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This repository is going to be replaced by separate repositories for each add-on. Do not add new folders to this repository anymore. If you have a new add-on that needs version control, please contact Fredrik Eriksson for instructions on how to do it. Updating existing add-ons here is fine until they are migrated to separate repositories. After migrating an add-on the folder here will be emptied and a redirect link will be inserted in the README file.

LIME Bootstrap AppStore

This repo contains all apps available for LIME Bootstrap. The appstore itself can be found here.

Building apps

Check out the manual page.

Committing an app

Any app committed, containing a valid app.json-file will automatically be added to the AppStore. As soon as you visit the AppStore, a complete rebuild will be trigged, and your app should show up. The purpose of the app.json-file is to provide information about the app, versioning and installation.

A commit is done by pushing a new folder, containing an app, to this repo. If you are a member of the Lundalogik organisation you can simply push it to master. Otherwise use a pull request.

WARNING: Committing an invalid app.json may cause the appstore to crash. Take an extra look before committing. If something goes bad, just fix your json and the appstore should recover all by itself.

NOTE: The app.json powers the versioning system of the app. When you raise a version number an automatic message will be shown to all users of the app, with debug enabled, asking them to update.

Any pictures (.jpg, .jpeg, .png) in the app's root folder will automatically be used as cover pictures for the app. If you don't want these pictures to be distributed when someone downloads your app, just prepend an undersore _ to the filename and it will be ignored. _example.png

The information about the app in the appstore is pulled from the in the app's root folder


The app.json should be formated as:

	"name": "[Technical/Programmatical name of the app]",
	"author":"[Full name of the author]",
	"license": true OR false,
	"displayName": "[The name to show in App Store]",
	"description":"[A short text to describe the app]",
	"status":"[Status of the app, can be: 'Release', 'Beta' OR 'Development']",
			"comments":"CSS improvements."
			"comments":"The first stable beta version."

  • name: Name of the app. Call it something short but descriptive. No spaces allowed, should only be letters. Must be unique among apps.
  • autor: Just to know who to blame
  • license: Indicates whether the app requires a paid license or not.
  • displayName: A name of the app adapted for using in regular texts and on the App Store.
  • description: A short text to explain what the app is used for.
  • status: Shows a badge in the appstore, displaying status. Development: not ready to be used, Beta: At your own risk, Release: Should work
  • versions: An array containing objects that describe the different versions
    • version: A string on the format x.x.x. Breaking changes increase the first number, added features increase the second number and bug fixes increases the third number.
    • date: Date of the new version.
    • comments: What was changed or added in the new version?
  • install: Not yet implemented, but the idea is that the apps should install themselves. This section will provide the instructions.