MyPortal Web UI is an application developed in Angular 9 that covers the UI part of MyPortal project. This project is intended to be an example of a full web application development integrating Angular, .Net Core and using different architectural approaches.
Use these instructions to get the project up and running.
We would need the following tools:
- Visual Studio Code (Recommended)
- Node.js (version 10 or later) with npm (version 6.9.0 or later)
- Angular (version 9 or later)
Follow these steps to get the project set up:
- Clone the repository
- Download and install packages using the following command:
npm install
- Build and serve the application using the following command:
ng serve
- Open http://localhost:4200/ in your browser to view the Web UI
- Angular 9.1.11
- Angular/CLI 9.1.9
- Node 10.16.0
- NgBootstrap 6.2.0
- Npm 6.14.5