It is inspired base on
- npm install.
- access to /generate (GET REQUEST) to generate QR code for Whatsapp API.
- scan the QR Code.
- After you got the "Client is Ready!" response in the console, you can now send message or send media message to other Whatsapp User.
Make a POST REQUEST to /send with json body num and message.
Example :
{"num" : "6285267671232", "message": "Hello world"}
Please note that the phone number format is an international format without + sign.
Make a POST REQUEST to /sendMedia with json body file (url), message and num.
Example :
{"num": "6285267671232", "message": "Hello world", "file": ""}
Please note that the phone number format is an international format without + sign.
if you want to send a message or media message to a lot of numbers, you can add multiple number with , sign.
Example :
{"num" : "6285267671232, 6287867651234", "message": "Hello world"}