Please refer to the original paper by Marc G. Bellemare, Will Dabney, and Remi Munos for more detail.
- python 2.7
- Tensorflow 1.2.1
- OpenAI Gym and PongNoFrameskip-v4: I used NoFrameSkip and version.
- I implemented this one based on openAI's baselines code DQN with some minor changes to use on python 2.7
[Network Structure]
- Mostly same with the original DQN, except for the changes in output. Number of output is increased from [# of actions] to [# of actions x # of atoms] to express the distribution of value.
- After getting above outputs, we need to make it as probability using softmax for each action.
- run : python
- for PongNoFrameskip-v4: performances starts to increase after 350k steps.
- for Atari, BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4: there are binary outputs, one converges to around 5, the other to over 300.
- For rest of environments, I couldn't test it everything. So, please run it and let me know the results.
- Will be updated soon.
[Important code for implementation]
- Major changes are in
# (4) Make T_z, b_j, l, u in matrix form
z = tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(-V_max, V_max + delta_z, delta_z), [1, num_atoms]), [batch_size, 1])
r = tf.tile(tf.reshape(rew_t_ph, [batch_size, 1]), [1, num_atoms])
done = tf.tile(tf.reshape(done_mask_ph, [batch_size, 1]), [1, num_atoms])
T_z = r + z * gamma * (1 - done)
T_z = tf.maximum(tf.minimum(T_z, V_max), V_min) # Restrict upper and lower value of T_z to V_max and V_min
b = (T_z - V_min) / delta_z
l, u = tf.floor(b), tf.ceil(b)
l_id = tf.cast(l, tf.int32)
u_id = tf.cast(u, tf.int32)
v_dist_t_selected = tf.reshape(v_dist_t_selected, [-1])
add_index = tf.range(batch_size) * num_atoms
err = tf.zeros([batch_size])
for j in range(num_atoms):
l_index = l_id[:, j] + add_index
u_index = u_id[:, j] + add_index
p_tl = tf.gather(v_dist_t_selected, l_index)
p_tu = tf.gather(v_dist_t_selected, u_index)
log_p_tl = tf.log(p_tl)
log_p_tu = tf.log(p_tu)
p_tp1 = v_dist_tp1_selected[:,j]
err = err + p_tp1 * ((u[:,j] - b[:,j]) * log_p_tl + (b[:,j] - l[:,j]) * log_p_tu)