookSerializer, ctx));