This repository contains sushi dataset and scripts to train custom object detection model using Tensofrslow Object Detection API. Check my blog post (Japanese) or the official document for more details.
These are the results I got after training:
Medium Fatty Tune | Salmon | Spotted Shad |
When you add images and annotations, you need to create TFRecord again.
docker run -it \
--volume `pwd`:/tensorflow \
floydhub/tensorflow:1.4.0-py3_aws.14 \
pushd data
curl -OL${ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017}.tar.gz
tar -xzf ${pretrained_model}.tar.gz
rm -rf ${pretrained_model}.tar.gz ${pretrained_model}
docker run -it \
--volume `pwd`:/tensorflow \
floydhub/tensorflow:1.4.0-py3_aws.14 \
docker run -it \
--volume `pwd`:/tensorflow \
floydhub/tensorflow:1.4.0-py3_aws.14 \
tensorboard --logdir=data
open http://localhost:6006
docker run -it \
--volume `pwd`:/tensorflow \
floydhub/tensorflow:1.4.0-py3_aws.14 \
> ln -s /tensorflow/data /data
> cd /tensorboard
> ./floyd/
> python -m object_detection.export_inference_graph \
--input_type=image_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path=/tensorflow/data/ssd_mobilenet_v1_sushi.floyd.config \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix=/data/train/model.ckpt-${checkpoint_number} \
Platform-as-a-Service for training and deploying your DL models in the cloud FloydHub - Deep Learning Platform - Cloud GPU
- Create your floydhub account
- Install floyd cli
- Create a project
floyd init your_project_name
- Create dataset
cd data
floyd data init your_dataset_name
floyd data upload
floyd run --env tensorflow-1.4 \
--data junji/datasets/sushi_detector/1:data \
"bash ./floyd/ && cp -R /data/* /output && sh ./floyd/"
=> junji/projects/sushi_detector/1
floyd run --gpu --env tensorflow-1.4 \
floyd stop junji/projects/sushi_detector/1
floyd run --env tensorflow-1.4 \
--data junji/projects/sushi_detector/{job_id}/output:data \
"bash ./floyd/ && cp -R /data/* /output && sh ./floyd/"
=> junji/projects/sushi_detector/2
floyd run --tensorboard --env tensorflow-1.4 \
--data junji/projects/sushi_detector/{job_id}/output:data \
"bash ./floyd/ && cp -R /data/* /output && nohup sh ./floyd/" && tensorboard --logdir=/output
The following steps don't work because Google Cloud ML Engine doesn't support the latest tensorflow version 1.4. Check this runtime version list.
Complete the following step checking the official documents
- Create a GCP project
- Install the Google Cloud SDK
- Enable the ML Engine APIs
- Set up a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket
- Running on Google Cloud Platform
- Quick Start: Distributed Training on the Oxford-IIIT Pets Dataset on Google Cloud
GCS_BUCKET=your_bucket_name ./gcp/
We need to package the Tensorflow Object Detection code to run it on Google Cloud, but the custom docker that we are using already has the packaged code