devCodeCamp capstone project
Ambitious Forgetfuls App In today’s whirlwind of chores, orders, and to-do lists, it can be difficult to keep track of all your tasks as well as your progress in each task! Ambitious Forgetful can be used as a tracker for employee contributions in the workplace, a reminder tool for commonly forgotten tasks in our adult lives, and as an incentive to reward children for completing daily chores. It is a daily task tracker that will reward points for completed tasks. Users can have multiple task tracker panels, consisting of private personal tasks and shared team tasks to be completed with others by invitation. Technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Chart.js
To use, create a config folder, in the config folder create default.json and link mongoDB to the application. Create a jwtSecret to hash your user's passwords.
Example Profile Page:
Example Task Page: