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  • 2020.1.11 Create repo.
  • 2020.1.16 Finish Mx.g4 v1.
  • 2020.1.18 It is said that the assignment will be modified a lot🙃.
  • 2020.1.21 Start building AST.
  • 2020.1.22 Finish code of AST package. Start coding
  • 2020.1.23 Finish building AST(Finish
  • 2020.1.29 Start semantic analysis(so complexed...).
  • 2020.1.30 Add ErrorHandler. Add Scope, TypeTable, package Type and package Entity. Start coding
  • 2020.1.31 Continue semantic analysis. Finish variable resolver, type resolver and "void" checker in
  • 2020.2.1 Continue semantic analysis(type check stage).
  • 2020.2.2 Finish the basic code of semantic analysis
    • Built-in method of string unhandled.
    • To be debugged.
    • Update Mx.g4 and package Parser since ";" is required at the end of class definition.
  • 2020.2.3 Continue semantic analysis.
    • Check return statement in functions with non-void return value type.
    • Check "int main()" and its return statement.
    • Handle built-in functions and methods.
    • Update rules of naming a class or entity.
  • 2020.2.4 Debug. Finish semantic analysis.
    • Add MxErrorListener to lexer and parser.
    • Almost pass all the semantic test cases(90.56%). See Pitfalls for detail.
  • 2020.2.6 Learn LLVM.
  • 2020.2.7-2020.2.11 Write package IR.
  • 2020.2.12 Finish IRBuilder.
    • StringLiteral to be fixed.
    • To be debugged.
  • 2020.2.13 Add interface IRVisitor and method accept(IRVisitor visitor).
  • 2020.2.14 Implement IRPrinter. Add some assert statement to ensure correctness.
    • IRBuilder is still to be debugged.
    • Happy Valentine's Day!
  • 2020.2.15 Debug. Pass all the semantic test cases. Fix Pitfalls in semantic stage.
  • 2020.2.16 Debug. Generate correct LLVM IR to pass all codegen test cases.
  • 2020.2.17 Add class IRObject for use. Add def-use chains and use-def chain.
  • 2020.2.18 Add DominatorTreeConstructor and SSAConstructor(to be debugged).
  • 2020.2.19 Add CFGSimplifier(to be debugged).
    • I need to spend more time on TA's task of CS158...See you later.
  • 2020.2.22 Debug. Fix bugs in CFGSimplifier.
  • 2020.2.23 Debug.
    • Fix bugs in DominatorTreeConstructor and add a CFG/Dominator Tree/Dominance Frontier printer.
    • Fix bugs in SSAConstructor and CFGSimplifier. Fix bugs when adding instructions and replacing uses. Add default value for return value in a function.
    • It can pass all codegen test with LLVM IR again by far.
  • 2020.2.24 Debug.
    • Store default value to new allocated register so that no exception will be throwed when the use is before the def.
    • Fix a bug when removing a block from a function.
    • Fix a bug in CFGSimplifier so it can remove unreachable blocks correctly.
    • Fix a bug in SSAConstructor to collect all allocate instructions.
    • Fix bugs in NewArrayMalloc and IRBuilder to generate allocate and store instructions with correct BasicBlock.
    • It can generate LLVM IR for all semantic-pass test cases.
  • 2020.2.25 Debug. Add DeadCodeEliminator.
    • Replace Set<IRInstruction> use with Map<IRInstruction, Integer> use.
    • Fix a bug when adding a new branch to PhiInst(add use to operand and block).
  • 2020.2.26 Add SCCP. Remove some redundant visits from IRVisitor.
  • 2020.2.27 Add something and debug.
    • Remove phi functions with single incoming value in CFGSimplifier.
    • Fix two bugs when merging blocks(removing single incoming value phi functions, remove uses of the merged block).
  • 2020.2.28 Add CSE(without Alias Analysis).
  • 2020.2.29 Overload public Object clone() for BasicBlock, IRInstruction and Register.
  • 2020.3.1 Add InlineExpander(to be debugged).
  • 2020.3.2 Add something and debug.
    • Add FunctionRemover to remove functions which are never called.
    • Debug. Fix bugs in InlineExpander and not it can pass codegen test cases.
  • 2020.3.4 Revert two boolean methods...
  • 2020.3.5 Add Andersen's Point To Analysis(to be debugged).
  • 2020.3.8 Debug for Andersen. Add SideEffectChecker.
  • 2020.3.9 Debug for Andersen. Use Andersen to improve CSE.
    • Improve Function.isNotFunctional().
  • 2020.3.10 Fix bugs in SideEffectChecker and CFGSimplifier.
  • 2020.3.11 Use SideEffectChecker to improve DCE.
  • 2020.3.17 Add LoopAnalysis.
    • Fix a bug when detecting side effect.
    • Fix bugs when replacing use.
    • Improve SideEffectChecker to support "ignoreLoad".
  • 2020.3.18 Improve LoopAnalysis. Add LICM.
  • 2020.3.24 Add post-dominator analysis.
  • 2020.3.25 Improve DCE to real ADCE. Update LoopAnalysis.
  • 2020.3.26 Try InstructionCombiner.
  • 2020.3.27 Improve getNameWithoutDot() for Register and BasicBlock.
  • 2020.3.28 Give a lecture to beginner.
  • 2020.3.29 Add InstructionCombiner.
  • 2020.4.2 Pass semantic tests on OnlineJudge.
  • 2020.4.11 Modify IRPrinter. Add SSADestructor.
  • 2020.4.12 Add some basic classes of RISC-V ASM.
  • 2020.4.14
    • Add basic classes(cont.).
    • Fix a critical bug in IRBuilder(about visit binary expression AND or OR).
    • Start writing InstructionSelector(far from finishing it).
  • 2020.4.15 Add a check for InstructionCombiner.
  • 2020.4.16 Finish InstructionSelector(to be debugged).
  • 2020.4.17 SSADestructor/InstSelector debug.
  • 2020.4.18 SSADestructor/InstSelector debug. Add one more CFGSimplification after DCE.
  • 2020.4.27 Add LivenessAnalysis. Add use-def chain.
  • 2020.4.28
    • Add use-def info of asm instructions.
    • Modify InstructionSelector to adapt calling convention.
  • 2020.4.29
    • Add "getBlockDepth()" to LoopAnalysis for computing spill costs.
    • Almost finish RegisterAllocator(to be debugged).
    • Replace the type of defs&uses of ASM instructions(Register) with VirtualRegister.
    • Debug part of RegisterAllocator. Finish "replaceDef", "replaceUse" of each kind of instruction.
  • 2020.5.1 Finish CodeEmitter. Backend is to be debugged.
  • 2020.5.2
    • Fix some bugs... Confusing errors occur when running local judge.
    • Pass codegen tests.
  • 2020.5.3
    • Add peephole optimization: rearrange blocks.
    • Add peephole optimization: remove loads following a same-address store.
    • Fix two bugs in SCCP and InstructionSelector.


Using ANTLR4.

Mx.g4 ===>,,,


class ASTNode Structure

    • ASTNode (location, scope)
      • ProgramNode (programUnits)
      • TypeNode (identifier)
        • PrimitiveTypeNode (identifier = int / bool / string / void)
        • ClassTypeNode
        • ArrayTypeNode (baseType = primitive type / class type, dims)
      • ProgramUnitNode
        • VarNodeList (varNodes)
        • VarNode (type, identifier, initExpr)
        • FunctionNode (type, identifier, parameters, statement)
        • ClassNode (identifier, varList, constructor, funcList)
      • StmtNode
        • BlockNode (statements)
        • VarDeclStmtNode (varList)
        • IfStmtNode (cond, thenBody, elseBody)
        • WhileStmt (cond, body)
        • ForStmtNode (init, cond, step, body)
        • ReturnStmtNode (returnValue)
        • BreakStmtNode
        • ContinueStmtNode
        • ExprStmtNode (expr)
      • ExprNode (text, entity, lvalue, type)
        • PostfixExprNode (op, expr)
        • PrefixExprNode (op, expr)
        • BinaryExprNode (op, lhs, rhs)
        • NewExprNode (typeName, exprForDim, dim)
        • MemberExprNode (expr, identifier)
        • FuncCallExprNode (funcName, parameters)
        • SubscriptExprNode (name, index, dim)
        • ThisExprNode
        • ConstExprNode
          • BoolLiteralNode (value)
          • IntLiteralNode (Long value)
          • StringLiteralNode (value)
          • NullLiteralNode
        • IdExprNode (identifier)

Build AST in

public class ASTBuilder extends MxBaseVisitor<ASTNode> {
    public ASTNode visitProgram(MxParser.ProgramContext ctx) {
        // return ProgramNode
        ArrayList<ProgramUnitNode> programUnits = new ArrayList<>();
        for (var programUnit : ctx.programUnit()) {
            ASTNode unit = visit(programUnit);
            if (unit instanceof VarNodeList)
                programUnits.addAll(((VarNodeList) unit).getVarNodes());
            else if (unit != null)
                programUnits.add((ProgramUnitNode) unit);
            // else do nothing
        return new ProgramNode(new Location(ctx.getStart()), programUnits);
    // Override other methods...

Semantic Analysis

Scope and Entity

class Entity Structure

    • Entity (name, referred)
      • FunctionEntity (returnType, parameters, bodyStmt, entityType)
      • VariableEntity (type, initExpr, entityType)


public class Scope {
    public enum ScopeType {
        programScope, classScope, functionScope, blockScope, loopScope

    private Scope parentScope;
    private ArrayList<Scope> childrenScope;

    private Map<String, Entity> entities;
    private ScopeType scopeType;
    private TypeNode functionReturnType;
    private Type classType;
    // methods such as "declareEntity()"...

Rules of Naming

Name of global/local variables, parameters, members and methods can't be the same with name of functions and classes.

Type and TypeTable

class Type Structure

    • Type (name, size) Member "size" is to be set later.
      • IntType
      • BoolType
      • StringType (methods)
      • VoidType
      • NullType
      • ClassType (members, constructor, methods)
      • ArrayType (baseType, dims, methods)
      • MethodType (Type)
      • Used for method call such as obj.method(a, b, c), str.substring(l, r), arr.size().


public class TypeTable {
    private Map<TypeNode, Type> typeTable;

    public void put(TypeNode typeNode, Type type) {
        // put baseType in typeTable
        // check duplicate type
    public Type get(TypeNode typeNode) {
        // if typeNode instance of ArrayTypeNode...
        // else...


// Semantic checker

public class Checker implements ASTVisitor {
    private Scope globalScope;
    private Stack<Scope> scopeStack;
    private TypeTable typeTable;
    private ErrorHandler errorHandler;
    public void visit(ProgramNode node) throws CompilationError {
        globalScope = new Scope(null, Scope.ScopeType.programScope,
                null, null);


        boolean error = false; // error may be set to "true" in the following steps

        // Step 1: define classes
        // Step 2: define functions
        // Step 3: resolve in order
        // Step 4: check "int main()"


        if (error)
            throw new CompilationError();
    // Override other methods...


Cannot check whether there is a return statement in semantic stage.

For example, in semantic test case

int foo(int a) {
    if (a == 1) return 0;
    else if (a > 5) {
        if (a < 10) {
            if (a > 8) {
                if (a <= 9) {
                    return "hello";
    }else {
        return 1;

Maybe I can check return statement in IR stage.


See for details.

public class ErrorHandler {
    private PrintStream printStream;
    private int errorCnt;
    private int warningCnt;
    public ErrorHandler() {
        printStream = System.err;
        errorCnt = 0;
        warningCnt = 0;
    // ...

What is the advantage of ErrorHandler?

Collect as much errors as possible except errors occurred in an expression. Print the errors together.

It seems user-friendly.

Intermediate Representation


Top Abstract Class: IRObject

Basic Components

Module -- Function -- BasicBlock -- IRInstruction


    • IRInstruction (basicBlock, instPrev, instNext)
      • ReturnInst (type, returnValue)
      • BranchInst (cond, thenBlock, elseBlock)
      • BinaryOpInst (op, lhs, rhs, result)
      • AllocateInst (result, type)
      • LoadInst (type, pointer, result)
      • StoreInst (value, pointer)
      • GetElementPtrInst (pointer, index, result)
      • BitCastToInst (src, objectType, result)
      • IcmpInst (operator, irType, op1, op2, result)
      • PhiInst (branch, result)
      • CallInst (function, parameter, result)
      • MoveInst(source, result) Only used for SSA Destruction!
      • ParallelCopy(moves) Only used for SSA Destruction!

Type System

    • IRType
      • VoidType
      • FunctionType (returnType, parameterList)
      • IntegerType (bitWidth)
      • PointerType (baseType)
      • ArrayType (size, type)
      • StructureType (name, memberList)


Map "MxCompiler.Type" to "MxCompiler.IR.TypeSystem.IRType".


    • Operand (type)
      • GlobalVariable (name, init)
      • Register (name)
      • Parameter (name)
      • Constant
        • ConstInt (value)
        • ConstBool (value)
        • ConstString (value)
        • ConstNull


CFG Simplification

By far, CFG simplification consists of 2 steps.

  1. Simplify branches.
  2. Merge blocks which are linked with redundant unconditional branch.

SSA Construction(Mem2Reg in LLVM IR)

Note that LLVM IR is in SSA form for registers, but not for memory. So there are lots memory access in original LLVM IR. Hence we need to perform a SSA Construction for memory so that for all alloca instructions, their corresponding load/store instructions can be removed.


See Chapter 3 of SSA Book for details.

Step 1: Construct Dominator Tree and compute the Dominance Frontier for each node in CFG.

Step 2: Regard alloca instructions as variables, its load instructions as uses, its store instructions as definitions.

Step 3: Insert Phi-function for each variable to its Iterated Dominance Frontier(DF+).

Step 4: "Rename". Replace uses of load instruction. Remove alloca, load and store instructions.

Side-Effect Checker

Support ignoreIO and ignoreLoad.

  1. I/O.
  2. Storing into outer scopre variables.
  3. Calling functions with side-effect.

Aggressive Dead Code Elimination

Assume a statement is dead until proven otherwise.

Post-dominance analysis is needed for ADCE.

public class DeadCodeEliminator extends Pass {
    private boolean deadCodeElimination(Function function) {
        Set<IRInstruction> live = new HashSet<>();
        Queue<IRInstruction> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        for (BasicBlock block : function.getBlocks())
            addLiveInstructions(block, live, queue);

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            IRInstruction instruction = queue.poll();
            instruction.markUseAsLive(live, queue);
            for (BasicBlock block : instruction.getBasicBlock().getPostDF()) {
                // postDF represents post dominance frontier
                assert block.getInstTail() instanceof BranchInst;
                if (!live.contains(block.getInstTail())) {

        boolean changed = false;
        for (BasicBlock block : function.getBlocks())
            changed |= removeDeadInstructions(block, live);
        return changed;

Condition for "Live" instruction

  1. I/O
  2. Store instructions
  3. Return instructions.
  4. Instructions which call a function with potential side effect.

Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation

For SCCP algorithm, see Tiger Book section 19.3: conditional constant propagation.

  1. Assume blocks are unexecutable until proven otherwise. When visiting a branch instruction, mark its successor(s) executable according to the condition of the branch.
  2. Assume registers are undefined. There are 3 statuses for registers: undefined, constant, and multiDefined. Undefined is the lowest status and multiDefined is the highest status. When visiting instructions, each time one can promote the status of a register to a higher status.
  3. Use two work lists (= queue) to store registers and blocks respectively. Entrance block is added to the queue of blocks at first.
  4. When popping a block out of the queue, visit all its instructions.
  5. When visiting an instruction, try to promote the status of the result according to the rules.
  6. Once the status of a register is promoted, push the register into the queue of registers.
  7. When popping a register out of the queue, visit all its use.

Common Subexpression Elimination

Need Dominance Analysis.

Use a map to collect all different expressions appeared.

If instruction k dominates instruction l, and k and l share the same expression, then there is no need to recalculate the expression for k. It is enough to replace the use of the result of instruction l with the result of instruction k.

Since I don't implement Alias Analysis, load instructions cannot be optimized by CSE.

Now I have implement Andersen's Points-To Analysis. So CSE can be further performed.

Function Inline

Maybe it is a very effective optimization.

  1. Count number of instructions in each function.
  2. Find direct callees for each caller function. And then find recursive callees for each caller function.
  3. Perform non-recursive inlining first. Conditions for non-recursive inlining:
    • number of instructions of callee < instructionLimit
    • callee != caller
    • Callee won't be recursive called by caller.
  4. Perform recursive inlining. Conditions for recursive inlining:
    • number of instructions of callee < instructionLimit
    • callee == calller
  5. When performing inlining, clone a copy of callee is quite troublesome. I override method "clone()" for BasicBlock and every IRInstruction. Be careful when overriding "clone()".

Anderson's Points-To Analysis

Let p be a pointer, and pts(p) be the addresses that p may point to.

There are four constraints among pointers, according to IR instructions. Each type of constraints is represented as one type of edges.

These four constrains and corresponding edges are:

  1. If &b is in pts(a), then there is a points-to edge from a to b.
  2. If there is an assignment from a to b(e.g., b <- a), which means that pts(a) is a subset of pts(b), so there is an inclusive edge from a to b.
  3. If there is an assignment from *a to b(e.g., b <- *a such as load instructions), which means that pts(*a) is a subset of pts(b), so there is a dereferenceLhs edge from a to b.
  4. if there is an assignment from b to *a(e.g., *a <- b such as store instructions), which means that pts(b) is a subset of pts(*a), so there is a dereferenceRhs edge from a to b.

Every pointer can be regarded as a node, and edges are from a node to another. All edges are directed.

Run the work list algorithm below:

queue := nodes whose points-to edge set is not empty
while (queue is not empty):
    node := pop queue
    for pointTo in node's points-to set:
        for lhs in node's dereferenceLhs set:
            if (lhs is not in pointTo's inclusiveEdge set):
                add lhs to pointTo's inclusiveEdge set
                push pointTo into queue
        for rhs in node's dereferenctRhs set:
            if (pointTo is not in rhs's inclusiveEdge set):
                add pointTo to rhs's inclusiveEdge set
                push rhs into queue
    for inclusive in node's inclusiveEdge set:
        add all node's points-to set to inclusive's points-to set
        if (inclusive's points-to set changed)
            push inclusive into queue

To check whether two pointers are may-alias, just check whether the points-to sets of the two pointers have non-empty intersection.

Loop Analysis

LoopNode class consists of:

  • header: header of a natural loop
  • preHeader(already exists, or need to be added manually): a block who is just above the header and is used is LICM
  • loopBlocks: all the blocks that are in this natural loop
  • uniqueLoopBlocks: blocks that are in this loop but not in sub-natural-loop
  • father loop & children loops
  • depth: used for computing spill costs in graph coloring register allocator

How to detect natural loops: If a successor block successor dominates block b, then there is a natural loop whose header is successor. Any block which is dominated by header and can reach b without passing by header is in this loop. So we can start from b, using bfs, and each time walk an edge from a block to its predecessor if the predecessor is not header and has not been visited. All the blocks we visited are in the natural loop.

Next, we should construct the loop tree and then add preHeader to each loop.

Loop Invariant Code Motion

A variable a is loop invariant if:

  • a is constant.
  • a is defined outside the loop.
  • a = b op c and b, c are loop-invariant.

Perform LICM in loop tree from leaves to root.


  • Binary operations. E.g., y = x + x will be modified as y = x << 1.

  • BitCastTo. If source type equals object type, then this instruction can be removed.

  • Branch. If cond is defined by a "not" instruction, then "not" can be inverted.

  • GetElementPtr. Instruction can be simplified if index equals 0.

  • IcmpInst. The condition for combination is too rigorous...

Is it effective? I don't know.

Other Optimizations

FunctionRemover: remove functions which is never called.



    • ASMInstruction
      • BinaryInst
        • ITypeBinary(addi, slli, srai, andi, ori, xori, slti)
        • RTypeBinary(add, sub, mul, div, rem, sll, sra, and, or, xor, slt)
      • UnaryInst(seqz, snez, sltz, sgtz)
      • MoveInst
      • LoadAddrInst
      • LoadImmediate
      • LoadUpperImmediate
      • LoadInst(lb, lw)
      • StoreInst(sb, sw)
      • Branch
        • BinaryBranch(beq, bne, bgt, bge, blt, ble)
        • UnaryBranch(beqz, bnez, blez, bgez, bltz, bgtz)
      • JumpInst
      • CallInst
      • ReturnInst


    • ASMOperand
      • Register
        • PhysicalRegister
        • VirtualRegister
      • GlobalVariable
      • Immediate
      • Address
      • RelocationExpansion


🔪Mx-Star Compiler Project






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