This repository is a Python package for comparing and scoring two sets of BRAT annotations. The current version focuses on event-based scoring.
The evaluation criteria are defined in sdoh_scoring.pdf.
The primary criteria for the SDOH challenge will be:
- trigger: "overlap"
- span-only arguments: "exact"
- labeld arguments: "label"
The other criteria are included in the scoring routine to assist with troubleshooting.
The scoring routine is implemented in Python 3. NO testing was performed using Python 2.
The following packages are needed:
- wheel
- pandas
- tqdm
- spacy>=3.0.0 with languange model "en_core_web_sm"
The scoring routine can be pip installed or called from command line. The scoring routine implements the aforementioned evaluation by comparing two directories with BRAT-style annotations (*.txt and *.ann files). The scoring routine identifies all the *.ann files in both directories, finds matching filenames in the directories, and then compares the annotations defined in the *.ann files.
The brat_scoring
package and its dependencies can be installed using the following steps:
- Make sure the
package manager is up-to-date:
pip install pip --upgrade
- Install the
pip3 install git+ --upgrade
- Download the
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Scoring is performed using the score_brat_sdoh
function. The required arguments that define the input and output paths include:
- gold_dir: str, path to the input directory with gold annotations in BRAT format, e.g. "/home/gold/"
- predict_dir: str, path to the input directory with predicted annotations in BRAT format, e.g. "/home/predict/"
- output: str, path for the output CSV file that will contain the evaluation results, e.g. "/home/scoring.csv"
The optional arguments define the evaluation criteria:
- labeled_args: list, list of labeled argument names as str, default is ['StatusTime', 'StatusEmploy', 'TypeLiving']
- score_trig: str, trigger scoring criterion, options include {"exact", "overlap", "min_dist"}, default is "overlap".
- score_span: str, span-only argument scoring criterion, options include {"exact", "overlap", "partial"}, default is "exact"
- score_labeled: str, labeled argument (span-with-value argument) scoring criterion, options include {"exact", "overlap", "label"}, default is "label"
- include_detailed: bool, if True, the scoring routine will generate document-level scores, in addition to the corpus-level scores
- loglevel: str, logging level can be set, default value is "info"
Below is an example usage:
from brat_scoring.scoring import score_brat_sdoh
from brat_scoring.constants import EXACT, LABEL, OVERLAP, PARTIAL, MIN_DIST
df = score_brat_sdoh( \
gold_dir = "/home/gold/",
predict_dir = "/home/predict/",
output_path = "/home/scoring.csv",
score_trig = OVERLAP,
score_span = EXACT,
score_labeled = LABEL,
For command-line use, brat_scoring
repository can cloned and its dependencies installed using the following steps:
- Make sure the
package manager is up-to-date:
pip install pip --upgrade
- Clone
git clone
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r brat_scoring/requirements.txt
- Download the
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
The command line script,
, is a simple wrapper for the function, score_brat_sdoh
, and is located at brat_scoring/brat_scoring/
The arguments for the command line script,
, are similar to that of the function score_brat_sdoh
above. The arguments can be view using:
python3 -h
Below is an example usage:
python3 /home/gold/ /home/predict/ /home/scoring.csv
--score_trig min_dist --score_span exact --score_labeled label