pyVhdl2Sch is a documentation generator tool. It takes a VHDL file (.vhd) as an entry and generates a corresponding pdf/svg/ps/png schematic.
pyVhdl2Sch is based on Python and is a rewrite of the QT/Latex based Vhdl2Sch.
./ myVhdlfile.vhd
pyVhdl2Sch parses your file, find the entity and creates the coresponding schematic based on the Cairo API.
The result is a pdf file with a very narrow bounding box so you can import it in a latex document (for example) easily.
-v : verbose mode
-fgcolor : define contour color (based on
- example -fgred or -fg#caf or -fg#cafe42
-bgcolor : replace the transparent background by a colored one
-ftformat : specify the output format
- -ftpdf --> pdf
- -ftpng --> png
- -ftsvg --> psvg
- -ftps --> ps
-winteger : specify the width of png file
- -w1000 --> width of png = 1000px
- Linux
- Windows (obsolete)
- MacOs (obsolete)
- python
- jura font installed (or change font in
- cairocffi
- coulour
git clone
in order to install all the dependencies
sh reqs/
sh reqs/update_pip_packages
- install win32 python (2.7.X)
- install gtk and add it to your path
- install cffi dll by downloading and executing cffi‑0.8.6.win32‑py2.7.exe on
- install pip if needed
- in PowerShell (or cmd) python -m pip install pylint pep8>=1.3.3 pytest-pep8 cairocffi colour
- Install XQuartz from
brew install cairo
brew install pkg-config libffi
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.0.13/lib/pkgconfig/
pip install -r reqs/requirements.txt
python yourfile.vhd
- Install on windows or MacOs and update the installation instructions