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Design specs for the Indexing component for CSCI-4963 Large-Scale Programming and Testing

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Creating a search index for a large number of documents is not an easy task. It requires the acquisition, processing, storage, and retrieval of large amounts of data. One of the main use cases for such an index is a web search engine. A search engine capable of indexing the web can be divided into several large architectural components that each perform one of the aforementioned subtasks.

Component Sub-task Responsibilities
Crawling acquisition Crawl the web & accumulate data
Link Analysis processing Apply Page Rank to documents in the web graph
Text Transformation processing Parse tokens and metadata from documents
Indexing storage, retrieval Store & retrieve data from reverse index
Ranking processing Sort documents retrieved from index
Querying retrieval Deconstruct queries & display results

This documentation is focused on the Indexing component, but it is important to understand the system as a whole in order to understand the behavior the Index must provide. The diagram below should help provide some clarity on how Indexing interacts with the other components.

Indexing Overview
Indexing Overview


When designing any large scale data storage service there are certain trade-offs that must be made. The CAP theorem states that it's impossible for a distributed data store to provide more than two of the following qualities: Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. An indexing solution needs to provide all of these qualities to some extent, but since it is impossible to fully provide all qualities, some sacrifices need to be made. In order to search large amounts of data, an index must be large. This requires that the index be split across multiple partitions which makes Partition Tolerance a required quality for the system to function properly. Since the system is distributed it means that writes take a much longer time, and in order to provide a completely consistent state reads and writes would need to be blocked until a write completed. If many writes happen, this completely kills availability. As such, availability is a higher priority than consistency. In order to be useful, the index must still provide some consistency, but it doesn't need to always have a consistent internal state. The system must instead guarantee eventual consistency. This means that after the completion of writes, all reads will return the same data. Essentially changes will not be visible until the write finishes.

The constraints inherent to distributed data stores are not the only constraints present for this project. The other main constraint we must work around is the inability to retain our indices within RAM. This will drastically reduce the performance of our index as the index must be partitioned and persisted and loaded into memory partition by partition. This incurs the overhead of loading a serialized object into memory as well as the network overhead associated with retrieving the partitions. While these constraints reduce our performance, they do make the design easier in that data persistence and distribution can be easily managed. Since the index partitions must be persisted elsewhere, there is no concern of losing data and as such no steps must be taken to provide features such as data replication. The other benefit this provides is that the distribution of indices across nodes can be dynamically changed at runtime. Since the partitions are retrieved from persistent storage on each request, we can efficiently distribute partitions across nodes without needing to coordinate transfer of partitions between nodes.

Index Representation

This section will focus primarily on the structure of the index itself. This is the place to look if you want to know what information the index stores. This section also describes how the index is partitioned and persisted. The index is broken up into two major parts, the reverse index partitions containing the tokens, and a database store containing document and index metadata.

Index Structure
Index Structure

Index Representation

This is the part of the index that actually stores the tokens. Aside from storing tokens, this structure also needs to store metadata that can only be determined by the functional dependency of token + docID -> metadata. Metadata that fits in this category includes location of a token in a document, the number of times a word occurs in a document, and a version number so we know which version of data is present.

The actual data structure that is used to store this information is a HashMap. This gives us constant access time for any given token, so searches are extremely quick once the structure is loaded into memory.

Each index partition will be a HashMap mapping a token to a data object

import java.util.HashMap;
HashMap<String, Object> index_partition = new HashMap();

This is the proposed schema of the data object stored for each token:

  ngramSize: int,
  documentOccurences: [
      documentID: string,
      versions: [
          lockNo: int,
          locations: [int]

This saved data object enables us to save not just the locations of a token in multiple documents, but it also enables us to save multiple versions of the locations within a given document. The necessity of this addition is explained in the consistency section. It is important to note that there will never be more than two versions of data saved for each token + document combo.

Index Partitioning & Persistence

Since it is not possible to keep a large index in memory, the index must be partitioned, persisted, and distributed in some manner. Since one of our constraints is the lack of hosts, we will need to use a centralized data store rather than keeping the partitions distributed across hosts in RAM.

One of the easiest, cheapest, and most scalable ways to accomplish this is to serialize the partitions and to store them in S3. New index partitions can easily be added, and partitions can be stored and retrieved in batches. This also enables a node to iterate over the objects in a given S3 bucket, so a node could be instructed to process a particular range of index partitions by being provided with a starting and ending partition key.

The size of each index is also important. Partitions need to be large enough that the overhead of de-serializing each partition into memory doesn't take too much time, but they also must remain small enough that they can be easily transferred across a network. They must also remain small enough that a host is able to load multiple indices into memory. This allows the host to process multiple partitions sequentially by loading the next partition into memory as it's searching the current partition. Indices will also need to be merged as tokens are added/removed from the index. This will be performed by a background process. More information on how this will work can be found below.

The final important aspect to consider when partitioning an index is how tokens are distributed across index partitions. Given a write heavy load, it would make sense to distribute tokens randomly across all partitions as this would prevent hot spots and would enable performant writes. The downside to this arrangement is twofold: First, duplicate tokens might be stored since a token may already be present in a different partition. Second, this makes read inefficient as every index partition must be searched to guarantee that all data was retrieved. A different solution that would be more optimal for a read heavy load is to partition the index based upon the ranges of tokens in each segment. Each partition will contain tokens beginning with the same character, and each partition will know which alphabetical range of tokens it contains. This enables us to easily narrow down which index partitions might contain a particular token thus providing much more performant reads.

Index Metadata Table

Given that the index is partitioned and persisted externally, we need some way to determine which tokens are in which partitions as well as where each partition is stored. This needs to be done without having to load partitions into memory, thus this metadata must be stored externally. As mentioned in the previous section, the index is partitioned based on the starting character of tokens, and each partition stores tokens within a certain range. The starting character for each partition will not change after creation of the partition, but the range of tokens stored in each index can change with updates. This necessitates that the database documents containing indices ranges must be stratified by partition in order to avoid a database partition hotspot. We don't want to update the same document every time we write to a partition.

  pKey: string,
  sortKey: string,
  uri: string,
  size: int,
  versionNo: int

The sortKey will have the format "startingToken|endingToken" The format of the sort key makes it possible to perform range queries that retrieve all documents for partitions relevant to a given token. Concatenating the tokens in this format essentially provides sorting first based on first by the token at the start of the range stored in that partition, and secondarily based on the token at the end of the alphabetical range stored in the partition.

Document Table

In addition to storing information about which tokens are found in which documents, the search index must also store and retrieve metadata regarding each document. Document metadata will be persisted in the DOCUMENTS table in DynamoDB. The types of metadata stored can be broken up into two categories: internal and external.

Internal metadata is metadata saved for each document that is needed to provide synchronization and consistency across nodes.

External metadata is metadata that is stored for each document that is not used by the index itself, but is instead needed for Ranking to use in their algorithm.

The proposed document metadata schema is this:

  pKey: string,
  internal: {
    lockNo: int,
    updating: bool,
    markedForDeletion: bool,
    lastUpdate: datetime,
    tokenCount: int
  external: {
    wordCount: int,
    pageLastIndexed: datetime,
    importantTokenRanges: [
        fieldName: string,
        rangeStart: int,
        rangeEnd: int

Index Behavior

This section will focus on index behavior. This section describes how various operations can be performed on the index as well as the consistency behavior it will exhibit due to these operations. The three main operations that will be performed on the index will be reads, writes, and deletes. Background processes will also need to be run on the index to perform operations that would otherwise block availability.


Read is the core function of the index, and as such this needs to be a quick operation. Fortunately, partitioning our index enables asynchronous parallel searches to be run for sets of tokens. In order to launch async searches of different partitions we will make use of AWS Lambda. Searches will begin with a REST call to an API Gateway that trigger a Lambda. This first lambda is responsible for deconstructing the invocation and determining which index partitions should be searched. The input for this call should simply be JSON containing the tokens to be queried.

  tokens: [string]

Once this has been determined, the Lambda posts records to a kinesis stream which will trigger asynchronous Lambdas to process their given partitions. The documents posted to kinesis, and thus the inputs for the second Lambdas will be of this format:

  partitionURIs: [string],
  searchTokens: [string],
  queryID: string

These intermediary Lambdas will retrieve the partitions they need to search from S3, search for their specified tokens, and relay the results to an aggregator via SQS. The message sent to the aggregator will be of this format:

  tokens: [
      token: string,
      ngramSize: int,
      documentOccurences: [
          documentID: string,
          lockNo: int,
          locations: [int]
  queryID: string

Note that the queryID is the SQS messageGroupID.

The aggregator is responsible for combining the results of the parallel searches and resolving any consistency issues. This is done by ensuring that if multiple tokens match to the same document, the returned values must be for the correct lockNo. If the lockNo differs then the search is repeated for those specific tokens. Once the results have been combined, the aggregator retrieves document metadata for the resulting documents. Once again, the aggregator will compare the lockNo of the document and re-launch queries for tokens that appeared in a given document if there is a mismatch. If a document has been deleted while a read was in progress, tokens for the deleted document will be discarded from the results sent to the aggregator. Once all documents have been successfully retrieved, the aggregator sends a response of the following format to the initial requestor.

  returnCode: int,
  error: string,
  documents: [
      documentID: string,
      wordCount: int,
      pageLastIndexed: datetime,
      importantTokenRanges: [
          fieldName: string,
          rangeStart: int,
          rangeEnd: int
  tokens: [
    token: string,
    ngramSize: int,
    documentOccurences: [
        documentID: string,
        locations: [int]

Valid return codes are:

return code error description
0 success Read completed without error.
1 throttling failure Read failed due to throttling.
2 internal failure Read failed due to internal error.
3 timeout failure Read failed due to timeout.

It is important to note that the role of the aggregator is performed by the initial node that dispatched the search query.

Read Operation
Read Operation

  1. Incoming request is sent to API gateway.
  2. API gateway triggers first lambda.
  3. First lambda retrieves partition URIs for given tokens from the INDEX_PARTITION_METADATA table.
  4. First lambda posts a record with to kinesis stream for each partition.
  5. Kinesis stream triggers second lambda for each partition.
  6. Second lambda retrieves partition from S3 bucket.
  7. Second lambda posts result to SQS.
  8. First lambda retrieves messages by group ID from SQS and combines results.
  9. API gateway captures lambda return and sends response.


Like read, writes can also be performed concurrently. Writing to the index is more involved than reads. Writes begin with a call to index a document. This call will pass an object such as the one detailed below to pass all information needed to perform the write.

  documentMetadata: {
    documentID: string,
    wordCount: int,
    importantTokenRanges: [
        fieldName: string,
        rangeStart: int,
        rangeEnd: int
  tokens: [
    token: string,
    ngramSize: int,
    locations: [int]

The first step for a write to proceed is for it to acquire a lock on a the document. To do this it retrieves the current lockNo of the document from the database and sets the updating field to true. If the updating field was already true the write is abandoned and the appropriate returnCode is set in the response. If the document does not exist already, then the write continues. If the write proceeds, then the lambda will check the INDEX_PARTITION_METADATA table to find the partitions to which the provided tokens will be written. The next step in the write is to dispatch records of the following format to a kinesis stream which will trigger a Lambda to write the given tokens.

  tokenOperations: [
      token: string,
      locations: [int],
      partitionURIs: [string]
  lockNoNext: int,
  documentID: string,
  writeID: string

Each triggered Lambda will then determine which index partition it needs to write each token to. If more than one potential partition exists for the given token, it will prioritize writing to the smaller partition. If only one partition exists, but it is at maximum size, then a new partition will be created. Writes will use optimistic locking at the index level. The lambda will write to the index, add the index to s3 with a new s3 identifier, and then conditionally update the corresponding index metadata document. If the update is successful, the metadata table will now point to the updated partition, if the update fails, the lambda exits which will initiate a retry for the kinesis record. After writing to the partition, the Lambda sends a record in the format below to the aggregator via SQS.

  returnCode: int,
  failedTokens: [string],
  writeID: string

Note that the writeID is the SQS messageGroupID.

The aggregator sends a response back to the requestor in the following format:

  returnCode: int,
  failedTokens: [string],
  documentID: string

Valid return codes are:

return code error description
0 success Write completed without error.
1 throttling failure Write failed due to throttling.
2 internal failure Write failed due to internal error.
3 timeout failure Write failed due to timeout.
4 lock failure Write failed to acquire document level lock.

Write Operation
Write Operation

  1. Incoming request is sent to API gateway.
  2. API gateway triggers first lambda.
  3. First lambda acquires lock on document via DOCUMENTS table.
  4. First lambda retrieves partition URIs for given tokens from the INDEX_PARTITION_METADATA table.
  5. First lambda posts a record with to kinesis stream with write operations.
  6. Kinesis stream triggers second lambda, one for each record posted.
  7. Second lambda reads version number of index partition from the INDEX_PARTITION_METADATA table.
  8. Second lambda retrieves partition from S3 bucket, writes, and pushes back to s3 with new s3 id.
  9. Second lambda conditionally updates index metadata doc if version hasn't changed.
  10. Second lambda posts result to SQS.
  11. First lambda retrieves messages by group ID from SQS and combines results.
  12. API gateway captures lambda return and sends response.


The delete operation has differing behavior depending on the input. The input comes in the following format:

  documentID: string,
  tokens: [string]

If the documentID is provided without any tokens the delete operation will delete the document and all associated tokens. If both the documentID and tokens are provided, then the provided tokens will be deleted for the given document.

Deleting a document
Deleting a document is a simple operation. The document is simply marked for removal and the document and its associated tokens will be cleaned up by a background scan.

Deleting specific tokens for a given document
This operation is performed in a similar manner to read and write. The initial Lambda processes the delete command and posts records triggering delete operation lambdas. The posted records are of the following format:

  documentID: string,
  tokens: [string],
  deleteID: string

The delete operation lambda acquires a lock on the given document and determines which partitions the given tokens are present in and removes the tokens from the partition. For each deleted token, the tokenCount for the document is decremented. When the tokenCount reaches 0, the document is also deleted.

After completing a delete operation, the lambdas will post a record of the following format to an aggregator:

  returnCode: int,
  deleteID: string

The Aggregator will merge results and return a response of the following format to the requestor:

  returnCode: int,
  errorMessage: string

Valid return codes are:

return code error description
0 success Delete completed without error.
1 throttling failure Delete failed due to throttling.
2 internal failure Delete failed due to internal error.
3 timeout failure Delete failed due to timeout.
4 lock failure Delete failed to acquire document level lock.


Since the index is partitioned and distributed, maintaining consistency can be quite challenging. There are a couple of scenarios which can create an inconsistent state. This section will enumerate those scenarios and describe the ramifications this has on index usage.

Write finishes during read
If a version is updated while a read is executing, it is possible that results from differing versions of documents could be returned. The way this consistency issue is resolved is described in more detail in the read operation. Users can expect to see the results of a successful write in any read that completes after the write finishes. This is true no matter which operation was invoked first.

Delete occurs during read
If a document is deleted during a read, it is possible that a read will retrieve tokens for a document that has been marked for deletion. Upon aggregation of results the read operation will discard any results that point to a deleted document. Once again this behavior only occurs if a delete operation terminates prior to termination of the read operation. Again, the order of invocation has no bearing on this behavior.

Writing can cause consistency issues if multiple writes are started for the same document at the same time. This consistency concern is avoided in this implementation by providing a lock on the document. Pessimistic locking is used since it is easier to implement than optimistic locking, despite multiple updates for the same document occurring at once being an extremely unlikely scenario. Pessimistic locking is used simply due to the ease of implementing it. There is also no risk of deadlock since each Lambda will never need to acquire more than one lock at a time.

Background Scans

There are some operations that require a linear scan of the index. These operations will be run periodically and automatically in the background. These are largely maintenance operations.

N-Gram Operations

N-Grams require that determine a list of stop words to provide to Text Transformation. In order to keep our writes performant, we will determine stop words with a background scan rather than adding the logic to maintain the list at token insertion time. This simplifies the implementation of stop words, while keeping the option open to switch to the other method later. The largest drawback to collecting stop words this way is that it causes consistency issues. The stop words won't represent a consistent state of the index since changes to the tokens may happen during stop word collection.

Determining stop words
This operation requires a process to iterate over all partitions of the index and count the number of occurrences for all tokens within the index. Only tokens with ngramSize of 1 are checked. The top N most frequently occurring tokens are added to the stopwords table.

  pKey: string
  sortKey: int

The partition key is the token and the sort key is the number of occurences.

Index Partition Operations

Index partitions require linear scans in order to delete tokens and documents that have been invalidated. Indexes also need resizing and redistribution as the size of the overall index grows.

This operation will iterate over all tokens in the index and check if the token belongs to a document that was marked for deletion. If so, the token is removed from the index and the tokenCount for the given document is decremented. When the tokenCount for a document reaches 0, it is removed from the index.

Resizing and Redistribution
This will involve a linear scan of all partitions. If a partition is at the maximum size, the partition must be split into two partitions of half the size. This operation will also need to check the surrounding partitions so that it can redistribute token ranges to minimize overlap. This is to ensure that any given token is only found in one partition (at least until we have enough data for one token to fill a partition). This keeps reads and writes performant. Optimistic locking will be used at the partition level to ensure that changes do not affect other operations. This also ensures that consistency is maintained in case a partition is written to during resizing.


Testing will be performed in two stages. First unit testing, to verify that individual components and services behave as expected. This will help us to sift out simple bugs before they manifest into complex system-wide errors. Once we complete our services we will perform integration testing to ensure the operations work well with each other and that all sub-components behave as expected when operating in conjunction.

Unit Testing

Since we are using two different languages for our Lambdas, we will need to define unit testing standards for both of them.

Python has a built in testing library 'unittest'. This library allows us to easily create test classes as well as methods. It also provides an easy way to mock dependencies which is critically important when writing unit tests for a large scale system. Our python code should also be optimally testable, which means we should abstract away dependencies with some sort of wrapper, and inject the wrapper as a dependency to other components. This necessity for this will become obvious as the number of interactions with outside services grows for a component.

In order to run the unit tests we will use PyTest with These two libraries work very well together, and can provide us with automated testing that reports unit test coverage. PyTest can be easily integrated into testing scripts which could enable us to create interesting metrics such as unit testing velocity. (What % of unpushed code is covered by current unit tests)

The philosophy for testing Java is the same as with python, but the frameworks for doing so are different. We will use Junit to create our test classes and to run our tests. In order to mock dependencies, we'll use the Mockito library. The Mockito library is powerful enough to mock dependencies, but it doesn't enable you to mock private methods or members. This enforces good coding practices such as using the builder pattern for dependency injection. Again, this helps ensure our sub-components are decoupled which is important in the long run. We will use EclEmma to keep track of our unit testing coverage for Java.

Unit Testing Scenarios
As unit testing is specific to the code being tested, unit test cases will be documented in the accompanying documentation for each module/class. We will largely perform black-box testing to ensure that our tests do not break with changing implementations, however some white box testing will be required to mock external dependencies.

These are the scenarios that MUST succeed in order for correct Indexing behavior.

Scenario Expectation
Acquire lock on Document Lock field on Document is updated in database
Release lock on Document Lock field on Document is updated in database
Acquire partition version number Correct version number is returned for a given partition
Conditionally update partition Partition version number and URI are updated if the partition version number has not changed. If the version number has changed the partition write restarts.
Read restarts for document conflicts Read operations are re-run for tokens from the same document if the version numbers are conflicting

Integration Testing

Integration testing will be performed in order to ensure our Indexing operations exhibit consistent behavior when used together. They also help us to ensure that the behavior of each individual service is correct in terms of inputs and outputs. This is critical for integration with other components.

In order to perform our integration testing, we will need a separate environment not exposed to the outside world. We can accomplish this simply by duplicating our AWS Services and changing the URIs in our component configuration. In this DEVO environment we should be able to create an index state consistent with the index state in the middle of another operation. For example, we could create a "mid-write" state that has a non-expired pessimistic lock on a document, and partially updated tokens for that document. Then we can call our read service on the index to ensure that the consistency behavior we expect is exhibited. This provides an easy method for testing how operations behave while other operations are in progress since it would otherwise require perfect timing.

Integration Testing Scenarios

Scenario Expectation
Read while Write-in-progress Read returns state prior to write
Write finishes during Read Read returns the post write state.
Delete during Read Read returns the post delete state.
Write while delete in progress Write succeeds and the document is not deleted.
Resize during Read/Write/Del Read/Write/Del exhibit normal behavior. Resize operation restarts for the given partition if interrupted by a write or delete.
Read Read works with expected input/outputs
Write Write works with expected input/outputs
Delete Delete works with expected input/outputs

The expected inputs/outputs formats for testing can be found in the sections detailing each operation. In all of these scenarios the 'state' refers to the document version.

Quality Metrics

We will keep track of metrics both to ensure that our system is behaving as expected, but also to see how we can improve performance and behavior. Additionally, we will use metrics to keep track of the software development process and to track the quality of the code base. These metrics will help keep us honest and ensure that we are meeting our software development and coding standards.

Search Engine Quality Metrics

  • Number of Failed Operations: This number should increase linearly with the size of the index. If this increases faster than the size of the index, then we should investigate the distribution of failure causes to see what is inhibiting scalability.

  • Average Kinesis Iterator Age: The kinesis stream is one of the major Scalability bottlenecks present in our application. If the kinesis iterator age is increasing, it means requests are coming in faster than they can be processed by worker nodes. If we see an increase here we will either need to increase the number of shards in our stream, or increase the number of streams and use a consistent hash to decide which stream to post records to.


  • Average Read Time: This is the core functionality of our index, and reads should be very performant. It's also important that we don't see significant growth in this figure over time. If we do, that means partition redistribution is not happening frequently enough.

  • Average Write Time: This is another core operation for our index. This operation should remain consistent no matter what the size of the index, so any growth should correspond directly with the size of the input. If this isn't the case, investigation is required.


  • Precision: This metric keeps track of what ratio of documents retrieved are relevant. This metric will likely have to be generated using test fixtures in the DEVO environment.

  • Recall: This metric keeps track of the ratio of correct documents are retrieved out of all relevant documents in the index. This metric will also have to be generated using test fixtures in the DEVO environment to ensure we know the real state of the index.

Software Development Process Metrics

Code Base Metrics
Average Function Length: This metric is used to determine if functions are performing too much logic. This metric will be stratified for Python and Java. We will aim for python files shorter than 200 lines and java files shorter than 300 lines

Average File Length: This metric can help us determine which packages or modules are responsible for too much behavior. This will again by stratified by programming language.

Number of Clones (Java): This metric will utilize a tool named simian to help us determine where logic is duplicated in our code. This will help us keep our code loosely coupled so we can easily make changes. This ease of change helps make our codebase highly maintainable.

Coding Standards

The coding standards for Python, Java, and accompanying documentation are enumerated below. Coding standards will be enforced via code reviews which will be conducted with each pull request.

We will be following the PEP 8 style guide for Python. The Python version we will use is Python 2.7.

Naming Conventions:

Use Case Convention
variables snake case
methods snake case
classes upper camel case
modules snake case
constants constant case

Note: Methods intended to be private to a given module or class must be snake case prepended with an underscore.

In-line comments should be used to indicate the purpose of each block of code. All publically available methods should be commented with the types of inputs and outputs. All modules and classes should have a block comment explaining the purpose of the module/class as well as any global/member variables.

The full Python style guide can be found here.

We will be following the Google Java style guide. The Java version we will use is Java 9.

Naming Conventions:

Use Case Convention
package lower case
classes upper camel case
method names lower camel case
constants constant case
variables lower camel case

In-line comments should be used to indicate the purpose of each block of code. All publically available methods should be commented with the types of inputs and outputs. All classes should have a block comment explaining the purpose of the class as well as the purpose of all member variables.

The full Java style guide can be found here.

All documentation will be written in markdown. Documentation will exist for every class or module with an interface specified for all public methods. Each service will be documented with a diagram to show both the structure of the service as well as the flow of events during service execution. Documentation for each service will link to documentation for each constituent class/module. Additionally, documentation for each service must address all design considerations and consistency behaviors thoroughly enough to determine the precise modifications to the state of the index that each operation performs.

Division of Labor

Search Service - This service entails receiving a request over REST, executing a parallel search, aggregating results, and returning the results via REST.

Write Service - This service entails receiving a request over REST, executing a parallel write, aggregating results, and returning the results via REST.

Stop Word Service - This service entails receiving a request over REST, retrieving the stop words from the database, and returning the results via REST.

Stop Word Generation - This job entails a linear scan of all index partitions to determine the current set of stop words based on the index content.

Index Resizing and Redistribution - This job entails a linear scan of all index partitions to split index partitions that are too large as well as to minimize the overlap of token ranges stored in each index partition.

Task Assignee
Search Service Tyler
Write Service Matthew
Stop Word Service Chris
Stop Word Generation Sensen
Index Resizing & Redistribution Matthew


Design specs for the Indexing component for CSCI-4963 Large-Scale Programming and Testing






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