This app allows you to search for places around the Austin, TX area and used the Foursquare API. You can view search results in a list; and view the individual details of each search result. Each list item is a cardview containing details about a place like name, category, distance from center of Austin. There is also a button to favorite and un-favorite a place (stored in local DB - Room). On the details screen, there is a mapview within the collapsible toolbar with two markers(center of Austin, and the current venue). The details screen also provides details like rating, address, phone number and website information.
This application follows MVVM architecture pattern with View(Activity), ViewModel and Repository.
- Supports tablets (landscape mode)
- Securely storing API in a properties file rather than hard-coding it into the code.
This app uses the latest AndroidX packages.
Architecture component libraries used: Lifecycle, ViewModel, Room and Kotlin Coroutines.
3rd Party libraries used:
- Retrofit - for Networking
- Glide - for Images
- Built using Android Studio 3.5.
- Navigate to the project's root directory from command line.
- From command line, run "./gradlew assembleDebug".
- Once build is complete, an .apk is generated in the "app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk"
- You can install the apk on to an Android device by running "adb install app-debug.apk" from the command line.