A command line tool for easy deployment of your application to a ftp-server. Can also watch your files and reflect your actions on the server.
In your project, create a config text-file like this:
{:host "ftp://username:[email protected]/www/"
:directories [["local/directory/target/compiled-javascript" "js"]
["public-files/" "public"]]
:exceptions ["*.DS_Store" "#*" ".#*" ".log"]
:files [["/additional/file.txt" "with-another-name-online.txt"]]}
and save it as for example "production.ftp-profile"
:host should follow the pattern above.
:directories List of local directories to upload, and their destination directories relative to path in :host
:exceptions List of exceptions in .gitignore style. (not operator (!) not supported yet)
:files List of additional files to upload, and their filenames relative to path in :host.
Create a executable with
lein uberjar
And use the executable with the command
java -jar ftp-deploy.jar production.ftp-profile --watch
(can of course omit the --watch)