Code: ./reports/elasticsearch/
- Console:
- Kibana:
- ElasticSearch:
To Investigate:
- - KNN requires AWS or OpenDistro
ElasticSearch Guide:
Ubuntu/Debian Install
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options # optional: -Xms2g -Xmx2g
sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml # cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: false
sudo -i service elasticsearch stop
sudo -i service elasticsearch start
sudo npm install -g json5
reports/elasticsearch/ -v -t "Madam President, on a point of order." -c 10
reports/elasticsearch/ -v -t "Four Score and Seven Years Ago"
reports/elasticsearch/ -v -t "I should like to observe a minute's silence" --lang italian
reports/elasticsearch/ -v -t "I should like to observe a minute's silence" --lang Italian
query_embedding() timings: {'embedding': 0.867, 'query': 13.203}
0.850088 Italian Vi chiedo di osservare un minuto di silenzio.
0.848983 Italian Vi invito a osservare un minuto di silenzio.
0.843102 Italian Vi invito pertanto a osservare un minuto di silenzio.
0.838669 Italian Il Parlamento osserva un minuto di silenzio
0.835562 Italian Vi chiedo ora di osservare un minuto di silenzio.
0.823920 Italian Vi invito a osservare questo minuto di silenzio.
0.820581 Italian Onorevoli deputati, vi chiedo di osservare un minuto di silenzio.
0.819016 Italian Onorevoli parlamentari, vi chiedo di osservare un minuto di silenzio.
0.818605 Italian Onorevoli colleghi, propongo un minuto di silenzio.
0.817192 Italian Vi invito, onorevoli colleghi, ad osservare un minuto di silenzio.
reports/elasticsearch/ -v -t "Madam President, on a point of order." -c 20
query_embedding() timings: {'embedding': 0.86, 'query': 34.034}
1.000000 English Madam President, on a point of order.
0.990433 English Mr President, on a point of order.
0.990433 English Mr President, on a point of order.
0.989137 Spanish Señora Presidenta, sobre una cuestión de orden.
0.983990 Portuguese Senhora Presidente, é para um ponto de ordem.
0.983581 Spanish Señora Presidenta, una cuestión de orden.
0.983429 Portuguese Senhor Presidente, para um ponto de ordem.
0.982367 French Madame la Présidente, sur une motion de procédure.
0.982063 Danish Fru formand, en bemærkning til forretningsordenen.
0.981689 Spanish Señor Presidente, sobre una cuestión de orden.
0.981465 German Frau Präsidentin, eine Bemerkung zur Geschäftsordnung.
0.981197 Portuguese Senhora Presidente, intervenho para um ponto de ordem.
0.980337 Italian Signora Presidente, su una mozione di procedura.
0.979547 Dutch Mevrouw de Voorzitter, een motie van orde.
0.979357 Portuguese Senhor Presidente, um ponto de ordem.
0.978980 Portuguese Senhor Presidente, relativamente a um ponto de ordem.
0.978890 Italian Signora Presidente, per un richiamo al regolamento.
0.978755 German Frau Präsidentin, ein Wort zur Geschäftsordnung.
0.978430 Spanish Señor Presidente, para una cuestión de orden.
0.976959 German Frau Präsidentin, zur Geschäftsordnung.
- FAISS runs 35x faster on GPU than CPU
- FAISS scales linearly with search space and number of queries | O(N^2) for bitext retrieval
- NVIDIA GTX 1060 (6GB) can load 500,000 embeddings into memory without PCA
- PCA with 128 dimensions has 4x faster search times
- PCA with 128 dimensions is capable of doing GPU bitext retrieval on 2 million lines in 17 minutes with 86% accuracy
- Clustering is inefficient for single search, but might be worth investigating for repeated search
- PCA and Clustering affect cosine similarity statistics, so disable --cutoff unaligned_score
- PCA and Clustering reduce accuracy
- LaBSE outputs 768 bit embeddings which may be slightly faster to search than 1024 bit LASER embeddings
- It may also be possible to run a multi-stage lookup generating a candidate list via PCA lookup and then verifying cosine similarity against the original 768/1024 bit embedding.
It may also be possible to run a multi-stage lookup generating a candidate list via PCA lookup and then verifying cosine similarity against the original 768/1024 bit embedding.
Another possible (untested) usecase for Embeddings + PCA is Locality Sensitive Hashing.
Locality Sensitive Hashing creates a bitmask of N bytes by drawing random planes over the vector space, with the bits representing on which side each vector is relative to each planes. This is the implementation for K Nearest Neighbors. FAISS may do something similar to this with its clustered indexing.
For cosine similarity search, this idea might be modified for angular coordinates
by doing PCA down to N dimensions and testing if
cosine_similarity( PCA(embedding, N), eigenvector ) > 0
for each of the eigenvectors, to generate an N bit hash.
These hashes could be uploaded to Elasticsearch and combined with identity search for bucketing or index segmentation. The idea being to reduce the search space of candidates to be searched for.
- (pypi: faiss-cpu + faiss-gpu)