Atlas Tile Editor (ATE) is an editor for making graphics assets and other meta data for games.
The License is GPL v2. This license only applies to the source code of the ATE project, and its underlying engine. It does not apply to the graphic assets that come packaged with ATE, nor does it apply to any of the third-party libraries or utilities included herein.
Buy it on Steam.
You can also support this project by submitting issue reports, code changes, bug fixes, feature additions and pull requests.
Use typical Github features like Forking and Pull Requests, and Issues to report issues.
When I have more time I will try to provide some tutorial and source code tours. For now, just load up the solution in 2022 and get to buildin'
Please note ATE is 32-bit so you want to build Win32 versions only.
You should build for debug using "Debug Quiet Divide By Zero Warning" as default.
You should make sure to then test your changes in "Release with Debug Symbols", "Release with Full Debug", then "Release" mode.
ATE is based on a variant of the Lost Astronaut Game Creation Framework.
To be continued...