This repo holds the source code for the BEP Marketplace as developed by Kolibri Solutions for the TU/e. The BEP Marketplace facilitates the organisation of the Bachelor End Projects of the department. Staff members can enter proposals for projects, these are checked by track heads. Then students can make their preference known after which the projects are distributed according to a set of rules. Then students execute their distributed projects and can upload deliverables. In the end the resulting grades are entered in the system by staff members. The system unifies and digitizes the administration of the BEP system making it streamlined and as efficient as possible. For more information about the inner workings please consult the documentation. These are written in the sphinx system.
This system is originally created for the ELE department of the TU/e, which paid for its development. Kolibri Solutions would like to thank the department for their support and critical feedback during development.
See /deployment