Synchronizes a json document with key-value pairs in Consul. Will add, update, and delete keys as necessary.
$ echo '{"my-api":{"global-key":"value"}' > my-api-global.json
$ echo '{"my-api":{"environment-key":"env value"}' > my-api-environment.json
$ consul-kv-sync --host localhost --port 8500 \
my-api-global.json my-api-environment.json
Full help
Usage: consul-kv-sync [options] <file ...>
Synchronizes one or more JSON manifests with consul's key value store.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-H, --host <host> Consul API url. Environment variable: CONSUL_HOST. Default: consul.service.consul
-p, --port <port> Consul API port. Environment variable: CONSUL_PORT. Default: 8500
-s, --secure Enable HTTPS. Environment variable: CONSUL_SECURE.
--ca <ca> Path to trusted certificate in PEM format. Specify multiple times for multiple certificates.
-v, --verbose If present, verbose output provided.
$ consul-kv-sync my-service-global.json my-service-dev.json
$ CONSUL_HOST=consul.local consul-kv-sync my-service-global.json my-service-dev.json
$ consul-kv-sync --host localhost --port 8500 --secure \
--ca root-ca.pem --ca intermediate-ca.pem \
my-service-global.json my-service-dev.json