is a plugin for the Google protocol buffers compiler protoc. It generates NATS Microservices and clients of protobuf service definitions.
Through the NATS request-reply pattern we have support for load balancing and service discovery out of the box.
Combined with protobuf as the data serialization format, natspb
provides a simple and efficient way to build microservices using NATS.
The following instructions assume you are using Go Modules for dependency management. Use a tool dependency to track the versions of the following executable packages:
// +build tools
package tools
import (
_ ""
Run go mod tidy
to resolve the versions. Install by running
go install
This will place four binaries in your $GOBIN
Make sure that your $GOBIN
is in your $PATH
Add protoc-gen-go-nats
to your buf.gen.yaml
version: v1
- plugin: go
out: .
opt: paths=source_relative
- plugin: go-nats
out: .
opt: paths=source_relative
protoc -I . --go-nats_out ./gen/go \
First specify your protobuf service with the subject
of protoc_gen_nats.options.nats
for each method set.
You can optionally set the protoc_gen_nats.options.nats_service
for each service which will be used when registering your service on NATS.
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
option go_package = "";
import "protoc-gen-go-nats/options/descriptor.proto";
service ExampleService {
option(nats.pb.protoc_gen_nats.options.nats_service) = {
name: "Example";
description: "I'm a useful description";
version: "1.0.0"
rpc Echo(Hello) returns (Hello) {
option (nats.pb.protoc_gen_nats.options.nats) = {
subject: "echo.echo";
message Hello {
string greeting = 1;
To use the nats specific method and service annotations, add
to yourbuf.yaml
dependencies.version: v1 name: ... deps: -
Always run
buf mod update
after adding a dependency to yourbuf.yaml
.If your using
you need to manually copy protoc-gen-go-nats/options/descriptor.proto and provide them to protoc when generating your stubs.