ADEPT, a dynamic next generation sequencing data error-detection program with trimming
======= ADEPT is a program that dynamically assesses errors within reads by comparing position-specific and neighboring base quality scores with the distribution for the dataset being analyzed.
- The main program is developed in Perl v 5.8.8.
- Parallel::ForkManager module from CPAN
( - String::Approx module from CPAN
( - R for ploting
Trimming by quality 5 and filtering reads with any ambiguous base or low complexity.
$ perl -p 'reads1.fastq reads2.fastq' -d out_directory
perl [options] [-u unpaired.fastq] -p 'reads1.fastq reads2.fastq' -d out_directory
Input File: (can use more than once fastq file)
-u Unpaired reads
-p Paired reads in two files and separate by space in quote
-qE 5" and 3" ends triming # as quality level (0-40) (default 5) for trimming
-qC threhold to call a base to be correct (0-1.0) (default = 0.25, higher quality
than 25% the nucleotides at that position within the sampled run )
-qW threhold to identifying a nucleotide as an error if it falls below a defined
percentage of the quality scores for that position (0-1.0) (default = 0)
-qMN ratio of the of the base quality to the qualities of upstream and downstream positions (0-1.0)
By default, all qIN ratios must be at least 0.4 to be considered as a potential erroneous base
(i.e. all adjacent qualities must be at least 2.5 times higher than the quality of the position being investigated).
-qNS threhold to identify a nucleotide as an potential error if its neighbors' quality falls below a defined
percentage of the quality scores for that neighbors' position within the sampled run (0-1.0) (default = 0.3)
-min_L Trimmed sequence length will have at least minimum length (default:50)
-ascii Encoding type: 33 or 64 or autoCheck (default)
Type of ASCII encoding: 33 (standard) or 64 (illumina 1.3+)
-out_ascii Output encoding. (default: 33)
-prefix Output file prefix. (default: QC)
-stats Statistical numbers output file (default: prefix.stats.txt)
-d Output directory.
-t # of CPUs to run the script (default:2 )
-split_size Split the input file into several sub files by sequence number (default: 1000000)
-out_non_trim_reads <bool> Output not trimmed reads to prefix.discard.fastq (default: 0, not output)
-debug keep intermediate files
======== Version 1.1 Stable function release. Features:
- assesses errors within reads by comparing position-specific and neighboring ba se quality scores with the distribution for the dataset being analyzed.
- autocheck quality encoding and quality encoding coversion
- multi-threads (required Parallel::ForkManager)
- input paired end reads aware