A very simple and lightweight deamon to handle keyboard media button events easily.
Run followig command. Replace 'USER' with your username and 'DEVICE' with the device you want to let your music get controlled from
sudo setfacl -m u:<USER>:rw /dev/input/by-id/<DEVICE>
Paste the following snippet into /etc/udev/rules.d/99-userdev-input.rules
KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEM=="input", RUN+="/usr/bin/setfacl -m u:<USER>:rw /dev/input/by-id/<DEVICE>"
Reboot, or run the command from Testing to apply changes
You can get it precompiled from my pacman repository
yay -S mediad
Arch: libpulse dbus
Fedora: dbus-devel
Run following command:
cargo install mediad
mediad <DEVICE>
Where 'DEVICE' is the same device you used earlier to give the user permissions