I am Kiryl, Lead Flutter Engineer & Full-Stack Mobile Developer. I've been developing with Flutter since its 1.0 version. My passion for Flutter is so great, that I even founded an IT-company called "What the Flutter". Additionally, have extensive experience in Back-end Development and System Architecture Design.
βοΈ 6+ years of Mobile Engineering experience
βοΈ 4+ years of Back-end Engineering experience
βοΈ 30+ successfully released apps on Google Play and App Store
βοΈ 8M+ total users in Western Europe, USA and Canada
βοΈ Using the latest technologies, tools & architectures
βοΈ Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering
β Platforms: Android, iOS, Web, Desktop
β State-managers: BLoC, GetX, MobX, Provider, Riverpod, Redux
β Design approaches: SOLID, Clean Architecture
β CI/CD: GitLab CI, Jenkins, Fastlane, Codemagic, Travis
β Firebase: Firestore, Analytics, Auth, Messaging, Crashlytics, etc.
β Networking: Freezed, Dio, http, WebRTC, gRPC, GraphQL
β Persistency: SQLite (sqflite), Hive, Moor
β Reactive: RxDart, Streams, Sockets
β DI: Get It, Injectable, GetX DI, Modular
β Cloud: AWS, DigitalOcean, Azure