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A simple Hoare Logic proof checker library for an Imp-like toy language. It uses Z3 under the hood for attempting to prove some things, so you'll need to install that separately.


  • The underlying format for proofs is just a list of statements, with the actual references to previous statements removed. This means at each step we need to search through all our previously proven statements, giving an overall run-time of O(n^2). I doubt this will prove particularly problematic, since the size of the input proofs is likely small.
  • The way we handle exponentation in Z3 is to simply define an uninterpreted function and then make some assertions which define it for all natural exponents. Whilst this is sufficient to prove a statement (since we just negate and check for unsatisfiability) it can't disprove a statement because it can't infer a model for the exponentiation function itself.
  • You can't define your own functions to go inside the preconditions and postconditions of a hoare triple. There's no technical reason we don't allow this, and it'll probably be added in a later version - although it will probably suffer from similar issues as exponentation with regards to being unable to disprove a statement.
  • It's not particularly well tested, and the test suite is a WIP
  • It can be a bit finnicky around if statements - try and have the conditional as the rightmost thing in the hoare triple, otherwise it may not successfully realise that two expressions are the same.


Hoare Logic proofs over Imp







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