This is a golang
Fonix v2 API client for sms gateway.
Import the library package eg.
import ""
Send Sms using fonix client in golang:
package main
import (
fonix ""
func main() {
client := fonix.New("MY-API_KEY")
response, err := client.SendSms(context.Background(), &fonix.SmsParams{Originator: "889988", Numbers: "4474123456789", Body: "Hello!"})
if err != nil {
Api Errors, if you get error from fonix api you can try casting it to *ApiError
to get more info like StatusCode
access to http response or the ErrorData
object with parsed error response which might contain info about Parameter
or Failcode
response, err := client.SendSms(context.Background(), &fonix.SmsParams{Originator: "889988", Numbers: "4474123456789", Body: "Hello!"})
if err != nil {
apiError, ok := err.(*ApiError)
if ok {
fmt.Println("http response status code:", apiError.StatusCode)
fmt.Ptinln("issue with field: ", apiError.ErrorData.Parameter)
Example MO handler can be implemented like this:
func MoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "ParseForm() err: %v", err)
ifversion := r.FormValue("IFVERSION")
monumber := r.FormValue("MONUMBER")
operator := r.FormValue("OPERATOR")
destination := r.FormValue("DESTINATION")
body := r.FormValue("BODY")
receiveTime := r.FormValue("RECEIVETIME")
guid := r.FormValue("GUID")
price := r.FormValue("PRICE")
requestID := r.FormValue("REQUESTID")
fmt.Printf("IFVERSION: %s\nMONUMBER: %s\nOPERATOR: %s\nDESTINATION: %s\nBODY: %s\nRECEIVETIME: %s\nGUID: %s\nPRICE: %s\nREQUESTID: %s\n\n", ifversion, monumber, operator, destination, body, receiveTime, guid, price, requestID)
Mock DR/MO handler is implemented HERE
CLI client has mock mo and dr handler in command ./bin/fonix modrmock --port=6688
that hosts handlers on paths:
MOs => /mock/mosms
DRs => /mock/drs
Library contains both command line client available via release
and library to integrate in your code.
It can be compiled or downloaded as binary and use to interact with fonix API
To use cmd interface please download the release or build it from source make
. This should produce ./bin/fonix
or in case of binary fonix
To interact with client call
./fonix --help
This will show you all command you can use.
To send bulk sms you can use the sendsms
command. It requires API_KEY, body, originator and numbers parammeters.
API_KEY=live_xyz ./fonix sendsms -b test -d no -n 447111222333 -o 84988
Api key can be set as ENVironment variable or as param to command -k
or --apikey=
eg. --apikey=live:myKey123456XYZ
Each other param can be checked by doing
./fonix sendsms --help
For dummy billing (mock api request) you use --dummy=yes
API_KEY=live_xyz ./fonix sendsms -b test -n 447111222333 -o 84988 -d yes
API_KEY=live_xyz ./fonix sendsms --=body test --numbers=447111222333 --ooriginator=84988 --dummy=yes
To check cli client version just do ./fonix version
Client Lib:
- - v2/sendsms
- - v2/adultverify
- - v2/avsolo
- - v2/chargesms
- - v2/sendbinsms
- - v2/sendwappush
- - v2/operator_lookup
- - v2/kycsolo
- - v2/chargemobile
- - v2/refund
CLI Client:
- - fonix sendsms
- - fonix adultverify (sync/async)
- - fonix chargesms
- - fonix sendbinsms
- - fonix sendwappush
- - fonix operator_lookup
- - fonix chargemobile
- - fonix refund
To build development version just type make
To build release for all platforms make release
To run entire suit of tests make test