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These guidelines build on Apple's existing Coding Guidelines for Cocoa. Unless explicitly contradicted below, assume that all of Apple's guidelines apply as well.

This styleguide is based on GitHub's Objective-C conventions, but we don't agree on everything :)


  • Indent blocks using 4 spaces
  • Activate "Automatically trim trailing whitespace" and "Including whitespace-only lines" in Xcode settings -> Text Editing.
  • Make liberal use of vertical whitespace to divide code into logical chunks.
  • Blocks are separated by one, and only one, empty line.

Documentation and Organization

  • All method declarations should be documented using the AppleDoc standard.
  • Comments should be hard-wrapped at 80 characters.
  • Use #pragma marks to categorize methods into functional groupings and protocol implementations, following this general structure:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark - TABLE VIEW DELEGATE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Use the same groupings in header files, but format them according as AppleDoc:
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// @name Table View Delegate
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Always prefer properties to ivars.
  • Prefer exposing an immutable type for a property if it being mutable is an implementation detail. This is a valid reason to declare an ivar for a property.
  • Don't use @synthesize unless the compiler requires it. Note that optional properties in protocols must be explicitly synthesized in order to exist.
  • Instance variables should be prefixed with an underscore (just like when implicitly synthesized).
  • Don't put a space between an object type and the protocol it conforms to.
@property (attributes) id<Protocol> object;
  • C function declarations should have no space before the opening parenthesis, and should be namespaced just like a class.
void NMAwesomeFunction(BOOL hasSomeArgs);


  • Don't access an ivar unless you're in -init, -dealloc or a custom accessor.
  • Use dot-syntax for getters, but not setters:
[self.manager setDelegate:self];
  • Use object literals, boxed expressions, and subscripting over the older, grosser alternatives.
  • Comparisons should be explicit for everything except BOOLs.
  • Prefer positive comparisons to negative.
  • Long form ternary operators should be wrapped in parentheses and only used for assignment and arguments.
Blah *a = (stuff == thing ? foo : bar);
  • Short form, nil coalescing ternary operators should avoid parentheses.
Blah *b = thingThatCouldBeNil ?: defaultValue;
  • There shouldn't be a space between a cast and the variable being cast.
NewType a = (NewType)b;

Control Structures

  • Always surround if bodies with curly braces.
  • All curly braces should begin on the same line as their associated statement. They should end on a new line.
  • Else statements should begin on a new line.
  • Put a single space after keywords and before their parentheses.
  • Return and break early.
  • No spaces between parentheses and their contents.
if (something == nil) {
    // do stuff
else {
    // do other stuff


  • Avoid making numbers a specific type unless necessary (for example, prefer 5 to 5.0, and 5.3 to 5.3f).
  • The contents of array and dictionary literals should have a space on both sides.
  • Dictionary literals should have no space between the key and the colon, and a single space between colon and value.
NSArray *numbers = @[ @1, @2, @3 ];
NSDictionary *prefs = @{ @"FollowConventions": @YES };
  • Longer or more complex literals should be split over multiple lines (and never have a terminating comma):
NSArray *theShit = @[
    @"Lorem ipsum and stuff...",
    @"And the quick brown fox",
    @"They should be friends"


  • Categories should be named for the sort of functionality they provide.


Code conventions used in my Cocoa projects.






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