Lots borrowed from Introduction to Python and Max Holloway and Paola Arce's previous notes.
Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda.
Download Minconda here
Double click on the .exe. file and follow the instllation instructions selecting installation for user only
Python virtual environments are used to create and manage separate environments for your Python projects (isolated environments for different projects). Python has a unique way of downloading, storing, and resolving packages (or modules).
We'll create a python environment with the neccessary dependencies to do some work.
We can setup the environemnt in one of two ways:
Minvconda comes with Anaconda Prompt. You can find this by typing Anaconda Prompt
into the windows search bar
Open the Anaconda prompt window and run the following code.
conda create -n h2amp python=3.9 scipy jupyter jupyterlab numpy matplotlib pandas xarray scikit-learn
The second line of code activates the new environment.
conda activate h2amp
You can list the modules you require and their dependencies in a text file called environment.yml
.I have masde one for you.
It also contains the name of your environment.
This file can be used to create your virtual environment by entering the folowing code.
conda env create -f environment.yml
You can verfiy your environment has been created by typing
conda env list
Now activate your new environment
conda activate h2amp
Jupyter is a web-based interactive computing platform that we can use to write, read, run, and edit Python scripts. There are many others available such as Spyder, PyCharm
To open Jupyter, we can just write the following in the Anaconda Prompt
jupyter lab