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Install Visual Studio and .NET 5. It's also possible to use VS Code or another IDE that supports C# development (JetBrains Rider, for example).

wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https;
sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-5.0;
sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-5.0


  1. Create an app on the Discord Developer portal and retrieve a token from the Bot section.
  2. Create a copy of appsettings.json and name it appsettings.Development.json .
  3. Fill your bot token into appsettings.Development.json.
  4. Run the application either in an IDE (VS, VSC, Rider, ...) or via the command prompt:
dotnet run --project <path_to_src/Inkluzitron>

Production deployment

Using Docker is recommended for production deployment. All files necessary can be found in the src directory.

Local build

  1. Enter the src/ directory (cd src/).
  2. Create a copy of the environment.template.env file named environment.env, and fill the required values inside.
  3. Run docker-compose up. The bot should be automatically built and run.

DockerHub image

Prepare your environment file (first two steps in section Local build), and then run these commands:

docker pull misha12/inkluzitron
docker run -d --name Inkluzitron --env-file '/path/to/environment/environment.env' misha12/inkluzitron

Repository structure

  • src/ - Source code.
    • Inkluzitron – Directory containing project.
      • bin/ – Binaries.
      • obj/You don't need to know.
      • Data/ - Classes that constitute the bot's data model.
      • Migrations/ - Code responsible for updating the database schema. It is generated automatically, do not edit these files manually.
      • Extensions/ – Extension methods that can make your life easier.
      • Handlers/ – Classes and methods for handling events. You're probably not going to need them.
      • Modules/ – Classes and modules that handle commands, reactions, etc. You're mostly going to implement your shiny new code here.
      • Services/ – Support services to make life nicer. You're probably never going to modify these.
      • appsettings.json – The primary configuration file (and configuration template as well).
      • Inkluzitron.csproj – The project file.
      • ... (You can ask the others about the other files.)
    • .editorconfig – DO NOT TOUCH!
    • Inkluzitron.sln – The solution file (this encapsulates the project and this is the file to open in VS or Rider).
  • – The thing you are reading right now.
  • – The thing you are reading right now but in Czech.
  • .gitignore

What you need to know?

  • If you add a new configuration section, remember to include it in appsettings.json, so that the others know what you've added and don't have a hard time adjusting their own config files.
  • Use PRs (pull requests) to add features or make changes. NO ONE may push directly to the master branch.
  • If you are not sure or don't know how to do something, don't be shy about asking others for help.
  • Check the console (stdout, stderr) for any logs.
  • This project uses a dependency-injection container. It's required by the Discord.NET library.
  • If you want to start saving a new entity into the bot's database, you'll need to create an entity class and add it as a property of type DbSet<TridaNoveEntity> in Data/BotDatabaseContext.cs.
  • If you make any changes to the data model (i.e. touch anything in the Data) folder, remember to also generate a migration using the below command:
    dotnet ef migrations add TerseSummaryOfChangesMadeToDataModel
    You might need to install the dotnet ef tool first according to the EF Core documentation.
  • If you want to add something, just follow these steps (everything should load automatically):
    1. Create a new class in the Modules/ directory (and namespace).
    2. Inherit from the ModuleBase class.
    3. Enjoy!
  • Each module that contains commands will be automatically promoted when the help command is called. If you want the commands to display correctly, follow these steps:
    1. Set the Name attribute to the class. If the Name attribute is missing, the class name is used.
    2. For each command, you can enter a summary description of the command using the Summary attribute. If the Summary attribute is missing, the string---will be added instead.


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  • C# 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%