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Cloning Instructions

migueLoureiro edited this page Dec 10, 2014 · 7 revisions

Things needed:

Installing required Android SDK Packages

Open the Android SDK Manager:
Install the Android API, at the time of writing: Android 5.0(API 21).
Check Android API Level in AndroidManifest.xml, loook for:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="X" android:targetSdkVersion="Y" />
The targetSdkVersion will be used in the build process. That's the one you need to have.
Make sure to select the whole folder of the API Level Required.
You also need the Google Play Services Lib which you will find under extras.

How to import google-play-services_lib project

Instructions to import using Android Studio Android's website instructions
In eclipse:
File->Import...->Android/Existing Android Code Project Into Workspace->Browse...
find YourAndroidSDKlocation/sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/
Select All->mark Copy projects into workspace->Finish
You should now see google-play-services_lib in your package explorer as a new project.

GoogleMaps API Key

You need to setup your own Google Maps API Key.
How to setup account
The SHA-1 Fingerprint can be found in Eclipse:
Or with command: keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore if you haven't set a password, hit enter.
The package is pt.lsts.asa
After you generate your Google Maps API Key, copy it and paste on res/values/strings.xml, look for:
<string name="gmapsApiKey">YourGoogleMapsAPIKeyHERE</string>

If problems presist do a clean of all projects:

Project->Clean...->Clean All Projects->OK