Functionnal : you can generate a password of desired length from a .exe file and choose with check boxes what characters the password has. There is also the option to just use the command line and to generate a password with the same options as with the GUI.
- I know there exist reliable and secure software that generates and store securately passwords, I would recommend to check : and Dashlane or Bitwarden for your personnal use.
- However, I like creating applications with UI and I want to improve at it. So I need no more reasons not to try to make (some) things myself 🤠 !
- Create a basic .exe app to generate random passwords of desired length. ✅
- Add settings property such as choosing if the password has numbers, uppercase, lowercase, special characters. ✅
- Added some testing with pytest / tox and automatic testing with github actions. ✅
Currently (v2) we can generate a 'customized' password. We can choose its length and some of the characters that it posess (lower, uppercase, numbers, special characters). It was exactly what I wanted. This is the current result of this project :