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Allow Prestashop to work nicely with your existing PHP Application (Drupal, Symfony, Joomla, Wordpress, ...).

Use your authentication mechansim of choice with prestashop (SSO, Oauth, 2-factor, ... )


  • customers don't have to create an account in Prestashop
  • customers authenticate only in your application


  • Login / Logout customers
  • Reset user password
  • Create customers
  • Create carts


  • should be installed in the same server than prestashop (because some Prestashop code is loaded with include() )
  • should be served from the same domain:port than Prestashop (because of the auth cookie)

En Français

Ce projet vous est utile si vous voulez que :

  • vos clients n'aient qu'un seul mot de passe pour votre site et pour votre boutique
  • vos que vos clients ne s'authentifient que par votre site
  • utiliser une autre méthode d'authentification (2-facteurs, OAuth, CAS, ...) que celles proposent par Prestashop.

Fonctionnalités :

  • connecter un client
  • déconnecter un client
  • changement de mot de passe du client synchronisé vers le PrestaShop
  • créer des clients dans la base de prestashop
  • créer des commandes (optionnellement avec des références)

Contraintes :

  • Doit être installé sur le même serveur que Prestashop (car utilise quelques fonctions internes de prestashop - via include() )
  • Doit être servi depuis le même nom de domaine / port que Prestashop (à cause du cookie d'authentification)


In your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"mahjouba91/prestashop-bridge": "dev-master"
	"repositories": [{
		"type": "vcs",
		"url": ""

Then, run a : composer install


In a symfony application:


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException;

use Mahjouba91\PrestashopBridge\PrestashopBridge;

class PrestashopBridgeExampleController extends Controller
	public function loginAction()
		if (!$this->get('security.context')->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
			throw new AccessDeniedException();

		$prestaBridge = new PrestashopBridge('/path/to/prestashop/', 1);

		$user = $this->getUser(); //get connected user

		if (!$prestaBridge->userExist($user->getEmail())) //if user exist in prestahop database


		return $this->redirect('http://prestashop_url/');

In a WordPress plugin:

* Plugin Name: Prestashop Bridge
* Description: Handle registration/login between PrestaShop and WordPress
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Florian TIAR
* Author URI:
* License: GPL2 license

// don't load directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	die( '-1' );

require( ABSPATH . '/vendor/autoload.php' );
use Mahjouba91\PrestashopBridge\PrestashopBridge;

// Hook after a new user is registred
add_action( 'user_register', function( $user_id ) {
	// If it's a front registration, wait the email validation because the user don't choose any password yet
	if ( ! isset( $_POST['pass1'] ) ) {
	// For backend registration, create prestashop account now
	cbl_add_customer( $_POST, $user_id );
}, 10, 1 );

// After password reset
add_action( 'after_password_reset', function( $user, $new_pass ) {
	cbl_add_customer( array( 'pass1' => $new_pass ), $user->ID );
}, 10, 2 );

// After WordPress login, login the user in PrestaShop too
add_action( 'wp_login', function( $user_login, $user ) {
	$presta_path = cbl_get_prestashop_path();
	$prestaBridge = new PrestashopBridge( $presta_path, 1 );
	$login = $prestaBridge->login( $user->user_email );
}, 10, 2 );

// After WordPress logout, logout the user in PrestaShop too
add_action( 'wp_logout', function() {
	$presta_path = cbl_get_prestashop_path();
	$prestaBridge = new PrestashopBridge( $presta_path, 1 );

 * Set a minimum password to 5 chars like PrestaShop do
 * In order to fix this bug : if a WP User password is less than 5 chars, you can't login with those credentials in PrestaShop because Presta requires a minimum of 5 chars
add_action( 'validate_password_reset' , function( $errors, $user ) {
	if ( isset( $_POST['pass1'] ) ) {
		if ( strlen( $_POST['pass1'] ) < 5 ) {
			$errors->add( 'password_too_short', 'ERREUR: Le mot de passe doit faire 5 caractères minimum.' );
}, 10, 2 );

function cbl_add_customer( $params, $user_id ) {
	$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
	$presta_path = cbl_get_prestashop_path();
	$prestaBridge = new PrestashopBridge( $presta_path, 1 );
	if ( $prestaBridge->userExist( $user->user_email ) ) {
		return false;
	$lastname = $user->last_name;
	$firstname = $user->first_name;
	if ( empty( $user->last_name ) ) {
		$lastname = $user->user_login;
	if ( empty( $user->last_name ) ) {
		$firstname = $user->user_login;
	$prestaBridge->createUser( $user->user_email, $user->last_name, $user->first_name, $params['pass1'] );
	return true;

function cbl_get_prestashop_path () {
	return realpath( ABSPATH . 'path/to/prestashop/' );


External authentication for Prestashop







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