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Releases: Kotlin/kotlinx.collections.immutable


05 Sep 14:59
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v0.3.8 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Add extension functions to convert Array to persistent collections #159
  • Don't allocate temporary buffer in SmallPersistentVector.removeAll #164
  • Avoid creating new PersistentList instance when adding empty collection #176
  • Fix memory leak in builders #193


16 Dec 06:48
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v0.3.7 Pre-release
  • Upgrade Kotlin version up to 1.9.21
  • Support wasmJs and wasmWasi targets


06 Oct 18:34
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v0.3.6 Pre-release
  • Upgrade Kotlin version up to 1.9.0
  • Support all targets currently supported by the K/N compiler
  • Drop support for the Legacy js target


12 Jan 18:25
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v0.3.5 Pre-release
  • Upgrade Kotlin version up to 1.6.0
  • Raise the JVM bytecode target to 1.8. Now the library cannot be used on JDK 1.6 and 1.7.
  • Add other Apple K/N targets
  • Implement faster equals function for sets and maps
  • Fix PersistentHashMapBuilder.putAll() #114


29 Mar 23:48
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v0.3.4 Pre-release
  • Upgrade Kotlin version up to 1.4.30
  • Publish the library to Maven Central instead of Bintray #96.
  • Add license information to published POMs #98.
  • Implement workaround for specialized MutableEntrySet.contains/remove KT-41278.
  • Bug in PersistentList - list is broken after removeAll call #92.
  • Faster bulk operations for non-ordered sets (removeAll, retainAll, containsAll) #91.
  • Faster addAll/putAll implementation for non-ordered sets/maps #83.
  • Add extension functions to convert Sequence to persistent collections 84.
  • Add missing CharSequence.toImmutableSet() extension function.


22 Aug 03:09
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v0.3.3 Pre-release
  • Support Kotlin 1.4.0
  • Weaken receiver type of toPersistentHashSet to Iterable #77
  • Throw ConcurrentModificationException if hashCode of ordered set element changes #76
  • Fix transition from PersistentVector to SmallPersistentVector #75


10 Apr 08:05
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v0.3.2 Pre-release
  • Introduce persistentHashSetOf, persistentMapOf and persistentHashMapOf methods that take no arguments and create an empty instance #67.
  • Fix map entries/keys/values iterators including #68.


13 Mar 14:05
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v0.3.1 Pre-release

Update Kotlin version up to 1.3.70


18 Oct 15:02
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v0.3 Pre-release
  • Turn the JVM-only project into a multiplatform library
    • JVM artifact id has changed from kotlinx-collections-immutable to kotlinx-collections-immutable-jvm
    • Builder iterators are fast-fail only on JVM. On the other platforms modifying the builder during iteration not through the corresponding iterator can invalidate the iterator state in an unspecified way.
    • In addition to JVM and JS platforms, macosX64, iosX64, iosArm64, iosArm32, linuxX64, and mingwX64 native platforms are supported.
  • Make conversion to persistent collections consistent
    • toPersistentMap/Set always returns an ordered persistent map/set
    • toPersistentHashMap/Set always returns an unordered persistent map/set
    • toImmutableMap/Set may return any kind of immutable map/set
  • Optimize persistent list [builder] batch update operations
    • addAll(elements) operation performs ~3 times faster πŸ“‰
    • addAll(index, elements) operation takes O(N + M), down from O(N * M), where N is the size of this collection and M - the size of the elements collection. πŸ“‰
    • removeAll(elements) operation takes O(N * K), down from O(N * M), where K is the time complexity of contains operation on the elements collection πŸ“‰
    • removeAll(predicate) operation takes O(N * P), down from O(N * (P + N)), where P is the time complexity of the predicate algorithm πŸ“‰
  • Implement set/map backing trie canonicalization
    • add operation after remove operations performs ~20% faster πŸ“‰
    • iteration after remove operations performs ~3 times faster πŸ“‰


23 Jul 17:43
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v0.2 Pre-release

This release introduces two notable changes.

Split immutable and persistent interfaces

  • Immutable collections specify by their contract the real immutability of their implementors
    • ImmutableCollection extends read-only Collection
    • ImmutableList extends read-only List and ImmutableCollection, and overrides subList method that returns ImmutableList
    • ImmutableSet extends read-only Set and ImmutableCollection
    • ImmutableMap extends read-only Map, and overrides keys, values and entries properties types with ImmutableSet, ImmutableCollection and ImmutableSet respectively
  • Persistent collections extend immutable collections and provide modification operations that return new instances with the modification applied
    • PersistentCollection extends ImmutableCollection, and provides modification operations and builder
    • PersistentList extends ImmutableList and PersistentCollection, and provides modification operations
    • PersistentSet extends ImmutableSet and PersistentCollection, and provides modification operations
    • PersistentMap extends ImmutableMap, and provides modification operations and builder
  • plus, minus and mutate extension functions are available only for persistent collections
  • Deprecate immutableXOf() top-level functions and introduce persistentXOf()
  • toImmutableX() extension functions return ImmutableX
  • Introduce toPersistentX() extension functions that return PersistentX
  • Document public API

Replace PCollections-based prototypes with custom performant implementations

  • PersistentList implementation is backed by a bit-mapped trie with branching factor of 32
    • add(element: E) and removeAt(size - 1) operations take O(1) time, down from O(log2n) πŸ“‰
    • get and set operations take O(log32n), down from O(log2n) (though the same asymptotic) πŸ“‰
    • Iteration has the same time complexity of O(n), but much faster in practice due to the better reference locality πŸ“‰
  • Unordered PersistentSet implementation is backed by a hash-array mapped trie (a.k.a. HAMT) with up to 32 children or elements in a node
    • contains, add and remove operations take O(log32n) time, down from O(log2n) πŸ“‰
    • Iteration has the same time complexity of O(n), but much faster in practice due to the better reference locality πŸ“‰
  • Unordered PersistentMap implementation is backed by a compressed hash-array mapped prefix-tree (a.k.a. CHAMP) with up to 32 children or entries in a node
    • contains, get, put and remove operations take O(log32n) time, down from O(log2n) πŸ“‰
    • Iteration has the same time complexity of O(n), but much faster in practice due to the better reference locality πŸ“‰
  • Ordered PersistentSet implementation is backed by the unordered PersistentMap which maps elements in this set to next and previous elements in insertion order
    • contains, get and put operations take O(log32n) time, down from O(log2n) πŸ“‰
    • remove operation takes O(log32n) time, down from O(n) πŸ“‰
    • Iteration takes O(n log32n) time, up from O(n) πŸ“ˆ
  • Ordered PersistentMap implementation is backed by the unordered PersistentMap which maps keys in this map to values, next and previous keys in insertion order
    • contains, get and put operations take O(log32n) time, down from O(log2n) πŸ“‰
    • remove operation takes O(log32n) time, down from O(n) πŸ“‰
    • Iteration takes O(n log32n) time, up from O(n) πŸ“ˆ
  • Builders are backed by the same backing storage as the corresponding persistent collections, but apply modifications in-place if the node has already been copied
    • Time complexities of all operations are the same as of the corresponding persistent collections. However, avoiding memory allocations leads to significant performance improvement πŸ“‰