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Cookbook: Adding new elements to metadata created by MIK

Mark Jordan edited this page Apr 23, 2016 · 6 revisions

If you want to add target elements to your Islandora MODS metadata that don't have a corresponding source element, you can do so by using null plus an integer as the source field name placeholder, as illustrated below:

null0,<accessCondition>This resource is in the Public Domain.</accessCondition>
null1,<note type="additional physical form">Also available on microfiche.</note>
null3,<identifier type="uuid"/>

The first two rows will add the <accessCondition> and <note type="additional physical form"> elements to the MODS file included in each ingest package. Some metadata manipulators use the null mappings to define a template used in adding dynamically generated values (like UUIDs) to MODS documents; the third row in the example above illustrates this.

The markup created by mapping from null source elements cannot contain the special %value% placeholder used in other mappings - the markup is the same for every MODS XML file. If you want to modify the markup based on some property of the object being created, you will need to use a metadata manipulator.

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