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A Node.js script to process WhatsApp chat exports and create data visualizations

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Built during Arcade 2024

StatsApp is a command-line tool that parses group chat export files from WhatsApp, and performs some data analysis, outputting CSV files that can be visualized in an app like Flourish.

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  • Generates CSV data for daily message totals for a column chart or line graph, and hour-based message totals for generating "time card" diagrams
  • Individual data points for each person, so that a specific person's data can be viewed
  • Parses and filters special cases like deleted messages and polls
  • Merging multiple chat exports makes analysis of large chat histories possible
  • Contact name normalization ensures each contact is consistently counted as the same person



The program accepts a .txt file that contains a chat history export from WhatsApp. This is known as single-file mode.

Alternatively, you can provide a folder of chat exports taken at different times, known as folder mode. This is essential for long chat histories (1 year+) because WhatsApp limits the number of messages included in a single export.


WhatsApp formats dates and times in the export based on your phone's localization settings. StatsApp has been tested with the United Kingdom locale, and can handle either 12-hour or 24-hour time. If the program fails to parse an export from your phone, please open an issue so that we can add support for your locale!

In addition, WhatsApp uses contact names (as they are at time of export) to identify message authors. Since contact names can change over time, when using folder mode, different exports may use different contact names. To remedy this, a configuration file is supported, which allows linking different contact names (identified using a regex) to a single canonical name.

StatsApp recognizes and handles when chat exports contain text that isn't message content. For example, chat exports can have "media omitted", or "this message was deleted" placeholders. Deleted messages are excluded from most calculations.


StatsApp's main job is to create CSV reports that are written to a user-specified file. Any or all of the reports can be omitted from the command line arguments, in which case they won't be generated.

Output types

  • Daily message counts (--daily-stats)
  • Daily word counts (--daily-word-stats)
  • Message counts by hour of the day + day of the week (--hourly-stats)
  • Chat log (in the same format as the original export from WhatsApp)
    • Includes "media omitted" lines, excludes polls and deleted messages


Generates stats from 150k messages in 2.1 seconds on my machine (Intel i3-12100)


  • The chat export parser assumes that each message ends at the end of its line
    • This means that if a message has line breaks, only words before the first line break will be included in calculations
    • Because poll options appear across multiple lines in a chat export, this also means that any text in polls is ignored
  • A message crafted in a particular way can trick the parser
    • For example, there's no way to differentiate between a deleted message, and a message with the exact content "This message was deleted"
    • This is a limitation of the text-based export format that WhatsApp provides


Single-file mode

A diagram showing the inputs and outputs for StatsApp (when given a single file), and their corresponding command-line arguments

Folder mode

A diagram showing the inputs and outputs for StatsApp (when given a folder of chat exports), and their corresponding command-line arguments

Usage guide

Step 0: Installation

  1. Clone this repository and change directory into its folder
  2. Ensure you have a modern version of the Yarn package manager installed (see
  3. Run yarn to install the dependencies for this program
  4. Run yarn run compile to compile the TypeScript source code into executable JavaScript

Step 1: Taking a WhatsApp chat export

Open the WhatsApp chat you want to generate statistics for on your phone. In the Android app, press the three dots in the top bar, press More, press Export chat, and select Without media in the popup.

WhatsApp will take some time to generate the export. Once its done, the share screen will pop up, and you can save the .zip file it produced by attaching it to a message to yourself, or any other method. Transfer the file to the computer running StatsApp. Finally, extract the .zip file so that you have the .txt chat export file.

Step 2: Run StatsApp

Run the program at the command line like this:

yarn node dist/src/main.js <arguments>

Command-line arguments

  • --input [file] (required) specifies the path to the chat export file
    • --input-dir [directory] is an alternative argument for specifying multiple chat export files, see the folder mode section
  • --config [file] specifies a path to a JavaScript config file for StatsApp
  • --verbose can be specified to make the program print more details of its processing
  • --daily-stats [file], --hourly-stats [file], --daily-word-stats [file], --chat-log [file] provide paths to output files, see output types

Step 3: Use the generated files

Upload the CSV output files to a data visualization platform like Datawrapper or Flourish, use the processed chatlog to generate a Chat Analytics report, or do some of your own data visualization. It's up to you!

Development instructions

This is a Typescript + Node.js project that uses Yarn v4 for package management. After cloning the repository, install dependencies by running yarn.

Start the Typescript compiler in watch mode using yarn run watch

Enable additional debug logs when running the tool by setting the --verbose flag, e.g.

yarn node dist/src/main.js --verbose --input-dir data --daily-stats out/daily-stats.csv --chat-log out/chat-log.txt


A Node.js script to process WhatsApp chat exports and create data visualizations



