linux daemon to use multiple keyboards as multiple joysticks in supported games using uinput
I created this program in order to play multiplayer local games using multiple keyboards separately like clonehero.
just run the install script and then restart your computer
$ sudo ./
the install script will create a new systemd service. You can start it using:
$ sudo systemctl start kbjoy
or start it automatically on boot:
$ sudo systemctl enable kbjoy
before first time usage, make sure your user have the necessary rights:
$ sudo adduser your_user_account kbjoy
WARNING: when a keyboard is connected, it will act as a gamepad and can't be used as a keyboard until you exit the gamepad mode
You can force disconnect a keyboard to kbjoy using ctrl+alt+del it will destroy the virtual device and make the keyboard act as a keyboard again
When connected, the keyboard has two different modes:
- gamepad mode: all the input event are send to the virtual gamepad, the keyboard is disabled
- keyboard mode: the gamepad exist but is in idle. the keyboard act normally
you can switch between the two mode using SUPER+ESCAPE
If you want to give a try to the app, you can run the example script: config/ who will automatically run all the command.
Just be sure to replace "/home/blade/Documents/kbjoy/configs/" with the path of your config mapping file (or by nothing to use default settings)
you can send command to the daemon using kbjoy-client program
(it will send your command to the unix domain socket of the daemon)
the syntax is:
$ kbjoy-client your_command arg1 [arg2...]
the available commands are:
- ping [no arg] : test if the daemon is running
- exit [no arg] : exit the daemon properly
- add [int_gamepad_id] : create the virtual device with the specified id
- start [int_gamepad_id] [keyboard path] [optional: config path] : assign a keyboard to a previously created virtual gamepad
- trigger [KEY_ID] : report the path of the keyboard when a specific key is pressed
the programm kbjoy-connect (with no arg) is used to monitor et read the output of all the previous command (except for ping)
example output:
sent: connect
receive 9 accept:
connection ID: 3
About to extract fd
Extracted fd 4
pid: 3469
file locked
timeout set
skipped: list-start
skipped: /dev/input/event0
skipped: list-end
skipped: begin:
skipped: begin:
skipped: begin:
timeout removed
recv: list-start
recv: /dev/input/event0
recv: list-end
the keyword "skipped" means the message was sent before kbjoy-connect was running
you can edit the mapping of your virtual gamepad using a mapping file. You can see examples in config/
(I may add informations to this section later)