- Youtube for videos
- This script will automatically wipe your server every 30min
- if you use qb-parking you can set
- you can also add plates that will be ignored when the wipe is running.
- If you are not using mh-parking, your vehicle goes to impound, this is by defauld by
- It can happen that some vehicle not get wiped, but it wil be the next wipe that is comming.
- Stop your server.
- Place
folder - Start your server.
- is wil run automatically every 30min for now.
-- client side triggers
TriggerServerEvent('mh-vehiclewipe:server:addplate', plate)
TriggerServerEvent('mh-vehiclewipe:server:removeplate', plate)
-- server side triggers
TriggerEvent('mh-vehiclewipe:server:addplate', plate)
TriggerEvent('mh-vehiclewipe:server:removeplate', plate)
- typ
to start a server wipe.
Config.WaitTimer = 60000 -- By default 1 minute
Config.WipeTime = 30 -- By default wipe every 30 minutes.
Config.UseParking = true -- By default false, but if you are using qb-parking set this true
Config.IgnorePlates = { -- Vehicleshop vehicle plates to be ignored for wipe.