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Dead Link Checker (DeLiC)

Dead link checker written in Golang using Colly.

1. Config

Full example

# Required
  - url:
    ignored_links: # Optional, list of regex's which should be ignored
      - ^'t-visit-me.*
    notify: # Optional, send notification to these notifiers by name
      - email_technical_en

# Optional, can also be set as environment variable VERBOSE.
# Default is False.
verbose: False

# Optional, run every night.
# If omitted or empty, DeLiC will check the provided sites once and exit.
cron: "0 0 * * *"

# Optional, endpoint to send GET request to on a successful run.
# If omitted or empty, health check request will be skipped.
  url: ""

# Optional, see for supported URL's.
# If using "smtp", make sure to set option "usehtml=true".
  - name: email_technical_en
    url: smtp://smpt4dev:smpt4dev@localhost:8025/?from=delic@localhost&to=admin1@localhost,admin2@localhost&usehtml=true&subject=Broken%20links%20found
    template_name: "technical_en" # Currently only "technical_en" and "simple_nl" supported

Minimal example

Probably only useful with --json flag.

  - url:

2. Run DeLiC

By default, DeLiC tries to read the config file at ./config.yml.

docker run -v /path/to/config.yml:/config.yml:ro,z jenswbe/dead-link-checker

3. CLI arguments

-c, --config    Location of the config file
    --json      Print all site reports as JSON to stdout
    --now       Overrides cron and forces an immediate check
-v, --verbose   Enable verbose output


Running E2E tests

cd e2e
docker compose up -d
go test --tags e2e ./...