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Tutorial for installing Gnome shell extensions here.

GTK Icons

Gnome Shell Extensions

  • Blur my Shell: Adds a blur look to different parts of the GNOME Shell, including the top panel, dash, and overview.
  • Rounded Window Corners: Add rounded corners for all windows
  • Unite: Makes a few layout tweaks to the top panel and removes window decorations to make it look like Ubuntu Unity Shell.




Installation instructions here.


My configuration files can be found here (.config/kitty).

Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts are mostly based on the default Gnome Terminal shortcuts, with a few changes. The configuration file can be found here (.config/kitty/shortcuts.conf).

Action Shortcut
Copy to clipboard ctrl + shift + c
Paste from clipboard ctrl + shift + v
Action Shortcut
Open debug config ctrl + shift + f6
Action Shortcut
Rotate to next layout ctrl + shift + r
Action Shortcut
Show kitty documentation ctrl + shift + f1
Edit kitty config file ctrl + shift + f2
(Re)load kitty config file ctrl + shift + f5
Tab Management
Action Shortcut
Switch to tab 1 ctrl + alt + 1
Switch to tab 2 ctrl + alt + 2
Switch to tab 3 ctrl + alt + 3
Switch to tab 4 ctrl + alt + 4
Switch to tab 5 ctrl + alt + 5
Switch to tab 6 ctrl + alt + 6
Switch to tab 7 ctrl + alt + 7
Switch to tab 8 ctrl + alt + 8
Switch to tab 9 ctrl + alt + 9
Switch to tab 10 ctrl + alt + 0
Close current tab ctrl + shift + q
Move current tab backward ctrl + shift + ,
Move current tab forward ctrl + shift + .
Open a new tab (in the current directory) ctrl + shift + t
Switch to the next tab ctrl + tab
Switch to the previous tab ctrl + shift + tab
Window Management
Action Shortcut
Switch to window 1 ctrl + shift + 1
Switch to window 2 ctrl + shift + 2
Switch to window 3 ctrl + shift + 3
Switch to window 4 ctrl + shift + 4
Switch to window 5 ctrl + shift + 5
Switch to window 6 ctrl + shift + 6
Switch to window 7 ctrl + shift + 7
Switch to window 8 ctrl + shift + 8
Switch to window 9 ctrl + shift + 9
Switch to window 10 ctrl + shift + 0
Decrease font size for all windows ctrl + shift + minus
Increase font size for all windows ctrl + shift + plus
Move current window backward ctrl + shift + b
Move current window forward ctrl + shift + f
Move current window to top ctrl + shift + `
Switch to the next window ctrl + shift + l
Switch to the previous window ctrl + shift + h
Swap current window with another window (selected visually) ctrl + shift + f8
Close current window ctrl + shift + w
Open a new window (in the current directory) ctrl + shift + n
Toggle fullscreen f11
Make current window narrower ctrl + shift + left
Make current window wider ctrl + shift + right
Make current window taller ctrl + shift + up
Make current window shorter ctrl + shift + down
Reset window sizes to default ctrl + shift + home


  • To make kitty the default terminal on Ubuntu (which lets you use ctrl + alt + t on Ubuntu to open kitty), run the following commands:
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator `which kitty` 50
    sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
    and select kitty. Note that this assumes kitty is on your $PATH. If you installed a pre-built binary of kitty using the default command, kitty is installed to ~/.local/ on Linux, and you can add it to your path by e.g. adding a symlink for it in /usr/local/bin, which is what I have done.

Oh My Zsh


  • Installation instructions for zsh here.
  • Installation instructions for Oh My Zsh here. You'll need to have zsh installed first.


  • Main config file for zsh is here (.zshrc).
  • Custom Oh My Zsh config is here (I use $ZSH_CUSTOM = ~/.oh-my-zsh-custom for my custom Oh My Zsh directory).


  • Git: Provides some aliases and useful functions. Built-in to Oh My Zsh.
  • zsh-autosuggestions: Suggests commands as you type based on history and completions.
  • zsh-nvm: Set up nvm once and never touch it again. Has a lazy-load setting for nvm which is very useful.
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting: Syntax highlighting for zsh.


  • I use a custom theme with a pretty prompt that displays useful things like
    • Git info (if in a Git repository)
    • Conda environment (if one is active)
    • Timestamp (I don't use this personally, but the option is there if you'd like to use it) It can be found here (/.oh-my-zsh-custom/themes/limao.zsh-theme). You can enable/disable parts of the prompt to your liking, or add more parts.


neovim neovim2


Installation instructions here.


My configuration files can be found here (.config/nvim). For compatibility's sake (and in the rare occasion where I do need to use regular vim), settings that are common to regular vim can be found in .vimrc, and my Neovim config is set up to first run everything that is in .vimrc.

General Plugins

Code Plugins

Editor Plugins

LSP Plugins



  • If you're using Wayland (like me), you might need to apt install wl-clipboard to get copy/paste with the system clipboard working in Neovim.


  • Zathura - PDF viewer with vim-esque bindings. Integrates with vimtex.
  • Wallpaper


My configuration files






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