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CSC 442 Project 2: Block World

Dylan Jager-Kujawa and Matt Richardson

Project 2 serves to create and implement a language using a context-free grammar. The language is interpreted using two programs:

  • the scanner, which reads the input programs and returns a sequence of tokens
  • the parser, which reads the tokens, and runs the code line by line, generating an error list as it does so.

If at any point an error is encountered, the current program stops and does not pass along its input to the next stage of compilation. It would not make sense to try and interpret code that has not been parsed properly; similarly, it would not make sense to parse a program containing unexpected/unhandled tokens.


git pull
./blocks [filename]
<program> ::= WORLD <id><coordinate>: BLOCKS { <declarations> }; MOVES [ <actions> ];
<declarations> ::= {<variable>;}* <arm>;
<arm> ::= arm {<coordinate> | ()}
<coordinate> ::= ( <int>, <int> )
<id> ::= <alpha> {<alpha>|<digit>}*
<actions> ::= <action>; {<action>;}*
<action> ::= {GRAB|UNSTACK} ( <id> ) | MOVE <coordinate> | 
<alpha> ::= a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
<nonzero> ::= 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
<digit> ::= 0|<nonzero>
<int> ::= <nonzero> {<digit>}*
<eolcomment> ::= //
<startcomment> ::= /*
<endcomment> ::= */

Block World uses c-style comments:

// This is an inline comment.
  This is a

Note that nested comments are not supported.

Block World programs are divided into three sections:

  1. The world declaration, wherein the world is named and given dimensions
  2. The block declarations, wherein all block objects are declared and initialized
  3. The move commands, which control the robot arm to move blocks between locations.
    The structure is roughly as follows:
WORLD id(#,#):
BLOCKS { ... };
MOVES [ ... ];

As you will see in the examples below, Blocks World uses the braces and punctuation to differentiate various parts of code; new lines are ignored. For example, the one-line MOVES [ ... ]; statement above can be rewritten as


or even


Similarly, tabs and indentation are ignored, and are purely for cosmetic purposes. By convention, all declarations and statements within BLOCKS{}; or MOVES[]; statements should be indented one tab, to indicate that they fall within that program block's domain.

All blocks are declared using an id, which is any string beginning with a letter, followed by one or more alphanumeric characters. Id's cannot contain uppercase letters. Following the id is the initial location of the block, written as a coordinate, for example, (1,2). Coordinates are numbered from 1 to the size of the specified dimension. Finally, the declaration ends with a semicolon. See the sample program below for examples.

The last declaration in the BLOCKS section must be arm(). Note that by default, arm starts at location (1,1). However, an initial location for arm may also be declared by supplying a coordinate instead of the empty parentheses, e.g. arm(2,3);.

Block World supports the following actions:

  • MOVE ( coordinate );
  • GRAB ( id );
  • UNSTACK ( id );
  • DROP;
  • STACK;
  • PRINT;

Note that the Block World interpreter will automatically output the initial and final positions of all blocks, in addition to the relevant compilation output (the input file w/ line numbers, error table if any).

Dylan Jager-Kujawa and Matt Richardson
Block World Sample Input

WORLD proj2(5,6): // Declare world with dimensions 5x6
  var1(1,1);      // var1 declaration
  var2(1,2);      // var2 declaration
  var3(2,4);      // var3 declaration
  arm();          // Default arm location = (1,1)
  MOVE(1,1);      // Move arm to (1,1) (unnecessary)
  GRAB(var1);     // Pickup var1
  MOVE(2,2);      // Move arm to (2,2)
  DROP;           // Drop var1
  MOVE(1,2);      // Move arm to (1,2)
  GRAB(var2);     // Pickup var2
  MOVE(2,2);      // Move arm to (2,2)
  STACK;          // Stack var2 on var1
  //UNSTACK(var1);  //ERROR: var 1 not at top of stack
  //MOVE(6,5);      //ERROR: (6,5) not located within proj2
  //DROP;           //ERROR: not holding anything
Initial position:
    # blocks / location:
           1  2  3  4  5
        1  1  _  _  _  _
        2  1  _  _  _  _
        3  _  _  _  _  _
        4  _  1  _  _  _
        5  _  _  _  _  _
        6  _  _  _  _  _
    Location contents:

Final position:
    # blocks / location:
           1  2  3  4  5
        1  _  _  _  _  _
        2  _  2  _  _  _
        3  _  _  _  _  _
        4  _  1  _  _  _
        5  _  _  _  _  _
        6  _  _  _  _  _
Location contents:

Initially, the program was specified to have three components, the scanner, the parser, and the interpreter. The parser was originally meant to mimic that of the first project, in that it would keep symbol tables and error tables, an output a pseudo-assembly code that the interpreter would then run. However, it was later discovered that writing a second grammar for the pseudo-assembly language would be too unruly and time consuming, given the constraints of this project, and the idea was scrapped. At that point, the parser was rewritten to act as the interpreter as well.

The algorithms used in the first assignment for calculating line numbers were faulty, as is evident from the project's report. Another large amount of time was dedicated solely to correcting these algorithms. The error handling was also somewhat problematic, as it is extremely difficult to write the compiler such that it "knows" where the error ends, and whether it should continue trying to compile. For example, a serious syntax error such as a missing end bracket in the BLOCKS section could cause the compiler to generate multiple errors for each subsequent line, as those lines would look nothing like what is to be expected of the BLOCKS section. Our utmost effort went into fine-tuning the error handling. It is still not quite where we want it to be ideally, but we believe it is a vast improvement over our previous effort nonetheless.

Another, far more grievous error, was the assumption that the cs server's gcc version would support the C++11 standard. This is not the case. A good deal of time was spent researching and rewriting various C++11 functions that were necessary for the program to function, in order to make sure the program would still work on the C++98 standard of the server. However, upon committing the changes and pulling the repository into the cs server account, we were greeted with strange errors such as st9bad_alloc(). Several hours were spent in gdb trying to ascertain the specific cause of these problems. The general idea was that somewhere around line 138 of RDParser.cpp, a stack object was being declared, and initialized to one of the stack objects in the grid, which worked flawlessly on the newer gcc. However, we could never figure out what to do to make it work with the older gcc version.

Unfortunately, the possibility of the cs server having an outdated version of gcc was not considered until extremely late into the project, after the project was pulled to the server and attempted to run. By this point, it was too late to go for help to the professors in the CS department. All commits regarding C++98 compatibility were reverted, and it was determined that in lieu of submitting the assignment through the cs submit command, submitting it via the GitHub repository would have to suffice. Dylan is available at his school email address 24/7 ([email protected]); if desired, contact him, and he will find another way to get the project submitted (e.g. flash drive, email, etc).


CSC 442 - Project 2: Block World






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