Basic Behat steps for a Nextcloud app
composer require --dev libresign/nextcloud-behat
Create the file behat.yml
'': '%paths.base%/features/bootstrap'
- Libresign\NextcloudBehat\NextcloudApiContext:
# default value
test_password: 123456
# default value
admin_password: admin
# Only necessary if you want to have a different features folder
- '%paths.base%/features'
# Use this extension to start the server
verbose: false
rootDir: /var/www/html
host: localhost
Create the file tests/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php
with this content:
use Libresign\NextcloudBehat;
class FeatureContext extends NextcloudApiContext {
Then, now you can see all available steps:
vendor/bin/behat -dl
When as user :user
When user :user exists
When sending :verb to :url
When the response should be a JSON array with the following mandatory values
When /^set the display name of user "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
When /^set the email of user "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
When sending :verb to ocs :url
When the response should have a status code :code
When fetch field :path from prevous JSON response
When the response should contain the initial state :name with the following values:
When the response should contain the initial state :name json that match with:
When the following :appId app config is set
To send a json value as string, prefix the json string with (string)
When sending "post" to ocs "/apps/provisioning_api/api/v1/config/apps/appname/propertyname"
| value | (string){"enabled":true} |
To send a value as array, you can set a json string and the json string will be converted to array
When sending "post" to ocs "/apps/libresign/api/v1/request-signature"
| status | 1 |
| file | {"base64":""} |
If the json response is an array, you can fetch specific values using this step. The fetched values is stored to be used by other steps.
: Path is a selector to retrieves a value from a deeply nested array using "dot" notation:
To the follow json:
path need to be: products.desk.price
You also can prefix the path by an alias inside parenthesis:
The alias price
could be used in a path or body of a request:
When set the response to:
"data": [
And sending "POST" to "/"
And fetch field "(foo)" from prevous JSON response
# After fetch the field, you can use the value of field like this:
And sending "POST" to "/?foo=<foo>"
| field | <> |
You can use jq expression casting to check a value in a json response body of a request. To do this you will need to install the jq command.
When set the response to:
"Foo": {
"Bar": "33"
And sending "POST" to "/"
Then the response should be a JSON array with the following mandatory values
| key | value |
| Foo | (jq).Bar == "33" |
| (jq).Foo | {"Bar":"33"} |
| (jq).Foo | (jq).Bar == "33" |
| (jq).Foo.Bar | 33 |
If you need to:
- Get values from a request, store and use in other request
- Parse the response of a request
Implement a method parseText
like the follow code and remember to call parent method.
This methods can works together with fetch field :path from prevous JSON response
protected function parseText(string $text): string {
$patterns = [
$replacements = [
$this->signer['sign_uuid'] ?? null,
$this->file['uuid'] ?? $this->getFileUuidFromText($text),
$text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text);
$text = parent::parseText($text);
return $text;
For more information about parseText, check the scenario Test get field from json response