ES ToolKit is a standalone solution to navigate and backup data for a wide range of Elasticsearch and Kibana versions.
- Automatic software and version detection
- Query support
- Low memory/CPU footprint
- Dump directly to file or stdout
- Live progress
- Proxy support
estk list -h
Displays help for the list command.
Flag | Description |
--url | Elasticsearch/Kibana root URL |
estk dump -h
Displays help for the dump command.
Flag | Description |
--url | Elasticsearch/Kibana root URL |
--index | Name of the index to dump ( wildcard supported ) |
--query-string | Dump specific documents |
--size | Bulk size, max amount of document per request |
The installation is easy. You can download the pre-built binaries for your platform from the Releases page.
▶ chmod +x estk-linux-64
▶ mv estk-linux-64 /usr/local/bin/estk
▶ go install
▶ estk --url dump -i "hostserviceleak" -o hostserviceleak.json -d -q "type:mysql"
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Detecting version...
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Trying elasticsearch
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Trying Kibana
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Found kibana, major version 7
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Dump starting...
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Endpoint :
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Index : hostserviceleak
2020/12/16 20:12:15 Output file : hostserviceleak.json
2020/12/16 20:12:16 Got scrollId : FGluY2x1ZGVfY29udGV4dF91dWlkDnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoAhRLRVQzYkhZQnowRHZjdlFkblNHWgAAAAABlhWbFnpNNWpoU3RhUk5Td3hCVXAxd1k2TUEUS1VUM2JIWUJ6MER2Y3ZRZG5TR1oAAAAAAZYVnBZ6TTVqaFN0YVJOU3d4QlVwMXdZNk1B
2020/12/16 20:12:16 Dumping 2292659 documents :
1% | | (34201/2292659, 242 it/s) [2m23s:2h35m22s]