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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

This project is a social media app to add and save important souvenirs. The app is a full-stack MERN app : -React + Redux, Node, Express, MongoDB

Caracteristiques : #### The frontend is working with :

    Axios : 
        Axios is a promised-based HTTP client for JavaScript. It has the ability to make HTTP requests from the browser and handle the transformation of request and response data.
    Moment : 
        MomentJS is a JavaScript library which helps is parsing, validating, manipulating and displaying date/time in JavaScript in a very easy way. 
    react-file-base64 : (Used to convert our images)
        filebase64 reads the contents of a file at the given path and returns them as a base64-encoded string. filebase64(path) filebase64(path) Copy. The result is a Base64 representation of the raw bytes in the given file.
    redux : (managment state)  
    redux-thunk :( asynchronous actions using redux)
    react-oauth/google (oauth google login & onetap )
    react-jwt : 
        to decode token given from google auoauth/googleth
    jwt-decode : to decode the back token and make new one

The backend server is working with : 

    body-parser : 
        Body-parser is the Node. js body parsing middleware. It is responsible for parsing the incoming bodies in a middleware before you handle it.
    cors : 
        Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources.
    express : 
        Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. 
    mongoose : 
        Mongoose is a JavaScript object-oriented programming library that creates a connection between MongoDB and the Express web application framework.
    nodemon :
        nodemon is a command-line interface (CLI) utility developed by @rem that wraps your Node app, watches the file system, and automatically restarts the process.
    jsonwebtokens : for token auth and expiry tokens

import Souvenirs from "../../Images/Souvernirs.png";

delete this later
Things i added
button to render form on small screens,
admin : (ability to edit delete all)

Part 3 user story : - user = - neeeds account (google/raw account) / logout - token expires in 1 hour - create a souvenir - edit its own souvenir - delete its own souvenirs - like other souvenirs -admin = add delete edit like log in / log out

things in common : -log in / log out. -like other posts (and your onw post ofc) -give exceptional token expiry


This is my first MERN stack application.






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